Well Known Korean Idioms and Proverbs
1) 쏜살같이
Literal: Like a shooting arrow
Meaning: Very fast
2) 바람 맞았다
Literal: Hit by the wind
Meaning: Got stood up by someone
3) 고슴도치도자기새끼는예쁘다
Literal: Even porcupines think their children are pretty
Meaning: All parents think their child/baby is pretty
4) 그림의 떡
Literal: Picture of a rice cake
Meaning: Used to describe something that you want, but can't have or afford
5) 시작이 반이다
Literal: Starting something is already half the work
Meaning: Taking the initative is already a big step
6) 눈코 뜰새 없다
Literal: Don't have time to open eyes and nose
Meaning: Extremely busy
7) 귀 빠진날
Literal: Day my ear was pulled out
Meaning: Birthday
8) 개천에서용났다
Literal: A dragon was born in a stream
Meaning: Someone who became successful from a poor background
9) 혼자서북치고장구친다
Literal: Playing a drum by oneself
Meaning: Someone who does everything alone and doesn't care about other people's opinions
10) 고양이에게 생선을 맡기다
Literal: Entrusting a fish to a cat
Meaning: Expressing doubt to trust someone who you shouldn't trust