I learned a lot about Korean history. One aspect of Korean history I was extremely interested in was the history of Dokdo. I was also extremely interested in the history of the Korean Independence movement. Teacher Joora ordered easy-to-understand bo
We went on a field trip to Grand Mart and experienced how to order and communicate with each other and other Koreans. It was nice having fellow students as fellow Korean learning students. We taught each other phrases or uses of words we did not know
I watched a Korean movie called “I Can Speak”. It was describing the relationship of a young man and an old grandma. The old grandma was known to be a bit stubborn and hot tempered. Little did people know, she was a “comfort woman”. During the Korean
This semester I wanted to polish my overall Korean skills. I wanted to focus deeply on history and culture. I hope to explore these topics through books, articles, and cultural artifacts such as movies. I hope to learn more about Korean history and d
Reflect on your experiences of (trying to) read and write in your target language. Are you bilingual? If so, would you agree with the arguments made in the two readings on bilingualism
I am trying to learn how to write in Hindi using Roman/Latin cha
This week we discussed the role of the family in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh family is highly valued and the culture greatly revolves around family ties. Older individuals and those who are outside of one’s
How many new words have you learned in your target language?
I cannot begin to count the number of new words I have learned in Hindi! I am constantly learning new words through my discussions with my language partner and the majority of our session
This week Atul started speaking to me in Hindi full time and I actually think it is helping me learn more vocabulary and making me more comfortable speaking Hindi because it seems more like a conversation. We thought of a new list of topics we will c
Reflect on your learning experiences this semester. (a) What insights have you gained about yourself as a language learner and cultural explorer? What did you find difficult? What have you enjoyed? How will you continue your learning? (b) Which r
Summarize your work this semester, the progress you made and the difficulties you encountered.
I have greatly enjoyed my work this semester on Bengali. I have made great progress. At the beginning, I seemed defeated a lot of the times, especially bec
My cultural project focuses on the Bangladeshi Holidays. I believe that holidays of a country gives a glimpse into the history and the culture, which is something I really wanted to learn when learning Bengali. In this presentation I to
State your learning goals for this week and how you went about accomplishing these goals.
My last learning goal consisted of practicing my communication abilities with Bangladeshi people at the Pohela Boishak (Bengali New Year’s) party. I was able to
Reflect on your experiences of (trying to) read and write in your target language. Are you bilingual? If so, would you agree with the arguments made in the two readings on bilingualism?
None of my learning plan goals are centered on reading or writin
How do languages go extinct? Respond to the reading, reflecting on what happens when a language dies. How can linguists help preserve a language? Can a language ever be brought back to life?
Languages have the chance of going extinct if there are no
My name is Aheema and I am in my last year in college. I am majoring in biology and I hope to work with people in the future. My family is pretty small. My family consists of my mom, d