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Learning Journal Entry #10

Cross Cultural Experience

Unfortunately for me, I have not had much cross cultural experience. I have never actually traveled outside of the United States, except to Canada, and both trips there were to English speaking areas. So really the only interaction I have had has been with people who were visiting the United States. This past summer, the woman who took care of my parents when they lived in Romania for a year visited us. She is the cousin of my grandmother, so we had a somewhat close family relationship. The fun part about her visit was the fact that she could not speak a word of English. I had to go through my mother to translate in order to have a conversation with her. When my mom would leave the room, I was then stuck with her, unable to communicate and feeling awkward. She, on the other hand, did not mind a bit. She would smile and enjoy where she was, not caring about the fact that this young boy could not speak to her at all. After the first day, I decided to give communication a try and began using hand gestures and making facial expressions in order to convey ideas across to her. In return, she began teaching me Romanian words and phrases (with some help from my mom). By the last couple days she was with us, every time I would use Romanian, she would praise my hard work and say "da" which means yes (apparently yes is a very common word for agreement in Romanian and can be used in many ways, simply by changing inflection of the voice). It was fun learning how to communicate with someone in a challenging way, and it made me wish that she could stay for more time. I told my mom after she left that now I understood why visiting a country is so helpful to learn a language. When you surround yourself by the language and are forced to use it, it becomes more entrained in your mind.
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Book intro + Cultural Project

This week’s reading investigated the meaning of the terms “language” and “communication”and how they affect human activity. The two senses most integral to languageare sight and sound, especially for their roles in written and spoken language,respectively. There is also the subtler body language, but this introductionfocused mainly on spoken modes of communication.

Visual cues in language are important to take into consideration when learning a foreign language, in orderto learn not only words but also the method used to communicate. For example,some cultures are more demonstrative with their arms or faces when they speak.Additionally, it is very important to know what certain gestures can meanacross cultural divides, since something in one culture could mean nothing orsomething completely different in another. Keeping track of these disconnectswould be instrumental in avoiding offending someone with whom you’re trying tocommunicate.

It’s also about the time to start thinking about a cultural project to do. One of thethings that I find very interesting, given my background in other languages, isthe huge Turkish minority in Germany. I’ve studied German for the last severalyears, and it’s a familiar topic that Turkish guest workers (Gastarbeiter) whocame several decades ago are now a sizeable and distinct minority insideGermany. There are about 3.5 million ethnic Turks in Germany, as the largest minority, concentrated mainly in urban centers.

Europe as a whole has been experiencing some social upheaval, because for thousands of years Europe remained ethnically homogenous, and citizenship was based primarily on jus sanguinis (or citizenship by blood). Now, though, most countries are experiencing a huge influx of foreigners, often from the Middle East or Africa, and many keep their own cultures and don't assimilate into their host country. This generally creates a conservative backlash by the country's original residents. I'll look into changes in citizenship rights, as well as Turkish cultural enclaves and political trends by Turks in Germany.

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What to Expect During a Visit to Israel

