Since the first day of learning Korean, we’ve been learning to speak, write, and read Korean with Professor Sumi Kim. This has been extremely useful because after we properly understood and perfected the basic sounds in Korean, every time we learn a new word, seeing how it is written and writing it on my own makes pronouncing it correctly and remembering it much easier.
We’ve only recently started looking into Korean grammar in class so I don’t have a lot of knowledge about it. However, it only affects my ability to communicate properly in some contexts. If we’re looking at me texting my friends, broken Korean still does the work of me communicating my point and them understanding it. But if we’re talking about doing writing exercises in Korean like writing a letter to yourself or writing a short paragraph about something you like to eat, my lack of knowledge about Korean grammar definitely constrains me from being able to properly express myself. Due to the fact that we haven’t delved deeper into Korean grammar, the writing exercises that I’ve done so far are extremely basic and limited to alphabets, random words, and very few sentences. Here are some pictures of the things I’ve written so far:
In general, I prefer writing over typing because I find it more engaging and it helps me better retain the things that I learn. However, I’ve recently noticed something extremely amusing. When I’m typing out a word, I think of what letters and sounds are in it and I type them out correctly. However, sometimes when I writing a word, I know what letters and sounds are used in my head but the letters that I write down are sometimes completely off. For example, just the other day I was doing another sudoku puzzle in Korean, and when I was checking the answers, I realised that at some point when I was solving the puzzle wheneverI thought ‘팔’ (pal i.e. eight), I started writing ‘발’ (bal). So, my sudoku had a mix of 팔 and 발 being used for 8. This has happened multiple times when I write a word and then I realise that I used the wrong symbol somewhere. So, even though I like writing more, I’m definitely better at typing Korean than writing it.