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Culture Blog # 3

Iran has a very similar culture with Afghanistan and I always was interested in learning about the government of Iran. Therefore I learned this from the articles I read about Iran's political life.

Iran has a been going trough many changes in its government. In last twenty years of the government it went from being a "nominal constitutional monarchy" to a democratic theocracy. There is a president who is elected for a four year term and majles (unicameral legislature) of 270 members elected directly by the people. Suffrage is universal, and the voting age is sixteen. It is the president who selects other positions, the Council of Ministers and Expediency Council, the president is the head of the Council of National Security.

There is a supreme jurisprudent selected by an independent Assembly of Experts—a council of religious judges. Alongside the chief jurisprudent is a twelve-member Council of Guardians, six selected by the chief jurisprudent, and six by the Supreme Judicial Council ratified by the majles. The Council of Guardians rules on the Islamic suitability of both elected officials and the laws they pass.

The judiciary consists of a Supreme Judge and a Supreme Judicial Council. I found very strange that at this modern time Iran still discriminates people by their religion, since there is a law that all members must be Shi'a Muslim jurisprudents. Islamic Shari'a law is used as the main law in the court's decisions. Freedom of the press and assembly are constitutionally guaranteed so long as such activities do not contradict Islamic law.

There are several governmental units: the ostan (province), sharestan (county) and dehestan (township) .

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Culture Blog # 2 Iranian Etiquette

Ta'arof , literally "meeting together", is a big part of Iranian culture and in this event you can see how they show great respect and honor toward their guests . When invited as a guest a small present is appreciated, but as many Iranians are they are often receive the gift with a show of embarrassment. When Iranians give a gift it will usually not be unwrapped in front of the giver. It is always expected that a person returning from a trip will bring presents for family and friends. Do not give overly lavish gift, mostly something from your home are generally appreciated.
Do know that most of the meals are served on the floor, do not sit until you were told where to and do not use you left hand. As drinks most common will be water and alcohol beverages are illegal under most circumstances.
In Iranian culture they value and respect their guests greatly, this shows that their culture is for friendliness and peacefulness among different people.
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Summary of my work for MLC 105

Elliott Hammer

MLC 105

When I started my autonomous/self-directed language learning journey I was unorganized and was set in my old habits of language learning. Although some of my habits were beneficial, I needed to, and did adapt to learning a foreign language autonomously and not in the country in which it is spoken. This adaptation consisted of more studying and organized activities.

Through the topics discussed in the classroom and through the articles that we, the students, read in MLC 105, I feel that we developed our skills as observers of other cultures. For example, the activity about Collectivism v Individualism helped me to broaden my understanding of Israel as well as of Iran and Turkey. Our cultural discussions in class helped to augment my skills as an observer of culture.

I found the language learning partner to be the most helpful resource. Haya was always approachable and helpful when I had questions. I tried out the Rosetta Stone once but I don't think I gave it enough of a chance. Next semester I'm going to try and use it more. I think it will be good for practicing. To learn new words and phrases I recited and wrote them down (in transliteration) many times. I also had to use them in sentences and conversation with Haya to put them in my long term memory. To learn grammatical structures I would take a sentence I knew how to say and practice changing it from masculine to feminine and vis versa, from singular to plural and vis versa, and from "you" to "me" to "we" etc.

I was very comfortable with the "self-directed" study. I enjoyed being given the freedom to choose how I organize my studying and to cater to my own learning styles. I sometimes wish that my other classes incorporated some more independent learning. I feel that being "self-directed" made me feel in charge of my goals and priorities which made me more motivated to learn because I had a goal that was pertinent to my personal goals. The fact that my studies had immediate practical uses for me was also a great motivator. My reason for learning Hebrew comes from my desire to communicate with my family members in Israel, which was a goal towards which I could immediately see progress.

I discovered several things about myself as a language learner. I discovered that I have a knack for pronunciation. I also discovered that I have a hard time memorizing individual words, but remember phrases quite well. There were also a few things that I already knew about myself as a language learner that were apparent to me in this experience. I am naturally unorganized so there is a need to organize myself and set goals.

I will definitely continue to use the strategies, activities, and approaches I have learned this semester. I will continue to use my vocabulary list as a motivational tool. I will, of course, use my language partner as a resource next semester. I will try and find more YouTube videos to use in order to practice my listening skills. I think that next semester I will try to incorporate the tools in the global studio more often. I will start using the Rosetta Stone regularly.