  • Israelis are very "tachlas" - that is bottom line oriented. Whenmeeting another Israeli, they will often go straight to business.Sometimes there is not even a "hello, how are you."
  • In Israe, they dress down. That is, most business people can be seen wearing jeans and maybe dress pants from time to time. The factors forthis have their source in that Israel weather is very hot andunforgiving. We try to maintain being physically comfortable.Just a few decades ago, the average Israeli wore nothing morethan shorts and sandals. Israel is also a high tech society, andas such we have taken on the dress code of Silicon Valley - jeans.
  • Keep at arms length. Israelis act as if they are in a family. Close distancebetween two people is the norm. Hugging, touching - one can evensee young females holding hands as they walk down the street -and they are not lesbians.
  • Many in Israel do not use business cards - culture in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem is just too informal.We go by addressing people by their first names.
  • In Israel, you can always expect a friendly and real invitation for sharingcoffee as a meeting begins.
  • In Israel, if you are not a tourist asking for directions and you make verbalcontact with a stranger, he or she will most likely give you anawkward look followed by "me ata" or asking in English"who are you"? Also many Israeli's will not feel comfortablediscussing very personal or intimate subjects or problems withyou - i.e.- their marriage, sex, divorce, medical problems andarmy service (prohibited by law).
  • When getting ready to enter a bus or any crowded area (i.e. - bank, post office,restaurant or open marketplace) we don't expect those from Israelto form a line. This is where you are expected to use the gentlenudge of your elbow to enter. If you wait - you will be last!
  • Israelis are a very passionate and expressive breed. As such, if they raisetheir voices, this is how many Israelis normally communicate withone another. The Israeli can yell and scream at a colleague onemoment and a few minutes later be seen hugging the guy. If theIsraeli speaks in a low tone and smiles for hours with you - itmeans he is not being real, honest and relaxed with you!
  • During a meeting the Israeli may take telephone calls and allow othersinto his office or the meeting room. Interruptions such as theseare common in Israeli culture - do not take it as being rude,impolite or arrogant. This is a very informal society, where thosein Israel are expected and able to do many tasks at the same time.
  • Israelis are a very warm and friendly people. When they invite you to theirhome or out for dinner - they are not just being polite - theyare displaying sincere friendship. When they say "stop byat any time" - they truly mean it! Accept the invitationand create a good personal relationship. Remember, in Israel,relationships count just as much if not more than a solid commercialportfolio. Unlike many other cultures, substance, not style takesthe lead in Israel. When coming to someone's home, good giftsto bring are flowers, chocolates or a good bottle of wine.
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Tanzanian Etiquette

Interesting Rules of Etiquette

  • Men never braid their hair. It indicates that he is gay, which is a huge taboo in Tanzanian and other African cultures.
  • When people of the same sex are talking, it is common for people to touch each other. But when people of the opposite sex are talking, there is very little physical contact.
  • It is inappropriate for women to smoke in public. Women who smoke in public are often seen as prostitutes.
  • Dating is becoming more common with younger people in more urban areas. Some elders still see dating as promiscuous.
  • Girls usually are expected to wear skirts (at least knee-length) rather than pants, especially in rural areas.
  • Girls are also expected to wear modest shirts with sleeves
  • Men never wear shorts
  • You are expected to visit neighbors periodically (ideally several times per week)
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Israelis and social customs

  • Israelis are a very close, touchy, feely society - as in a close family
  • If the Israeli is standing a little too close - invading yourprivate space - it's normal and accept it.
  • The Israeli is ready for immediate action. You can witness this by how manyIsraelissit - leaning forward with legs spread apart - ready to stand at amoments notice.
  • Israelis are a very passionate andexpressive breed. As such, if they raise their voices, this is how manyIsraelisnormally communicate with one another.
  • Israelis want things today - Now!As they come from a young and traumatic society where war has been thenorm -trying to get the most out of today is the expected rule.
  • Punctuality is relaxed. Always allow up to 15-20 minutes before thinking that yourparty islate.
  • During a meeting the Israeli maytake telephone calls and allow others into his office or the meetingroom. Interruptionssuch as these are common in Israeli culture - do not take it as beingrude, impoliteor arrogant. This is a very informal society, where those in Israel areexpectedand able to do many tasks at the same time.
  • Israelis are a very warm and friendly people. When they invite you totheir homeor out for dinner - they are not just being polite - they are displayingsincerefriendship. When they say "stop by at any time" - they truly mean it!
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Journal Entry #9 - Figuring Foreigners Out

The readings from "Figuring Foreigners Out" help us to understand various things about other cultures. I thought this reading was very interesting, and I really enjoyed applying it to cultures that speak Swahili.

The first section was about Direct (low context) v Indirect (high context) methods of communication. At least in the area that I visited, Tanzanians tent to fit better into the Indirect method of communication. Actions seem to be very important. For instance, to say thank you isn't enough to show gratitude. When we visited, to show her gratitude, Mama Allen cooked dinner for all eight of us, than sang and danced with her family after we finished eating. And in Nyacusa (the local tribal language), there is this word ndaga, which is a greeting, goodbye, and if I remember correctly it is also used as a way to say thank you. Someone really has to know the culture to understand the word. I still don't know exactly what it means. But at the same time, words generally are taken literally rather than metaphorically, which would fall more under the Direct method.

