In Karnataka time seems to be more fluid than in the US. I spent my time in rural Karnataka and in small cities (small by Indian standards). People seemed to take a lot longer to do a lot of things. Because of a lack or scarcity of electricity, running water, etc. things move more slowly so people expect things to move more slowly. Time seems to be split between work and not work. People spend hours on end in the rice patty fields or cooking a meal that will be enjoyed at dinner. When work is done time with family and friends takes over. If you enter someone's home even for a moment you have to sit down and drink chi and maybe eat some food and talk. There's no swing by and pick up a hammer and drop it off later. The idea of "being in a hurry" doesn't apply when it comes to spending time with people. Thus time takes a back seat to relationships where as here time often takes precedent. "I'd love to stay and talk, but I've really gotta fly" is not a phrase one will hear in Karnatka. Time is relative ;)
Chatting and Chi in Karnataka