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Assessment and goals summary sdlc 110

Dominique Brown

Dr. Sharon Scinicariello

SDLC 105

1 September 2015

                                                            Assessment and Goals Summary

            So according to my current language ability assessments, my proficiency and knowledge of the Korean language is very low. I am a novice level 0 beginner for all categories; thus, I would like to improve this by being able to converse about everyday activities freely and comfortably. Topics can range from greetings, time, food, music, TV, etc. In addition to this, I would like to be able to distinguish words and phrases that are being said in conversations between others. Knowing vocab about money, the names of other countries, and animals would also be beneficial.

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Reflection Paper #1

Dominique Brown

Dr. Sharon Scinicariello

SDLC 105

1 September 2015

                                                                               Reflection Paper #1

            My first experience encountering another language other than English must have been when I was really young. I lived in a neighborhood that was very diverse. Not only was English widely heard, but I also frequently listened to my neighbors speaking Spanish, Chinese, and many other languages. This is not to say; however, that I understood a word they were saying. It was just, to me, something different. No, perhaps my real encounter with actually listening to and understanding another language would have to be from watching Dora the Explorer as a young kid. I really enjoyed that show. It is only through that show that I am able to possess the skills of counting to ten and saying ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in Spanish…sadly, that is about all I can remember.

            Besides my Dora the Explorer days, the next time I was immersed in a language learning setting was during my four years of high school and my first year of college. I was attempting to learn French. In high school, the experience was so-so for me. My French teacher often spoke to us in English, and the class was, for the most part, based on cramming as much vocabulary and grammar into our brains for the exams as possible, only to partially forget what we have learned a week later. In total, the class watched a French movie perhaps twice in all four years (there was only one French teacher). However, what I enjoyed most about the class was when we were given food projects, mostly because we got to eat delicious food for the whole class period. In addition to this, I really enjoyed learning not only about France as a Francophone speaking country, but also about other countries, such as those in Africa. During the last few days of senior year, we learned some belly dancing moves from one of these particular countries.

            In college, I feel as though the method of teaching French was not all that different besides the fact that French, and not English, was mainly spoken by the teacher. I liked this aspect a lot; however, I felt really pressed for time moving from one topic to the next. I think my overall experience would have been better if I perhaps enrolled in the entry level French class freshman year, or if I took a refresher class to brush up on my French grammar. I could understand the majority of what was being said, but I did not, and still do not, possess the confidence to converse comfortably in the language without overthinking the possibility that I could be making/will make a mistake.     

            So because of my past language learning experiences, and according to the Fire Model of Integrative Thinking, I think that I learn best in an environment that has a slow pace and which is not too focused on completing specific language tasks immediately after the other. I am more interested on the cultural and everyday aspects of foreign regions. For example, my target language is Korean, and I hope not only to converse with native speakers and others freely, but to also be able to read and understand others aspects of their culture, such as their literatures, dramas, movies, music, and much more without fully relying on English translations and equivalents. It is also very interesting to me to compare aspects, different and similar, between Korean and American culture.  

            Thus, in order to accomplish this, I will try my best to incorporate the suggestions made to me by my Learning Styles Test results. According to this test, I am a reading/writing learner. So, I will definitely make use of habits such as using the dictionary to look up definitions, reading (hopefully I can find a Korean novel with the English translation on the next page), and writing my notes out by hand.

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Reflection Paper #1, 105

            I’m a LALIS minor and I took Spanish in high school, but most of the Spanish I learned was in college. I very much enjoy being in the upper level Spanish classes, because they are more centered. I’ve read a lot of literature from Spain and Latin America and I really enjoy listening to Spanish music and watching TV shows in Spanish. I like to learn and practice the language in other ways than just reading a textbook and doing exercises in class. I do wish that I remembered vocabulary better, though. Some words I learn right off the bat and will remember them forever, but some words just don't stick with me. I wish I had more of a chance to interact with native Spanish speakers, but I think I have still learned pretty well without being fully immersed.

            According to the FIRE model, I think I am normally a rational learner, but when it comes to learning a new language, I am closer to a factual leaner. When learning a new language, I like to know exactly what is expected of me and I want things to be very detailed. I am also a kinesthetic, hands-on learner. I like to use pictures and examples when learning new words and topics and it often helps me to remember something if I write it down two or three times. I really love using flashcards, which will be basically impossible to do with ASL, so I will have to figure out something new. I used to dance in high school and muscle memory is extremely important to remembering the steps. I think the same principal can be used with ASL. If I practice a sign enough times, eventually my hands will remember what to do without me actively thinking about it, which is the level I want to reach in all the languages I learn. 

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SDLC 105: Reflection Paper 1

  • Reflect on your experiences as a language learner.  What did you enjoy?  What did you dislike?  Think about the FIRE model and the surveys you have just completed.  What kind of learner are you?  What kinds of language learning activities suit your learning style?  How do you think you should expand your learning activities?

My language learner experience started from my elementary school. At the beginning, I learned English mostly by the lecture. I did not have enough chances to practice with English-speakers since I did not have any English-speaker friends. Hence, I could handle grammars and writing. However, I did not do well in my speaking and listening part. And now,  I enjoyed applying languages such as speaking with locals in University and writing paper as a language learner. As a result, my English is getting better and better.


From the survey, I am a Kinesthetic learner. I should use all of my senses when learning a new language. Spending time watching Korean video and listening to Korean songs will improve my languages skills.

During this semester, I will create my own study plan and specific weekly goals to improve my language skills. I plan to watch Korean Drama twice a week and take advantage of applications(mango language, Diigo ) to continuously promote my language learning.


In the future, I plan to visit Korea or attend a program in Korea in one summer. When I  immerse into a Korean-speaking environment, I will be  fully exposed to Korean. It will be efficient for me, a Kinesthetic learner according to the survey results.

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105/110 Week Reflection and Cultural Post

110 - What is your interest in 'your' language and what do you hope to accomplish this semester?

My interest in American Sign Language started with meeting one of my best friends when I studied in Israel and she happened to be deaf. After a week or two of communicating on passing a phone back and forth and typing in Notes, I decided to take up learning ASL from her. Since then I have grown to love the language, deaf culture, and some of the issues that I have learned about in the deaf community.

Based on the "Level of Competence" document, I would place myself at an Intermediate level of Developing 2. I have the basics of conversation down to a level of comfort, but I need to learn more grammar and structure of signing, improve my ability to understand others outside of just my one friend that I learned from, and I would hope to work towards a level of competence that I could seek interpreting certification by years end. I could also expand into learning some universal sign potentially as well (ASL is specific to America; other countries have differences)

105 - Reflect on your experiences as a language learner.  What did you enjoy?  What did you dislike?  Think about the FIRE model and the surveys you have just completed.  What kind of learner are you?  What kinds of language learning activities suit your learning style?  How do you think you should expand your learning activities?

I enjoy learning languages, but I definitely work better as a learner when I can have hands on practice (pun intended). Constant repetition, correction from whomever is teaching me, learning through messing up is the best way I have found myself improving as a language learner.I am definitely a kinesthetic learner, which is why I love sign language so much. Learning the nuances of facial expression as being a part of grammar is something that I struggle with at times, because that is something you cannot really learn unless you are immersed in a deaf community. I would consider it as being similar to getting down pronunciation within spoken languages. I need to find someone in the Richmond Area that I could meet and talk (sign) with regularly if I am going to improve, though I had a friend suggest that I find larger groups to practice with because that is where I tend to have issues in understanding.

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