The next section has to deal with how cultures view time. In Tanzania, they are definitely polychronic. Time is not important, at all. One of my favorite stories from my trip that really show came from when we visited a preaching point in the middle of the jungle. It was probably a 30 min walk from the main part of Isuba village to this little pavilion (shown below) in what seemed like the middle of nowhere.

It was early in the afternoon on Monday, so we just expected to meet with some church elders. Eventually we see a man go out into the clearing and start beating a drum (later it was explained that he was calling people to worship). And people dropped what they were doing to come to an impromptu worship service. It didn't matter that it was Monday and there was work to be done. It could be done later.

The next portion of the reading discussed individualist v collectivist cultures. Tanzania is very collectivist. What is good for the whole is more important than what is best for the individual. People are expected to reach out and help their friends and family in need. There is almost no focus on the individual. In the younger generations, there is more of a push for people to go to secondary school and if they are lucky enough to "University," but it is more to benefit the community rather than the individual.

I also really enjoyed the nonverbal communication section. I noticed while I was in Tanzania, there were certain things that were universal, especially smiles. I visited a pottery shop near Matema Beach, and kids swarmed around me. At one point, I had six kids hanging onto my two hands. I couldn't speak with them because they didn't even know Swahili, just Nyacusa. But they were talking amongst themselves, smiling, and laughing. My only method of communicating with them was through my own smile. It was one of my favorite days of my time there.

Another thing that I learned were the differences in various gestures or other nonverbal methods of communication. For instance, in Tanzania holding hands is only between friends, not between couples.When I visited Manow Secondary School, one of the guys grabbed my hand and held it as we walked around. It wasn't out of any romantic feelings, but feelings of friendship. And you would never point one finger at someone because it is considered rude.

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Learning Journal #9: Cultural Competence

I really enjoyed looking at the handout packet. The first topic, direct and indirect communication, is particularly interesting since I have had to communicate with my language partner. Last week, my language partner emailed me and said that she might have to cancel our session. The morning of the meeting I emailed her and canceled our meeting. She responded with "cool, thank you." This shows that Iranians tend to have a very indirect communication style. By her saying she might have to cancel, that was her "clue" that she wanted to cancel. I got the hint, somewhat, but an indirect communication style can create a very confusing situation if you are unaware of the other persons culture.

I have worked with Geert Hofestede's cultural dimensions a lot in the business school. Last year in my International Accounting Issues class, I did my final project on Malaysia and how a company's financial statements are reflective of the country's cultural differences (it's not as boring as it sounds). From the diagram below, you can see that Iran has a higher power distance rating and uncertainty avoidance compared to the United States. With a higher uncertainty avoidance comes more laws and stricter rules. However, it is important to note that the survey was taken in 1972 and the shah was overthrown in 1979. The subsequent re-emergence into Islamic fundamentalism would probably bring the current levels of uncertainty avoidance and power distance higher than what is shown below.

When I was looking up Iranian culture I found this interesting list:

Iranian Business Etiquette (Do’s and Don’ts)

  • DO try to get to know your Iranian business partner personally in your first
  • meeting. Establishing trust and a good personal relationship is important in Iranian business culture.
  • DO avoid topics of conversation like Iranian foreign policy and politics and also avoid criticising Islam as this can cause offense. Also avoid talking about the female relatives of your Iranian colleagues, and if they introduce the subject avoid asking too many personal questions.
  • DO be aware that typical physical distance maintained when communicating in Iran is closer than in many western countries. Though you may not be comfortable with this close distance, it can be perceived as impolite if you back away.
  • DO show respect towards your Iranian business associates by taking a sensitive approach to behaviour and cultural gestures. Avoid using the left hand when passing something, drinking alcohol or eating pork while in the presence of your Iranian colleagues.
  • DON’T criticise your Iranian counterparts in front of other business colleagues, as this may cause a loss of face and harm their sense of honour.
  • DON’T schedule business meetings during the holy month of Ramadan if at all possible as business activity tends to be reduced. Ramadan is a major Islamic tradition that includes fasting for an entire month. Although foreigners are not required to fast, it is considered impolite to eat or drink in front of others during this time.
  • DON’T give the “thumbs up” sign while in Iran as this is considered to be an offensive gesture.
  • DON’T display emotions or affectionate behavior to people of the opposite gender in public. This is very uncommon in Iran and can cause offense. In contrast people of the same gender often display affection in public and it is not rare to see two men holding hands

