Throughout the past few weeks, my partner and I have been steadily conversing on recent topics, trying to improve my flow of conversation. In terms of terminology and “flow”, I can tell my conversational proficiency has improved a lot more than the last time I had a language partner, yet there are occasional times where a pronunciation gets stuck, or I don’t know which exact conjugation/suffix to use. Even when I learn the proper terms/usage, sometimes it still feels awkward to use, and it takes a little to get used to it. Some of the more specific topics we’ve talked about were about recent Korean shows, drama and reality, and recent news regarding the Korean entertainment industry.
As for improving my writing skills, my partner and I have been more diligent on tasks and learning. It is a bi weekly cycle of writing on a topic that my partner provides, and reviewing the writing on our meetings. Of course, all the writing is done on paper to ensure I don’t get any help from autocorrect. The topics I’ve been given have been quite simple, but I’m sure that’ll change as the semester goes on.
On a further note, although I am practicing my Korean writing skills, I think there is also merit in practicing typing as well. I’m not too sure if digital writing counts toward’s ones proficiency in a language, but as writing is just a visual medium of language, I suppose typing is as well.