Learning Journal One

Learning Turkish has been an exciting experience so far.  The Turkish language is so different from any other language I’ve studied in the past, so it’s been a good challenge.  I’ve enjoyed learning the different pronunciation of letters, as well as studying some of the new letters that don’t exist in the English alphabet.  I think I have a good head for mimicking the pronunciation of my tutor and I can have small conversations with the sentences and vocabulary we’ve learned.  I’ve also faced a few challenges already. Turkish is a language of suffixes that create sentences or change meanings, depending on what they are, which has been frustrating.  I want to be able to create sentences on my own, but since I don’t know how suffixes work, I’m stuck until I can learn that. I can repeat sentences and practice rhythm and intonation, but I can’t actually create sentences yet.  I’m excited to learn those endings and suffixes and move into some more grammatical content in the next few weeks. Until then, I’ll just keep practicing what I know.

This week we’re supposed to develop our language plan.  I don’t think I’m stuck, necessarily, but I don’t really have a sense for what that plan is supposed to look like.  Am I supposed to create a few goals for the semester, then list the steps I need to take to meet those goals? Should I be working towards one big goal?  What kind of week-to-week content should I be including? I’m working with a tutor who assigns homework and quizzes; do I need to be assigning myself even more work?  It’ll be helpful to get some peer feedback next week, but until then, I’ll work on setting some goals, at least.

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