Topic: Questions
Related vocab:
The role of the Leader is to appoint the heads of many powerful posts - the commanders of the armed forces, the director of the national radio and television network, the heads of the major religious foundations, prayer leaders in city mosques, and the members of national security councils which deal with defense and foreign affairs. He also appoints the chief judge, the chief prosecutor and special tribunals. With the help of the chief judge, they together appoint half of the 12 jurists of the Guardian Council; the powerful body that decides both what bills may become law and who may run for president or parliament.
The Executive Branch
The Constitution defines the President as the highest state authority after the Supreme Leader. The President is elected by universal suffrage, by those 18 years old and older, for a term of four years. Presidential candidates must be approved by the Council of Guardians prior to running. The President is responsible for the implementation of the Constitution and for the exercise of executive powers, except for matters directly related to the Supreme Leader. The President appoints and supervises the Council of Ministers, coordinates government decisions, and selects
government policies to be placed before the legislature. Currently, 10 Vice-Presidents serve under the President, as well as a cabinet of 21 ministers, who must all be approved by the legislature. Unlike many other states, the executive branch in Iran does not control the armed forces. Although the President appoints the Ministers of Intelligence and Defense, it is customary for the President to obtain explicit approval from the Supreme Leader for these two ministers before presenting them to the legislature for a vote of confidence.
Legislative Branch
As of today, the current legislature of Iran is unicameral. Before the Iranian Revolution, the legislature was bicameral, with the senate (upper house) half elected, half appointed by the Shah. The senate was removed in the new constitution.
The Parliament of Iran comprises 290 members elected for four-year terms. The Parliament drafts legislation, ratifies international treaties, and approves the national budget. All Parliament candidates and all legislation from the assembly must be approved by the Council of Guardians.
The Guardian Council is composed of 12 jurists, including six clerics appointed by the Supreme Leader, and six jurists elected by the Majles from among the Muslim jurists nominated by the Head of the Judicial System. The Council interprets the constitution and may reject bills from Parliament deemed incompatible with the constitution or Sharia (Islamic law). These are referred back to parliament for revision. In a controversial exercise of its authority, the Council has drawn upon a narrow interpretation of Iran's constitution to veto parliamentary candidates.
As of the early 1990s, the Guardian Council approves candidates for national election in Iran.
Special note: According to the CIA World Factbook, The Guardian Council is a part of the Executive branch of the government, not legislative.
The Expediency Council has the authority to mediate disputes between the Majlis and the Council of Guardians, and serves as an advisory body to the Supreme Leader, making it one of the most powerful governing bodies in the country. The council also mediates legislative disputes between the Parliament and the Guardian Council. Its members include heads of the three government branches, the clerical members of the Guardian Council and various other members appointed by the supreme leader for three-year terms. Cabinet members and parliamentary leaders also serve as temporary members when issues under their jurisdictions are under review.
Judicial Branch
The Supreme Leader appoints the head of the Judiciary, who in turn appoints the head of the Supreme Court and the chief public prosecutor.
There are several types of courts including public courts that deal with civil
and criminal cases, and "revolutionary courts" which deal with
certain categories of offenses, including crimes against national security. The
decisions of the revolutionary courts are final and cannot be appealed. The
Special Clerical Court handles crimes allegedly committed by clerics, although
it has also taken on cases involving lay people. The Special Clerical Court
functions independently of the regular judicial framework and is accountable
only to the Supreme Leader. The Court’s rulings are final and cannot be
Information found at:
I will first describe the holidays, and then I will discuss the implications of the holidays from a political/religious point of view.
I have found two very helpful sites that described the customs of the Turkish holidays. The first resource defines and describes the concept of the “bayram” and continues to explain the specifics of
the two holidays. With both text and photos, the website uses an encyclopedia tone to describe the bayram basics. The second,
from Turkey Travel Planner, is a guide to foreigners who are traveling during
the time of the holiday. This source is very helpful because it describes what
foreigners should expect when encountering the holiday. This outsider’s
perspective provides insight into the aspects of the holiday that are
immediately apparent to the observer but maybe not to the participant. It does,
however, lack some depth about the activities of the family once the
celebrations begin. Finally, I used a Turkish etymological dictionary to explain
the origins and perspectives on specific vocabulary words, and how they relate
to the culture.
Powerpoint: Turk Bayramları.pptx
4. Artifact
For this artifact, I listened to one minute of a Schola Insta-class news report from November 9, 2009. While listening, I transcribed the audio to the best of my ability. The
first part is what I heard, the second is what was actually said, and the third
is a list of new vocabulary. Some of what I wrote in the first part just doesn’t make sense. I've underlined the mistakes and the corresponding correct parts.
Part 1
İzmir’e geldik iş bulduk. İzmir’de çalışıyorduk ve ne tekinde ’94 senesinde İzmir’de bir çocuğumuz oldu. Herkesin üç sene sonra kız dünyaya geldi. Hiçbir sorunumuz yoktu ve 2008 senesinde üçüncü aynıya kadar hiçbir sorunumuz yoktu.
Osman Çürümez daha sonra İzmir’de bir basma fabrikasında çalışmaya başlamış. Ancak 2001’de yaşanan ve Türkiye’ye derinden iki ay türist senesinde iş denetılmış.
Bu sever iş bulamadım. Kriz var. Malamda ortuduğum arkadaş vardı ordacılı kendisi. Olaya değince yaptık kapama benim. Ben de başladım ilk önce ilketabla yani oradacılık yapmaya çok dardan toplayarak üç ay dört ay bu şekelde yaptım sonra yani kendime toparladım.
Part 2
İzmir’e geldik iş bulduk. İzmir’de çalışıyorduk. Ve nitekim de 94 senesinde İzmir’de bir çocuğumuz oldu. Arkasından 3 sene sonra kız dünyaya geldi. Hiçbir sorunumuz yoktu. Ve 2008 senesinin üçüncü ayına kadar hiçbir sorunumuz yoktu.
Osman Çürümez daha sonra İzmir’de bir basma fabrikasında çalışmaya başlamış. Ancak 2001’de yaşanan ve Türkiye’yi derinden etkileyen kriz sırasında işten atılmış.
Bu sefer iş bulamadım. Kriz var. Mahallemde oturduğum arkadaş vardı. Hurdacıydı kendisi. O öyle deyince yattı kafama benim. Ben de başladım ilk önce ilk etapta yani hurdacılık yapmaya. Çöplerden toplayarak. Üç ay, dört ay bu şekilde yaptım. Sonra yani kendimi toparladım.
Part 3
1. Nitekim - as a matter of fact
2. Arkasindan - at the end of (arka - back)
3. Basmak – to press
4. Derinden - deeply
5. Etkile - influence
6. Atilmak – to be thrown out
7. Sefer - journey
8. Hurdacı – junk peddler
9. Kafa - head/mind
10. Etap - stage/lap
11. Şekilde - form
12. Toparlamak – to collect