Reflect on your previous experiences as a language learner. What did you enjoy? What did you dislike? Think about the FIRE model and the surveys you have just completed. What kind of learner are you? What kinds of language learning activities suit your learning style? How do you think you should expand your learning activities?
I started learning my second language, French, when I was 13. It was the first semester of my 8th grade year. Ridgefield, my hometown, had just started offering French as a language course. The only other language class offered was Spanish. From the day I started learning French, everyone around me told me that "French isn't useful." This was one of the many things I did not enjoy about learning a second language. There is a stigma that we have to learn language that is deemed to be "useful."
Despite adults, and even friends at the time telling me to stop, I have kept a bright mindset about learning French ever since I started learning in middle school. My French teacher, Ms. Rebecca Frommlet, has been my day 1 biggest fan. She continues to advocate for me to pursue French studies in college and beyond. While in the moment some of her teaching methods were not my favorite, my French vocabulary and knowledge of the culture expanded immensely. Every Monday and Wednesday, for four years in high school, we took a vocabulary quiz with ten new French words. There are only so many ways that a person can learn words in another language. Ms.Frommlet's method was effective, I would say, in the long run.
I have always wanted to learn another language which is what keeps me going at the end of the day. I have just started learning my third language, Spanish, at the beginning of my second year here at UR. It's crazy to reflect on the fact that I have been learning French for five years. WOW!
I forgot what it takes to learn another language. Reflecting on my learning style is important. My results on the quiz stated that I was primarily an auditory and visual learner. I would definitely agree with this. My brain immediately processes images, which is how I ultimately see the world. I like being able to come up with my own interpretation first. Then, I am able to use auditory cues to establish what other people think and/or to make meaning of something. The best language-learning activities for me are involving note-taking and saying different phrases out loud to myself. That has been the method I use since I started learning French at 14. The best way for me to expand my learning activities are practicing French and Spanish more orally. I get very anxious in these situations, but I understand that this is the best way to learn.