As far as the textbook readings go, I found it very interesting when Crystal was talking about a chain of dialects. It makes sense! But I have never thought about it. At one point in the chain, speakers of a dialect can understand the speakers of another dialect in areas close to them. However, as the people more farther apart in the chain, and eventually are at the two ends of the chain, they will not be able to understand each other. I don't know why I found this so fascinating! It made me think of the telephone game.

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Learning Journal Entry #9

I found the verbal communication packet very interesting in thinking about how I communicate, and how communication across cultures could create awkward / rude moments unintentionally. The first section talked about direct and indirect communication. It is clear that our culture is more on the direct / low context side. We tend to be our own individuals, as defined later in the packet as "individualist." People who speak Hebrew are most likely not like this at all. Their rich history and collective tendencies suggest the indirect / high context side. The next section discusses people's use of time. I found this section really interesting because American culture is probably the most monochronic of any culture in the world. We always are in a rush, trying to use time in the most efficient way. Don't get me wrong, not all Americans are like this. There are some places that are the exact opposite, such as southern states outside of cities. People from the country don't care about time like northerners do. I know that I need to make plans, and am extremely annoyed about interruptions. I am always trying to make the best use of my time. As far as the Hebrew culture goes, I would guess that they are more relaxed and on the polychronic side. I know that Europeans tend to be on that side of the spectrum. My sister told me about people in Greece (where she studied abroad), and they would definitely be the exact opposite of a New Yorker. They take time off of work in the middle of the day, and will literally sit around for hours doing nothing. This created a cultural barrier for my sister when she was there. She needed to chill out and compose herself to not stick out and look like a freak.

The other cultural difference I found most applicable to Hebrew culture is the collectivist one. They strive to work for the good of the group, striving to help others with the belief that by doing so they in turn will also be better off. This means that every single cultural difference mentioned in the packet has opposites between my culture and the one I am studying, because my culture is individualist. I would say that for me, my family has created a collectivist bubble to help each other. the majority of people I know are not like that though. They create their own path and work on their own to accomplish things.

I have not yet figured out what kind of nonverbal communication people who speak Hebrew use, but in the next few weeks I plan to try to notice what kind of nonverbal communication they use. This would probably be just as important to figure out as actually learning how to speak the language.
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While I will admit that the readings in the book are becoming a bit more interesting, I am still not completely sold on it. As a result, this week I focused mainly on the packet that we were handed in class that talks about verbal communication across cultures and essentially, how every language differs in their expressions, social cues, etc. It was interesting to read about all of the differences in verbal communication especially because this is not something I have ever really experienced, or to be honest, ever really thought about.

I have only traveled outside the United States one time and that was to Australia. Let me give you a hint: I mainly went to Australia because they speak English and their country is the most like America than any place else. I am not good with change and adaptation if you could not tell J . So, although I spent around 5 months in Australia, I cannot really say that I experienced any communication barriers or differences in language expressions. There were a few things here and there, such as not tipping at restaurants because it is thought of as rude and I also was surprised at how slow-moving things seemed to be. Everyone was always relaxed and it was almost as if time really did not matter. Most of the students were on time for class, but if someone walked in late, it was never an issue. I distinctly remember one class, which was 50 minutes long, and a student walked in with only 10 minutes left. There were only 8 of us in the class so it was not as though her ‘fashionably late’ appearance went unnoticed, but in the end, the professor let her sign-in so she would get participation points and continued the rest of the lecture. If only that worked here at Richmond J

