All Posts (26)
I haven't been successful with the times I've tried to upload this movie. Stephanie and I did this on September 20th but now I think I've found a way to put it on here :) Here you go!
If I can start finding videos for word groups such as animals and foods, I think that would be the best way to build my vocabulary.
After that, I began writing down some of the terms I think I will actually use. I already had greetings done, so I expanded to things like please, do you have, how much, i am a student, i want, etc... then I started adding words to go with them like water, money, waiter, coffee, in order to put these statements into complete sentences. Speaking them aloud as I write them has been the most effective way to learn so far, so now I always study alone, usually in my house off campus so that I don't bother anyone.
The Rosetta stone is another interesting tool. I made it through the first lesson, and I can see why people think it is effective, and how it is supposed to work. Unfortunately for me, I think I also need to write down the words as I speak them so that I can see them. I also don't like the fact that I am alone. I want to be able to talk about this vocabulary with other people, and Rosetta stone does not embrace that technique.
The reading was once again interesting, but not very useful for my learning. I liked the chapter on how we use tone of voice. I think it would be a great cultural post to hear some different ways for Israelis to say the same thing, but to have totally different meanings by changing their tone of voice. It will be interesting to discover the similarities and differences in tone of voice between the Hebrew language and English. Besides that, the other sections on how babies learn vowels and how we make sounds and organize them are interesting, but cannot be applied to my Hebrew practice.
The reading mentions the importance of intonation in the organization of grammar. I thought back to watching Israeli TV, and this immediately made sense to me. Because I know so few words, in order to gain some idea of what was being said I was paying close attention to the rhythm and inflection of the sentences. For instance, in an interview I could make out who was the interviewer and who was responding by the heightening of tone at the end of a phrase that signaled a question.
In studying vocabulary, I have noticed that Hebrew is often arranged very logically. For instance, the word for "uncle" is "dod", and the word for "aunt" is "doda". Similarly, the word for "son" is "ben", and the word for "daughter" is "bat." Both pairs of words have obvious similarities, but also clear differences that signal gender change. Further, I thought it was interesting that the term for "male cousin" is "ben dod", literally "son of my uncle", and the word for "female cousin" is "bat doda", literally "daughter of my aunt". Patterns such as this make it easy to learn new terms once you have mastered the base words, because all you have to do is combine the words. I am hopeful that I will see a continuance of this pattern as I continue to build my vocabulary.
David Crystal discussed how it is important to pay attention to the phonetic variations that can occur, to ensure that we make the right decisions about which sounds are phonemes and which are allophones. He also talked about how we focus on the way sounds combine in a language to produce typical sequences. When I was studying the pronunciation of Farsi, I was faced with brick wall, if you will. In most cases, vowels are not written. Instead the letter is pronounced with either an "ah," "eh," or "oh" sound. Wow! This is so different from English. My language partner was trying to teach me and she said that you practically have to guess. But wait, there is a right answer. So, is it really "guessing" and how do you know if you are right? There are indicators that CAN be placed either above or below the letter but they are never written. So again, how are you supposed to know you are right?
The text also discussed that sequences can be divided into rhythmical chunks. Crystal used the example of memorizing a string of number. This example didn't help me directly but it made me reflect back on learning the pronunciation. My language partner kept telling me to look at two letters, "n" and "r" for instance, and think of the most logical way to connect the letters. So, even though Crystal's discussion of prosody didn't directly relate to my language learning it did trigger a learning technique for pronunciation.
Thinking ahead, I want to set a realistic vocabulary goal for myself. Right now I am still focusing on pronouncing words so it is going to be harder to learn new words now compared to the end of the semester. This week I want to learn 15 new words with a focus on apparel and accessories. Hopefully, and more than likely, this number will increase each week.
As far as intensive listening activities, I watched a few youtube videos of people pronouncing basic greetings. The words were also shown on the screen, which helped me pronounce the phrases. Extensively, I watched some news reports on BBC in Farsi. I was lost for the most part, but I did get a better understanding of the inflection in the language. Even though I wasn't able to pick out any words I feel as though it was not a waste of time. If anything, it kept me motivated. One day I will understand what they are saying...for the most part...hopefully.
