During this month, I have been continuously improving on every aspect that I listed in the first bi-weekly post. Those aspects are reading, writing, listening, speaking, and cultural knowledge. I like to organize my learning plan by independent studying and my partner studying.
For my independent study, I have continued to work on reading news articles and watching relatable shows. Reading the news articles helps me stay updated with the Korean societal topics as well as the cultural aspects that I have been missing. I have significantly sought improvement in my vocabulary and the speed of my reading while still understanding the content.
Also, I have been trying to browse particular shows that relate to my personal life. One of my biggest hobbies is working out, and I especially love doing CrossFit. Recently, I came across a nine-episode show on Netflix called “Physical 100” through my partner’s recommendation. This show has 100 participants who believe that they have the best physicalities, and they have to go through multiple challenges to become the last one surviving, proving that they have the best physicality within the categories listed in the following sentence. Through this show, I was able to learn a lot of the physical related terms such as 순발력 (quickness), 밸런스 (balance), 정신력 (willpower), 근력 (strength), 지구력 (endurance) and names for different body parts, increasing my ability to have conversations regarding this topic.
With my partner, we have been working on conversational and writing fluencies as well as cultural factors. One activity we do that really helps me in every aspect is watching Korean cultural videos on YouTube. After watching the videos, we would talk about the topic they go over, the vocabulary terms, and have a written Q&A session. An exemplary video we went over together is a video by Korean Englishman. We watched this video together because it portrays one of the biggest cultural factors in Korea (that I mentioned in my previous cultural post), mukbang. It was a video that was collaborated on with a famous entertainer, HaHa. They were having a typical dining experience while also learning about the drinking culture of Korea. These videos are really helpful, as another foreigner is learning about Korean culture through filming them. Through the video, I learned and related to multiple terms that relate to the culture such as 식전주 (pre-meal drink), 꼰대 (bossy), and 인싸/아싸 (insider/outsider), 정 (jeong), 눈치 (nunchi). Through these words, I could really feel how much Koreans value respect, age differences, and differences in personalities. We also practiced the phonetics by repeating the words or phrases I found difficulty in.
For this particular video, Vivian provided three different questions.
영상대해서 어떡해 생각했어요?
영상을 보면서 배고팠습니다. 영상에서 새로운 문장들이 있었습니다.
예를들어서 부킹 멘트이랑 식전주가 있었습니다.
생각보다 영어 단어들을 많이 쓰는 것 같았습니다.
하하 좋아해요? 왜요?
하하씨를 어렸을때부터 많이 봤습니다. 굉장히 재미있는 사람인 것 같습니다.
예능 런닝맨 본적있었어요? 어떡해 생각해요?
런닝맨도 어렸을때부터 알았습니다. 오빠가 자주 봤습니다. 요즘에는 별로 재미없는 것 같습니다.
I was able to connect my own past experiences and personal beliefs to the video. We would use relatable videos to carry on our learning meetings in this manner.
For the next month, I want to focus more on the influences that other languages have on Korean, as I started to spot more foreign words during my studies.