I have never been to Israel and I do not know much about their language expressions and social cues, but I can only imagine that they are probably very different than those found in the United States. Reading over the packet and reviewing the differences between indirect/high context cultures and direct/low context cultures, I would say that Israel is probably a highly contextual culture. Although I do not know for sure, from what I have studied thus far, it appears that the language and culture is more focused on leaving things unsaid and instead, letting the culture explain what is meant by a person’s actions, expressions, or use of words. In addition, from what I have studied, Hebrew words and word choice is extremely important. And also, high context cultures have a strong sense of history and tradition therefore it is logical to associate the Hebrew language with such a group. I learned about the history of the Hebrew language last week and although some changes have been made over time, the history of the Hebrew language is rich and much of their tribal and native societies still exist.

That being said, last week in class we also established that English is a direct/low context culture. I think that it is very obvious that our societies have come to place more emphasis on the idea of the ‘individual’ rather than the group. Likewise, because people leave independent lives, there is less of an innate understanding of others. We talk and we use words to try to convey what we are trying to say and that is the end of it. We take what is said at face value, rather than trying to figure out if there is a hidden message behind the words or words choice that people have used.

Because I do not know a lot about the Israeli culture and their specific social cues and expressions that are commonly found among the people who live there, it would definitely be in my best interest to learn more about this topic. Although I am not planning on traveling there anytime soon, it would be nice to eventually go there, and when that happens, I want to know as much about their culture and language expressions as I can. After all, gestures and expressions that we may find appropriate, they may frown upon and the last thing I want for myself is to be looked down upon and disrespected for not knowing the language.

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This was a quick read, however, I thoroughly enjoyed writing down little notes in the margin exclaiming that this one quality was DEFINITELY Turkish or the other was 100% AMERICAN. It, for me, was a way to put what I already knew about the differing cultures on paper in an elegant manner. What stood out the most to me in the reading was the bit about the differences in the perception of time. I could not help but just laugh as soon as I read the title. It is so TYPICAL for a Turk to say, "Eh, abi, I'll be there in five minutes..." and then show up a half-hour later.

What is truly intriguing though is that the spectrum that the author provides is incredibly accurate (at least when you apply stereotypes to the varying cultures). As soon as someone mentions an Arab or Turk, I think about how they will interact with me in a certain situation based on many of the qualities in prescribed in the reading.

Anyways, I think that this will definitely help me categorize how to handle a trip to Turkey and make sure that I do not flip someone off when I only meant to call their attention! Definitely a bad idea for an Armenian American.

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This week we focused on cultural differences in societies' expressions of language and communication (in the packet), as well as linguistic dialects in the book chapters.
I was really interested in reading the packet about the differences in language expression by social cues and expressions because it's not something I've had a lot of experience with. With the exception of traveling through Jordan for six weeks and stopping in Egypt and Jerusalem, the majority of my travel has been in countries in Western Europe, like the UK and France and Germany, which are very similar to English in how people interact socially. However, I think Turkish would be very different than English, from what I've heard. I've never been to Turkey, but we talked about it in class, and as an Muslim nation located near if not in the Middle East, Turkey seems like it would be closer to Mediterranean or Eastern social norms.
When we went over it in class, we said the Turkish would be an Indirect/High Context language, with more emphasis on implications and shared experiences forming one's context of understanding. English is the opposite, as a language of societies with more emphasis on individualism and saying things explicitly. I'd also expect Turkish and English to be opposite in their treatment of time. English is about efficiency and showing up on time, but from my experience, Mediterranean cultures tend to be more lackadaisical about deadlines and punctuality. The handout also explores the differences between Individualist and Collectivist, of which English is definitely individualist. People in America and also in much of Europe focus on independence and self-reliance and personal freedom. I don't know as much about Turkish, but I'd assume it's more collectivist than here, since it seems like more of a traditional society with emphasis on the family and group membership.
I'd also expect there to be some dramatic differences in nonverbal cues. And that would definitely be something to look into before traveling there.
The book explored dialects and how they relate to languages. Dialects don't seem to be as firmly engrained in America as in some other countries, but I think that's because we're so socially mobile and also a much much younger country than many others. I remember when I was in Britain I could start to tell where someone was from by their accent, though that's probably starting to break up now that people aren't living their whole lives where they grew up. American dialects are pretty limited to one basic accent, and then some variation in very distinct areas, like Boston or northern Midwest or deep South or Jersey. Actually I think there's more of a difference (at least on the East Coast) between rural and urban areas than between geographical regions.
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Turkish Language History