The Farsi phrase of the day is "to gelu dard dari" - my throat really, my throat does hurt. :/
This week has been a bit crazy for me! Ultimately, I focused on learning the Hebrew alphabet and numbers. Let’s just say I have a lot morework to do this week! Because Hebrew is completely new to me, I knew that thebest way to improve my pronunciation of certain words and letters would be to listento different videos and programs. Most of my studying this week, I would haveto say, was intensive. I focused primarily on YouTube videos that helped notonly with the pronunciation of Hebrew letters and numbers, but also how tospell them. Although I am not interested in learning how to write in Hebrew, itis still beneficial to be able to recognize how each letter looks so I canidentify them. In addition to focusing on the Hebrew alphabet and numbers, Ialso looked at some vocabulary. My goal is to learn roughly 3 to 5 vocabularywords a day, starting with a certain category. For instance, this week Ifocused on ‘family’ terms. A useful site that I used was called BYKI. This is awebsite that I know that I will definitely use throughout the semester. It hasall kinds of different Hebrew words, already separated into categories. Thesite will show you the Hebrew word and then show you what it means in Englishand then, at the end of the first set a words, it will test you to see how muchyou know; I cannot say that I know much at this point, but I’m getting there :)
As for my extensive listening activities last week, I did not really do much. I know that I am a beginner and still have to learn basicallyeverything there is to learn about Hebrew, so I feel like most of the listeningI do is going to be intensive, as opposed to extensive. However, I do know thatextensive listening is just as important. So, this week, my goal is tohopefully listen to some Hebrew news clips that I can find or to even watch theHebrew television channel that we learned about in class. I think that thesewill both be helpful listening activities and although I already know that Iwill not be able to understand much of what is said, if anything at all, theywill still help me become familiar with Hebrew pronunciations.
This week I focused on listening in order to work on my pronunciation,learn the alphabet, as well as learn basic words, such as numbers,greeting phrases, and simple word concepts, such as "yes" and "no" and"today" and pronouns. Most of my studying was intensive, by listening toyoutube videos that laid out the pronunciations and spellings ofnumbers, another that explained the alphabet, and others that told thedays of the week and personal pronouns. This turned out to be veryhelpful, because I could see the spelling at the same time as hearingthe word, so it helped to cement it in my mind, and I could replay itover and over if I need to to get it right. We Turkish students also allworked on intensive listening when we met with Yigit last Monday,because he went over some of the basic things we're learning now, likethe alphabet and numbers, days of the week, colors, and useful phraseswhen meeting someone, such as hello and goodbye and "How are you?". Itwas helpful to hear it in person, and repeat it back.
The other way I listened to Turkish this week was more extensive. Ilistened to some video clips of BBC in Turkish, more to work on mypronunciation and understanding of the inflection than to try tounderstand any of it. It's far far outside my skill range so I onlycaught a few english-language-cognates, like ingiliz and sekülar, but Ithink it helped me hear the pronunciations of Turkish.
So far, I think I am coming along well. I can write simple sentences about various topics, if I have a dictionary available to me. I know how to form basic verbs in past, present, and future tenses. I haven't learned much about nouns yet, but I think I am doing well with verbs.
So, this was the first week that I actually began learning Hebrew. My goal was to learn how to greet people and how to introduce myself. Because I do not have a language
partner yet, I resorted to using YouTube videos. At first, I did not think YouTube
would be that great of a source to use, but I ended up finding a great video
that helped me out and that I downloaded to the Diigo website for other
students to use.
I learned really quickly as I was practicing my Hebrew introductions that I am going to have a very difficult time with the Hebrew accent. Most of the words end with a
certain sound (a sound that is produced from the back of one’s throat) that I
am not familiar using. I have taken both Italian and Spanish, but neither of
those languages required strong accents. French is probably another language I
would have trouble with. Because I did not grow up learning Hebrew, this
particular sound, which is hard for me to explain, does not sound natural when
it comes out of my mouth; it sounds completely forced and to be honest, a
little embarrassing. I spent the day yesterday
introducing myself and practicing greetings with my roommates, and although
they want to help, they could not help but just laugh at me. It actually was
quite entertaining!
I knew from the beginning that learning Hebrew was not going to be easy. I can read the words on paper, but I know that at this point, they do not sound the way they should,
but that is okay. After all, I am only just beginning. My hope is that by the
end of the year, everything will sound much smoother and not as forced. On a
side note, I met a student at the University this weekend who has taken Hebrew
before, so that made me happy!
Here are the words that I have learned thus far… ( I have not mastered them yet, but I will in due time )
My shlomkha : how are you (male)
My shlomekh : how are you (female)
SHALOM!!! : hello, goodbye, peace
Toda! : Thank you
Ve ata (male) : And you?
