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SDLC 110: Learning Journal #8

Learning Goals:

My learning goal for week 8 is to solidify my last interpersonal communication goal by developing my previous knowledge about the second way to say the numbers in Korean. I want to solidify my knowledge about both ways to say numbers because different situations call for different uses of the numbers. For example, the first counting method can be used to count things, such as the number of pencils you have. One would be hana, two would be dool, and etc. I am more familiar with this method, but I can also work to solidify this method. The second method can be used to account for birthday dates, such as saying my birthday is February 8. I have some struggles with this latter method, when the birthday dates go past 20 because it is slightly difficult for me to remember. As a result, my goal is to solidify both counting methods, so that I can use both ways for different goals! I can accomplish these goals by learning the first standard numbers for 1-10, and then looking at what each number is for  20's, 30's, etc, because each set of 10 numbers are usually similar with the same beginning, just with different endings. This would be a good way to learn because I am familiar with the ending and just need more help with learning the beginning part.  


Create a Learning Activity:

So far, I have learned how to better communicate with my family and friends about fields of study courses and related careers. As a result, my learning activity was to teach my non-Korean speaking friend about these topics. My friend’s major is history, so I taught her how to say “my major is history” in Korean. I was able to teach her by applying how I learned these vocabulary words and making a sentence through my conversation with my learning partner. I slowly introduced her to the topic by teaching her the new vocabulary of what major was in Korean, which is jeon-gong. Then, I taught her what history was in Korean, which is yeok-sa. I also gave her the option to learn other vocabulary. After learning new vocabulary, we worked on constructing a sentence together by matching the English words to the Korean words. This was an effective activity because it wasn’t overwhelming with learning too many new things at once and was fun because of the interactive activity.

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Learning Journal 8 110

My learning goal for this week were to learn some more soccer vocabulary and also work on my portugese accent. I completed this by actually googling a soccer vocabulary page which has helped me tremendulously. In terms of working on my accent I worked on this by saying some of my words allowed, and comparing my pronunciation to that of some soccer commentators.

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Learning Journal #5

Although I have not experienced culture shock to this point in my life, I have had multiple friends who have. For example, one of my eventual good friends during high school moved to Pennsylvania from Mexico with just a basic knowledge of English, so I was able to see and hear about some of the struggles involved in assimilating into a different culture. Obviously having a different accent makes foreigners stand out a bit, but this difference was never something that affected my friend much. For him, other than actually learning English, the subtle social nuances were most difficult to pick up. However, everyone handles culture shock differently, so it is important not to generalize one person's feelings. I will find out what culture shock feels like when I go to Europe for the first time this summer, but hopefully I will be able to adapt quickly.

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SDLC 111 - Second Artifact

Well Known Korean Idioms and Proverbs 

1) 쏜살같이
Literal: Like a shooting arrow
Meaning: Very fast

2) 바람 맞았다
Literal: Hit by the wind
Meaning: Got stood up by someone

3) 고슴도치도자기새끼는예쁘다
Literal: Even porcupines think their children are pretty
Meaning: All parents think their child/baby is pretty

4) 그림의 떡
Literal: Picture of a rice cake
Meaning: Used to describe something that you want, but can't have or afford

5) 시작이 반이다
Literal: Starting something is already half the work
Meaning: Taking the initative is already a big step

6) 눈코 뜰새 없다
Literal: Don't have time to open eyes and nose
Meaning: Extremely busy

7) 귀 빠진날
Literal: Day my ear was pulled out
Meaning: Birthday

8) 개천에서용났다
Literal: A dragon was born in a stream
Meaning: Someone who became successful from a poor background

9) 혼자서북치고장구친다
Literal: Playing a drum by oneself
Meaning: Someone who does everything alone and doesn't care about other people's opinions

10) 고양이에게 생선을 맡기다
Literal: Entrusting a fish to a cat
Meaning: Expressing doubt to trust someone who you shouldn't trust

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SDLC 111 - First Biweekly Post

On the first week, I asked Joora if we could go over homonyms and/or commonly misused and misspelled words. We went through 12 commonly misused/misspelled words, which happened to be all homonyms. This lesson was really useful and I learned a lot. I always wanted to go over homonyms, because I often type or text in Korean by sounding out the words and characters. Although auto-correct fixes some mistakes, there are many times when auto-correct does not catch the mistake when the word is just used in the wrong context. At first, i was really hard for me to differentiate the homonyms, because the characters looked so similar. Joora also told me many native Koreans get some of the homonyms mixed up as well. To practice and further my understanding on Korean homonyms, I came up with sentences using the two homonyms and asked Joora to check it over for me. 

On the second week, Joora and I read a Korean short story together out loud and went over some of the vocabularies, phrases, and grammatical principles. ( The short story was about dating and relationships. I wasn't used to reading Korean out loud, so it was a bit awkward and hard for me. While reading I had to stop a couple of times or slow down because there were so many tongue-twisters and I couldn't sound out the vowels correctly. I really enjoyed this exercise with Joora not only because we both laughed over some of the cheesy lines in the short story, but because it really helped me with the fluency and flow. I definitely became more comfortable reading in Korean towards the middle and end. 

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SDLC 111 - First Artifact


Joora: 왜이렇게 늦었어? 

Why were you so late?

Vivian:아 미안해! 차키를 잃어버려서 버스타고왔어. 많이 기다렸지?

Sorry! I lost my car keys so I took the bus! Did you wait long?

Joora: 괜찮아. 너 감기는 다 나았어?

That's okay. Is your cold better? 

Vivian: 응, 다났어.

Yes, it's better.

Joora: 저기요! 초콜렛 케이크 하나랑 밀크티 두게주세요.

Excuse me. Could we order 1 chocolate cake and 1 milk tea? 

Worker: 죄송하지만 초콜렛 케이크이 없대요.

I'm sorry, but we sold out of chocolate cake.

Joora:아 그럼 치즈케이크 으로 주세요.

Then could we get cheesecake? 

Vivian:나 네꺼 먹어봐도돼?

Can I try some of yours? 

Joora: 안돼.

No you can't. 

Oh, okay.

Joora: 너 이따 뭐할거야?

What are you doing later? 

Vivian: 난 공부 할거야. 넌?

I'm going to study. How about you? 

Joora: 웬일이야?

What? Study?!

Vivian: 그러게...해가서쪽에서 떴나봐.

Yeah I know...I can't believe it either. 

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