It is quite interesting how Turkish, the modern form spoken today, came about. As my research describes, the current form of Turkish is quite new, springing up from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire and developing into its new state thanks to Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal). The leader of the new Turkey decided to get rid of many of the foreign adopted words in the current form of Turkish in order to give Turkish a more pure form. For example, a lot of words that existed in Ottoman Turkish (mix of Persian, Arabic, and Turkic) were thrown out and replaced by the old Turkic forms from centuries ago.

From the reading that was assigned for this week, I noticed that the modern form of Turkish doesn't really apply to many of the families. Ataturk strode to be as Western as possible, ditching the Arabic script for the Latin one; however, he maintained a true Turkish spirit by ridding his new language of foreign words.

Connecting to a language that has its own branch (a daughter of the main base of the family tree), Armenian is a language that has barely changed whatsoever since its first introduction many, many centuries ago. The only division that I know of is when the modern Armenian (both Eastern and Western dialects) stemmed away from the old, liturgical Armenian that we still use today during mass.
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Journal Entry #8 - Origins of Swahili

It is sort of hard to find good information on the origins of Swahili because the origins are somewhat vague. Basically. I found that Swahili developed as Arabic and Persian traders came to Eastern Africa somewhere between 500 and 1000 AD. It began as a language to help traders barter with the natives. Eventually, it became a more popular language among the people in countries like Tanzania and Kenya. It is classified as a bantu language because of the syntax and sentence structure, but has influences from Turkish, Arabic, German, and English. Swahili was only really a spoken language until the British took control of German East Africa after WWI and encouraged people to write (according to one of our language partners). Therefore, there could be several correct spellings of a word, for instance asante and ahsante are both correct ways to spell thank you. Swahili is not generally someone's native language. It is generally a second language taught in primary schools. A child's first language is usually a tribal language; then a child learns Swahili in primary school; then English in secondary school (if a child is lucky enough to reach secondary school).

Knowing this helps me learn Swahili because it helps me make connections with other languages that I have already studied. I obviously pretty fluent in English, so it is easy to connect the english word Computer and the Swahili word Computa or the English word car to the Swahili word gari. I can also make connections between Spanish and Swahili for instance the spanish word for table is mesa and the Swahili word is meza.
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#8 Reflection on the History of Turkish

Turkish language history is rich and interesting indeed. The earliest notable usage of earlier versions of the language goes back from at least 730 AD, in Mongolia. The language spread from former Siberia to the Mediterranean over the course of the Middle Ages in a time known as the Turkic expansion. As the group who would come to be known as the Ottoman Empire adopted Islam as their religion, they continued to speak their brand of "Ottoman Turkish", but also sampled a variety of Persian and Arabic words as they associated more and more with representatives of those languages. This kind of Turkish was considered in the Ottoman Empire as a more sophisticated branch of the language, and those who spoke what is now modern-day Turkish language were considered to live in rural areas that were lower-class than Ottoman Turkish speakers.

When the Ottoman Empire turned into The Republic of Turkey, the language was reformed to fit a modified version of the Latin alphabet. Furthermore, Ataturk, the leader of the revolution, employed the Turkish Language Association to change loan words from Persian and Arabic to Turkish words, presumably to bolster nationalism and exterminate other nationalistic movements and groups within the newly forming republic.