Ve at (female): And you?
Ma Shemkha? : What is your name? (male)
Ma shmekh? : What is your name? (female)
Anee…: I am
Kore’em lee ..: They call me
Lehtrao’ot : Goodbye
Ekh kore’em lekha: How do they call you ? (male)
Ekh kore’em lakh: How do they call you? (female)
As I am still in the early stages of learning the alphabet and basic vocabulary, I have yet to encounter any serious roadblocks in my language learning. For learning the alphabet and vowel markings, the most useful resource I have found is actually a site for teaching Hebrew to children, It has coloring pages and practice sheets for the letters of the alphabet, as well as coloring sheets for learning seasons, months, colors, etc.
For basic phrases, I have found Byki to be very helpful, especially in the area of learning how to pronounce words. Simply looking up phrases and memorizing them usually isn’t productive unless I can hear the phrase pronounced by a Hebrew speaker. Eventually I hope hearing the word will no longer be necessary for me produce accurate pronunciation, but as of now when I have yet to associate what sounds letters or groups of letters make it is essential to hear the words spoken.
Usually flashcards are the best way for me to assess my progress; I will keep going through a set until I make no more mistakes, often writing out the answer instead of just saying it in order to practice
spelling and the ability to recognize the words. This of course is the concept of Byki, which uses constant repetition with a type of flashcard system. However, Byki has its limits, and eventually will no longer be useful as my vocabulary expands past what it offers.
Looking ahead, I am intimidated by the idea of learning grammar. I have two basic options, 1) finding a good textbook or system of learning that presents Hebrew grammar step by step, or 2) listening to native speakers through podcasts, Israeli TV, etc., and trusting that an understanding of grammar will come as a result of becoming familiar with speaking patterns. At this point, the second method sounds more appealing. In my experience with learning Spanish, I have found that when I have studied grammar from a textbook it doesn’t become natural, and I often forget the rules rather quickly, especially when I do not practice them. However, when I traveled to Spain I found myself becoming more and more comfortable with speaking Spanish not because I knew all the grammar rules but because I had heard the way sentences and phrases worked in context. Learning grammar through listening and interacting with the language seems to be a much more natural way of learning than from a grammar textbook.
I imagine that my main resource will be the internet. The website "Livemocha" is supposed to be good. People describe it as Rosetta Stone for free. I already watch a lot of Persian movies but I plan on watching even more now.
My progress seems limited due to the fact that I'm still working on the alphabet but I feel as though I have made steps in the right direction.
So, I found some sites that listout the alphabet, along with phonetic spellings and sound files. I'vememorised that already, and I can usually pick up proper accenting if Ilisten to a language enough, so I think I'll listen to some podcasts orspeeches so I can start getting a feel for how to pronounce wordsconvincingly. Youtube does wonders for making learning resourcesavailable. I watched some videos off Youtube for alphabet pronunciation,counting zero to ten, and learning the words for the days of the week.There was a lot more than I didn't even get to, like introductorylessons to the Turkish language. Doubtless some of them are morereliable than others, so I'll need to be careful of the credibility ofresources that I find online, especially forums where anyone can upload.
Some other resources I've found that I'll be using more in the futureinclude specific-for-learning-Turkish resources, such as online lessons,sites with useful phrases, Rosetta Stone, and a site whose purpose is to make language resourcesavailable like detailed grammar explanations, basics, glossaries, anddaily talk. I can also use a dictionary, whether print or online, andthere are other resources which are more accidental but just as useful,like Turkish music and podcasts, international internet TV, and BBC inTurkish.
The textbook reading was very fascinating, and helped me particularly in developing a sense of what resources would be most useful in conjunction with the way the brain processes language and acquires a sense of vocabulary, syntax and the many other nuances that create language. The idea that the mind does not learn words through syllabication but rather as a unit, for example, illustrated to me that the portion of Rosetta Stone that has the user repeat words syllable by syllable will not teach me vocabulary but simply acquaint me with the pronunciation of phonemes in the language I wish to acquire. Likewise, the Thanasoulas article also provided me with basic ideas regarding how I should tackle language learning resources. It also inspired me, asserting that "learners" are not born "autonomous", nor can they ever reach this autonomy, but merely approach it. It shows me that although it is difficult at times to learn an entire language on my own, it will become easier as I acquire strategies that will pique my learning preferences and make me a stronger learner and language speaker.