I think that the most crucial factor in becoming a truly "self-directed" language learner is organization and motivation. Setting specific goals is important. All activities and studying should be tailored to achieve those goals. Learning techniques should be flexible as goals change and become more realistic. There is usually a tendency to set lofty goals at the beginning. Another factor is to engage the language in some way, however small, every day. Even if this means, on an off day, counting to x number in your head and reciting the alphabet or some simple sentences, or watching a short 5 minute video. I think it is important, especially when you are not in the country in which the language is spoken, to artificially surround yourself with the language as much as is realistically possible. Tracking progress in some sort of tangible way is also important. That is the reason that I used a vocabulary list. Also, it is important to understand that when learning a language there are times when parts of the learning process will plateau for a while and not to become discouraged.

My cultural project helped me to understand collectivist attitudes and perspectives in Israel. I was able to relate to my research of Kibbutzim because I have direct experience in a Kibbutz and relatives from a Kibbutz. The cultural projects of other students also helped me to relate to the products and practices of other cultures. The presentation on traditional clothing in the Middle East helped me to understand how what you wear can be political, and is political in the Middle Eastern cultures. The presentation on soccer in Turkey helped me to understand the significance of the sport in Turkey, as well as in the rest of the world. The presentations on Jewish women helped me to better comprehend gender roles in Judaism and in Israel.

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Krav Maga (culture post)

I watched an episode of Human Weapon (great show) on the history channel about an Israeli martial art. Basically the show follows two martial artists who (one MMA and one Wrestler/ex Football player) as they go around the world and learn about different martial arts, training in them for a few weeks each and then facing off against the experts of that martial art. The martial art from this episode is the Israeli Krav Maga (literally meaning "close-combat"). This is a mixed martial art and uses elements of Karate, Jujitsu and several other techniques. The main difference between Krav Maga and most other martial arts is that it is adjusted for real life combat, meaning life or death situations. This means that the moves are meant to do the most damage possible in the smallest amount of time, and kill if possible. All citizens go through army training in Israel, which means they all learn Krav Maga. It is used in the streets by police and bodyguards, and an adapted version (one that includes using the M-16 assault rifle as a close combat weapon) is used in the armed forces. It was developed in part by an Uzbeki man who witnessed how the Jews got beaten up and abused in his country by Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. He realized that the wrestling and boxing fighting techniques of his country were not enough to fight off a mob or armed assaults. Krav Maga is meant to be useful against multiple attackers and armed attackers, especially when you don't have a weapon to start out with.
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Cultural Blog on Iranian immigration

Many Iranians migrated to the U.S. after the Islamic Revolution. The U.S. is the country with the highest population of Iranians outside of Iran itself. Many of the Iranians working in the U.S. specialize in medicine, engineering, and business. It is stated that over 5 million Iranians have chosen to migrate out of Iran because of its government. Many Iranian teenagers will come to the U.S. to go to school and then get a job. Also because of immigration to the U.S., their religion does not remain Muslim here in the country where some resort to Christianity, Buddhism, or other religions. It is said that many American-Iranians stay away from politics. I just thought this was interesting because we are a nation of immigrants and the most immigration news I hear of is about Mexican immigration which I already am familiar with.
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Cultural Blog on the term "Persian"

So I was curious what people actually meant when they referred to Farsi as a Persian language. What makes something Persian then? Well "Persian" refers to a part of the Iranian people. Back in the day, the Indo-Iranians arrived in parts of Greater Iran and then spread to surrounding areas in southern Iran and then the Fars province. This way the ancient Persians spread their language and culture everywhere while conquering everyone. This makes sense as there are different dialects just like any other language that sprout up throughout time. So Persian refers to the group overall yet sometimes the term can be mixed with "Iranian" which is controversal because the term "Persian" is really a varies of cultures.
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Summary of MLC 105

