All Discussions (1352)
Due by 5pm on Sunday, September 15: Discussion Post #2 on the Ning
Due by 5pm on Sunday, September 15: Discussion Post #2 on the Ning
Summarize some of the main ideas behind Figuring Foreigners Out and the Hofstede Dimensions of Culture. Do you predominantly agree with these assessments? Are there any statements, ge
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Due by 5pm on Sunday, September 29: Discussion Post #4 on the Ning
Describe the phonetic inventory of your target language. Are there sounds in your language that don’t exist in American English? If so, provide several words and their phonetic transc
Read more…Due by 5pm on Sunday, October 20: Discussion Post #6 on the Ning
Due by 5pm on Sunday, October 20: Discussion Post #6 on the Ning
Reflect on the history of your target language. To what language family does it belong? What sounds, words, and structures exemplify periods of contact with other cultures? How do these
Read more…Due by 5pm on Sunday, October 27: Discussion Post #7 on the Ning
Due by 5pm on Sunday, October 27: Discussion Post #7 on the Ning
Go back and watch the recording of your presentation of your learning plan on the class PanOpto collection on Blackboard. Comment briefly on how things are going. What has changed? How
Read more…Due by 5pm on Sunday, November 3: Discussion Post #8 on the Ning
Due by 5pm on Sunday, November 3: Discussion Post #8 on the Ning
How do languages go extinct? Respond to the readings, and reflect on what happens when a language dies? How can linguists help preserve a language? Can a ‘dead’ language ever be brought
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Due by 5pm on Sunday, November 9: Discussion Post #9 on the Ning
How have you started writing in the target language? Do you prefer to type or write free hand? Have you started to see patterns emerge in the structures between words, clauses,
Read more…Due by 5pm on Sunday, November 17: Discussion Post #10 on the Ning
Due by 5pm on Sunday, November 17: Discussion Post 10 on the Ning
Imagine that you have received a research grant to conduct a linguistic study of your target language and culture. How would you get started, and what would you investigate? How
Read more…Learning Journal 10: Research grant
If I were to receive a grant to research Turkish language and culture I think I would focus on topics that interest me, because I’ve found that makes learning so much easier (which is why I chose Turkish!). I would probably look into Turkish history
Read more…Cultural Post #8
Korea has a different age system than America. When compared to the Western world, your Korean age will be one or two years different depending on what month you were born in. When you are born, babies start life at one years old, however, in Korea e
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Another booming industry, that is not as well known as Kpop or Kdrama, is the musical industry in Korea. Korea has seen an increase in ticket sales in the last 10 years. Korea is a power house when it comes to musicals. They seem to always have somet
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Korean drama and entertainment industry have become a booming industry and an integral part of Koreans culture. 10 years ago, when people mentioned Korea, many people would not have thought about Kpop or Kdrama. Nowadays, however, the first thing tha
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The drinking culture in Korea is also a big deal. If you go to Korea, you cannot escape drinking. Soju is the most popular drink in Korea. It is similar to vodka, but ranging from 12-20% alcohol percentage by volume. Another really popular drink is m
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Couple trend in Korea is a really big deal. When walking down the streets of Seoul, it seems as if everyone around you is in a relationship. This is because couples make an effort to stand out. Every couple around you will be in a matching outfit. Co
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South Korea is a very respectful and homogenous country. This is because Korean is heavily influenced by Confucianism. Confucianism supports harmony, respect for elders, importance of family and friends, and tradition. This influence can be seen thro
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Koreans are very concerned about skin care. There's always a new Korean skincare trend that is going around. The latest trend with skincare is the 7 toner layering. The 7 toner layering is when you would put on toner 7 times before you continue with
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Today, I would like to talk about koreans and 4 seasons. I learned that Korea puts special emphasis on the number 4. Even on the korean flag, there are symbols on each corner which are indicative of the four seasons. I thought this was interesting be
Read more…Bi-Weekly Learning Journal #7
This was our last lessons before the finals exams started. For the majority of the class, we reviewed cultural topics, grammar, diction, reading, and speech. We basically reviewed everything we learned this semester and Evelyn told me that ou
Read more…Bi-Weekly Learning Journal #6
Before the Thanksgiving break starts, Evelyn wanted to do some reading practice. Therefore, we looked up some Korean comic books and read them outloud to each other. The comic book was about a girl who has a family curse. Because of her fam
Read more…Bi-Weekly Learning Journal #5
For this week we decided to go to a Korean restaurant with other classmates and order Korean food. For the entire time we were eating, Evelyn wanted us to try and talk in Korean as much as we can. We also introduced authentic Korean food to t
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