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Artifact 1: Conversation because a Israeli woman/american man in a bar. The american is quickly finding out what kind of girl he is trying to get to know. He asks her about what he should order and sparks a conversation from there. 

Voices: Nora Mann

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Traditional Jewish food

My family is essentially made up of Ashkenazim Jews. For those of you who don't know what that means, we are German Jews. There are many typical foods that people like my family eat. For example, borscht (beet soup), brisket, challah, charoset, gefil

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This holiday occurred in late February this year (2010). Purim is a festival that celebrates the deliverance of Jews from potential annihilation by Persia's Haman; On this day, we rejoice in our victory over the enemy, Haman. There are many different

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Our Communicative Task

The communicative task that we started is below.  Things in bold are new.

Scene: 20-something male and female (hard to get Israeli) in a bar in Tel-Aviv.  Guy is attempting to flirt with girl.  Dialogue occurs in Hebrew.

Guy: Hey, how's it going?

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Fatal Embrace (by Mark Braverman)

This book addresses the issues between two conflicting people, the Israelis and Palestinians. The author touches on the struggle that the Palestinians live with everyday. While the Jewish people have been working to establish the "State of Israel" as

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