When I began MLC 105, I really had no idea what strategies of language learning would work for me. Now I do. The most significant evolution in me as a self-directed learner is that I know what strategies to use, and I have much more confidence in seeking out the resources I need. Because I know where to go for help and resources, I am that much more capable of doing so.
In observing cultures, I have more insight now into what to look at when viewing other cultures. My previous experience was in personally being immersed in another culture (when I moved to the States) and in classroom settings. Being immersed means I could directly interact with the culture, and use my own culture as a reference point to gain understanding of this new one. However, there is no such direct connection while I was learning Farsi. In a classroom, I had no control over what I was learning, or how I approached the culture. Textbooks often give a very simplified and/or biased impression of foreign cultures. In MLC 105, I got to choose what I researched. I could dig deeper into what interested me. I think that was really important in my learning process. I stayed interested and alert while learning because I was always investigating something of my choosing. Also, just the practice of making cultural connections and analyzing without direction developed my observation skills.
As for learning the language itself, certain activities and strategies emerged as the most useful while I studied. Repetition was essential. Writing and saying the vocabulary over and over, though sometimes tedious, really made it stick in my brain. However, once I learned enough to form phrases, it was forming vocabulary into phrases that made memorization easier. I could then make connections. I could actually talk aloud to someone. Talking aloud, even when it was just to Holden, my one-year old friend who didn't understand me (but didn't care that I repeated the same six phrases over and over), gave me confidence and made muscle memories for speech. Constant exposure was helpful too. I wrote the alphabet and numbers on the dry-erase board in my office, so I could look up every once in a while and run through them again. That made it a kind of habit. It wasn't a big time commitment, I could speed-study.
I am definitely a "doer" learner. Watching and listening to media wasn't very helpful. It was essential to have face-to-face watching and listening, but when it came to movies and recordings, I didn't get much from it. It was good when I just began to hear the flow of speech, and interesting culturally (investigating music, for instance), but not that great for practicing conversational Farsi. I definitely don't recommend trying to learn a language without having someone experienced in it to touch base with.
Over all, I'm not very comfortable with self-directed language study. I thought I would be, because I love self-directed study in other topics. I love following a thread of interesting research, discovering what interests me. But I relied a lot on my learning partner when it came to language study. The nature of language is social. It's impossible to get the right sounds for me without seeing a person in front of me, and having them listen to me and correct me. When I heard "so-pekhaikh," Sofia was able to communicate to me (after much back-and-forth) that it was actually "sob-pekhair." Without a tutor, I'd have gone to Iran and greeted someone completely incorrectly.
I discovered that I get very intimidated by new language experiences. It is so fundamental to understanding that it seems impossible to learn. Foreign languages aren't instinctive to me, I have to work hard to get them. But every time I succeeded in learning/understanding something (like when I found I could pick out nouns, pronouns, and various other words in a sentence), it was extremely exciting. Learning a new language, because it's such a challenge, is exhilarating.
I plan on studying abroad in Senegal next spring, and will work on developing my French while I'm there. I'll implement everything I learned in this class, most importantly to put what I learn into practice soon and often. I can only rely on my own study for so long before it's essential to try it in conversation.
The most crucial factor in becoming a self-directed language learner is to know you need help. If I'd continued with BYKI, for instance, it would have been disastrous. You can only go so far before you need to interact with a speaker. Self-direction comes in afer that, and in between that. Even just touching base with someone about what you're learning could mean the difference between making up a new language (Tania-Farsi, where we greet everyone with "so-pekhaikh"!) and learning a language.
The cultural project was a great way to focus all the cultural observation skills I'd developed over the semester. I had to commit to something specific to look at critically, in my case traditional persian women's clothing. The clothing revealed how Iran is separated into distinct cultural regions, where whether and beliefs shape what was worn before globalization. It was a window of insight into the problems of minority representation in Iran. Iran is fragmented culturally in a completely different way than the US's "melting pot" or "salad bowl," so Iranian perspectives on diversity and culture are different as well.

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Cultural Response 4 - Hora Dance

Here is a youtube video:

Hora is an Israeli Folklore dance, typically originated in the Balkan countries, and then became part of the Jewish life in Israel. It is acircle-type of dance, where everyone holds hands and dance with harmony.The Israeli Hora dance became the symbol of the reconstruction of thecountry by the
socialistic-agricultural Zionist movement, when Israel was formed. Inthe past, hora has been very famous in kibbutzim. In Bar Mitzvahs andweddings, it is very traditional to dance hora.