It is good to know where a language comes from because it can help you understand why certain categories of words are similar to Romance, Germanic, Persian or Arabic words. Also it is interesting to see how this language has been not just developed naturally, but almost engineered, especially during the reforms installed by the Turkish Language Association. You can tell when a word is borrowed and has been reformed easily; words that do not follow the rules of vowel harmony are probably former loan words that had been incorporated into Turkish previously. When you keep that in mind, it is easier to figure out in your mind how to pronounce certain words, and to realize that if you're pronouncing a word and it sounds a little weird and you're pretty sure you're doing the best you can, it's probably a foreign word. I haven't been able to figure this out, but I know that anahtar in Turkish means "key". I've never seen a Turkish word that has -h and -t together; I'm not sure if it's a foreign word, but that makes me believe that it is.
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Learning Journal Entry #8

How the History of Hebrew Has Helped My Learning

Modern Hebrew took a very long time to become the language it is today. It went through many prosperous times, and many times when the language seemed to be dying out. The majority of Hebrew stems back from Biblical Hebrew. The Torah was written in this language, and it is for that reason that Jews consider it a "holy" language. It only consisted of about 8,000 words, and was also used as the spoken language of Palestine. This period lasted until the 3rd Century BCE. Hebrew was then only used for written documents, such as the Mishna, until 200 CE. That period is called the Mishnaic period. During that time, those who had been speaking Hebrew had begun using Aramaic instead. Then during the Renaissance Medieval Hebrew existed. The language was rekindled by the enlightened, and words were being borrowed from Greek, Spanish, Arabic, among others. These new words were being formed from ancient Hebrew constructions, using old roots, while others were formed from foreign languages. After this time, Hebrew was dying out once again. It wasn't until Eliezer Ben-Yehuda helped to revive Hebrew that it became a spoken language again. The revival of Hebrew in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is the first and only time a written language developed to become spoken. It was because of the ideological association of Zionism, along with the pursuit for a State of Israel that Hebrew was revived. Interestingly enough, Hebrew is the only language that became an official language of a country, and the majority of people in that country were first generation speakers. Another important fact about the development of modern Hebrew is that geographically, it was revived among Yiddish speaking people. Had the language been revived among Arabic speaking Jews, it would have become much more Semitic and very different typologically. After the institutionalization of Modern Hebrew among Israelites, it became the official language of the country in the 40's and is still used today.

I think that understanding this development is important to learning Hebrew. It is important to understand where a language came from, and why it is the language it is today. For instance, much of the idiomatic words in modern Hebrew came from Yiddish, a Germanic language that developed from the same sources as English. I find this kind of thing fascinating because today, most Israelis speak English as a second language. Israel today is also comprised of a somewhat large minority of Arabic speaking Arabs. I'm sure that this conflict of languages has had an effect on the language Hebrew is today. It is also interesting to know that the majority of the structuring of modern Hebrew was created by one man. Modern Hebrew did not develop over 2,000 years to what it is today, but was created by academics to consist of the quality they wanted in the language. That is why modern Hebrew is still very similar to how it was written in the bible over 2,000 years ago.
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Learning Journal #8 - The History of Farsi

I never know whether to say Farsi or Persian; evidently I am not the only one. "Persian" is the most widely used name for the language in English but native speakers call it "Parsi" or "Farsi." Farsi is the arabicized form of Parsi since the Arabic alphabet does not have a P. The Academy of Persian Language and Literature has declared that the name "Persian" is more appropriate because it"has the longer tradition in the western languages and better expresses the role of the language as a mark of cultural and national continuity." That is a mouthful. I find it very interesting that one of the reasons is because it has a longer tradition in the western languages. It seems that that would be a reason to favor "Farsi." But then again, "Persian" is in the organization's title, so I think that they were a little biased. I'm going to call it Farsi.

Farsi is the most widely spoken member of the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian languages. The development of the Farsi language can be divided into three periods: old, middle, and modern. Old Persian was written in cuneiform and had eight cases, each subjected to gender and number. Middle Persian had a much simpler grammar than Old Persian and it was usually written in an ambiguous script with multivalent letters, adopted from Aramaic. It did after the Arab conquest in the 7th century and most of the writings were lost during Islamic times even though much of the Middle Persian Literature was translated into Arabic. Modern Persian is even more simple than Middle Persian and it has absorbed a lot of Arabic vocabulary. Overall, it seems like once someone knows Farsi it would be easy to learn Arabic. There are four less letters in the Persian alphabet than the Arabic alphabet: gāf, že, če, and pe.

I found this really...umm...interesting video on the history of the Farsi language but it's not in English. However, the narrator's deep voice tells you that it is a very serious history. :) If anything, the video has interesting pictures and it is an extensive listening activity

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Learning Journal 8

Hebrew is a member of the Semitic languages, and its history is generally divided into four major periods: The Biblical, or Classical, until about the 3rd century B.C, the Mishnaic, or Rabbinic, around A.D. 200 (which was never used as a spoken language), Medieval, from the 6th-13th centuries (which borrowed words from Greek, Spanish, Arabic, and other languages), and Modern, the language of Israel in modern times. (Britannica).

The Hebrew language has always been an essential part of Judaism. Even when it was no longer a spoken language, it always remained in use as a tool for Jewish scholars, and for Jewish religious traditions (Britannica). This past weekend I attended the Havdallah service conducted by Hillel of Richmond. I observed that all of the members were able to sing along with the Hebrew service at least to some degree. This is evidence of how Hebrew, even as a language no longer spoken as a colloquial language, would remain at least in a small part through the traditions of Judaism. Jewish traditions in a sense kept alive the spark of the Hebrew language that was then rekindled to become Modern Hebrew, the "only colloquial speech based on a written language" (Britannica).

As a revived language, Hebrew borrows many modern terms from other languages. For instance, the Hebrew word for "professor" is basically the same as the English word, only pronounced with a more guttural accent. Those who created modern Hebrew were often influenced by their mother tongues as they formulated words for terms that were nonexistent in Biblical Hebrew. Understanding this can help in learning Hebrew because some words will have familiar sounds to me, and I will be able to see where the the influences of Romantic and Germanic languages separate Modern Hebrew from the ancient language.

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When I first thought about what I was going to write for this journal entry, I did not think that I would have much to say. Honestly, at first, I did not really see why it would be beneficial to know about a language’s history. However, as I began researching the history of the Hebrew language, I found that it was actually very beneficial information that I was learning. Learning a language’s history essentially gives you a better idea of how that particular language evolved and most importantly how it has changed over time. Every minute of every day I am using the English language and yet, I never stop to think about where the words came from or how the entire concept of the English language and its structure came to be. When I think about it now, it is actually really interesting how languages develop and how each one is so different from one another, yet similar at the same time.

I found a lot of useful information while I was researching about the history of Hebrew and how it developed over time. For instance, I had no idea that there are two different dialects of Hebrew, Ashkenazi and Sephardic, Sephardic being the dialect that is spoken in Israel today. Also, the Hebrew alphabet has no vowels and most things written in the Hebrew in Israel are written without vowels. However, they do use features which are referred to as nikkudim. Nikkudim, which means points in English, were developed after Romans expelled the Jews from Israel. At that time, the rabbis believed that the Hebrew language needed help when it came to the pronunciation of words and sentences. As a result, they developed a system of dots and dashes which they referred to as nikkudim. These dots and dots are found either below, above or inside the particular letter of the alphabet and are used to indicate vowels.

Here is a table that illustrates some of these vowel points.

Also, while researching the history of the Hebrew language, I was surprised to find that very few English words come from Modern Hebrew vocabulary, but there are many words that come from the Hebrew of the Bible. For example, amen, hallelujah, and hosanna are common Biblical words used in English that actually come from Hebrew. In addition, because the Hebrew alphabet differs so greatly from the English alphabet, I would never have thought of the possibility of confusing words written in Hebrew for certain English words. However, as I have been learning more Hebrew vocabulary and familiarizing myself with the Hebrew alphabet, I have found that there are some Hebrew words, that although sound like a common English word, they actually have completely different meanings in Hebrew. For instance, in Hebrew, the word mi, which is pronounced like the English word “me” , actually means who. In addition, the Hebrew word hu, which is pronounced like the English word “who”, actually means he. And one more word that I found was the Hebrew word bageleh, which sounds like bagel, but actually means pretzel in Hebrew.

Overall, I would say that my research on the history of the Hebrew language was very successful. It is very safe to say that I learned a lot of new information, but that could also be because I have never known anything about the Hebrew language, or Israel for that matter, before taking this class J.

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