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Final Post

I'd say that this class has shown me how to view a language on a more linguistic level rather than just studying a language from scratch. I got to see how the language is not just a language but rather part of a culture. I have studied Spanish before but really you just learn how to speak it and you never really know where it came from or why. I got to see how I learned best from learning a language and I saw that I really need a book to look off of to follow. I can be self directed but I definitely need a step by step guide to show me where to start and to refer back to. I found with Farsi it was really difficult to find sources because not many people speak it. It was especially hard to find Farsi vocabulary for my cultural project because a lot of the words I found were transcriptions and most of the Farsi-English dictionaries online required Farsi script so I could never really look up anything that I found in Farsi and translate it into English. Overall I enjoyed the course as it showed me the hidden characteristics of a language behind the language itself.
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History and Language

It can definitely be useful knowing a nation's history in order to better understand the language. Many languages are altered from invading countries that have changed the language. For example, Iran has has the Farsi script changed to Arabic letters from the Islamic Revolution. Also languages can come from past indigenous communities that used to live in the region before other countries took over and brought their own language but kept some of the indigenous roots. By knowing some of the history, one can learn why words are spoken the way they are or why some of the vocabulary can be different in different regions of the same country.
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Cross cultural experience

I don't really have any idea about any cross-cultural experiences having to do with Farsi but I do know one from Latin America. I remember that when I was in the Dominican Republic a lot of things were influenced by American culture. It was weird being there and hearing words in English such as "cool", "nice," or even funnier when my mom would ask me if I wanted "corn flay" or Cornflakes for breakfast. I don't really know if that qualifies as a cross-cultural experience but it was definitely a mix of the two that I was familiar with.
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Extensive and Intensive Listening

For my extensive exercise I found a youtube video of a childrens song that I thought was pretty simple. It was about farm animals and I had just learned some animals so I wanted to see if I would be able to recognize some of the words. I was able to recognize simple words like cow, horse, pig, dog, cat, and things but I couldn't understand the sentences that they were singing in the song. For my extensive listening exercise I listened to a song with lyrics that played at the same time that I had found off of youtube. I learned a lot more vocabulary and some verbs but I still didn't understand everything just in terms of the grammar. It was a lot different though hearing the Farsi and then reading it because it sounded different from what I would have thought but I was able to see where the sounds were coming from in the script.
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Cultural Blog on Persian calligraphy

Persian calligraphy is absolutely gorgeous and is actually an art in itself. After Iran was conquered after the Islamic conquest, the Arabic script was then the official script for Iran. There are many types of calligraphy but a few aremuhaqqaq, rihani, and thuluth. The pen of a calligrapher was made from reed and there were actually rules for the writing that had to be considered "cypress in the garden of knowledge." The writing came from the calligrapher's spiritual state that is said to be "purity of writing proceeds from purity of heart."In other words, calligraphy as an art wasn't simply to just record notes but rather it was a more religious act and the calligrapher had to be spiritual and be similar to a "holy person."
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Cultural Blog on Omar Khayyam

One book that I absolutely love is the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam which is a collection of translated poems by Omar Khayyam (or longer name: Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim Al-Nishapuri al-Khayyami...quite a handful) from Iran. Mr. Khayyam was a brilliant mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, and much much more. This collection of poems is amazing as it talks about his philosophy on life mostly involving the afterlife and lots of wine drinking. In one section he talks about a potter molding a pitcher out of clay but he describes the potter molding the clay of a young girl who has the hand of a king around her neck. I'm not sure if he was implying that the potter was a king in another lifetime and was straggling the girl who is now part of the earth that "the potter" is molding. Or possible it could just describe the handle on the pitcher as the kings hand and the pitcher itself as a girl. It is an amazing piece nonetheless as it talks about Khayyam's views on religion and the afterlife. Persian poetry plays a great role in Persian literature with the importance of philosophy.
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Cultural Blog on Persian rugs

Whenever I think of Persian culture I always think of the Persian rugs. The rugs are made with looms and are knotted with either the traditional Persian knot which is used for the finer rugs or else they use the Spanish knot among others. Most of the rugs are made from wool but others can be made from cotton or silk. The Persian carpets create an immense income for Iran and have been a hand weaving art for many many years. Today many countries try and copy the Iranian rugs but nothing compares to an original Persian carpet hand woven with the Persian knot. From this cultural trait of Persia came the fable of the flying magic carpet which originally started when there was a rumor that King Solomon had a huge magical carpet. In the movie Aladdin you can find a very exciting flying magic carpet.
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Cultural Blog on gardens

Persian gardens were designed for the purpose of creating an earthly paradise in which you could sit in and relax and "maximize" yourself or emotions. There is a type of garden called the chahar bagh which is supposed to be similar to the garden of Eden which has 4 rivers and 4 quadrants. Many influences such as this one came from invading ethic groups such as the Arabs and the Mongols. There are many other types of gardens but the main purpose of them was to create an "enclosed space" for religious or spiritual purposes.
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