Reflection (3)

SDLC 105: Reflection Paper#2

Shuyi Chen

Dr. Scinicariello

SDLC 105


SDLC 105 Reflection Paper#2

My learning journals posted in Ning map my learning progress and goals.In my learning journey with Korean language, I made my own study plans and followed my specific tasks such as roleplaying with language partners and watching tutorials to get improvement step by step depending on my own interests instead of leading by a fixed and general construction.  I have a clear communicative goals such as carrying simple conversations with Koreans for 4 minutes by the end of this semester. Hence, I have control on my language learning.I can understand a few repetitive phrases and words  in Korean songs and Korean dramas now.  However, it’s certainly acknowledged that learning a language is a lengthy progress and I cannot wish to speak as a native speaker in a few months. But I really feel comfortable with my learning plan and current progress.


Understanding a culture, albeit slowly, enhances the effectiveness of my language learning process future-orientedly. I learned that Korean culture even directly appears in daily conversation. The hierarchy in Korean is reflected in how we address people on the ways and content people speak. For example, in comparison, the hierarchy extent in South Korea is higher that in the States. I have to clearly consider before I intend to  talk to someone in Korea regarding his/her social standing, age, occupations. If I fail to do so, I might be regarded as impolite and rude. In the future, I would like to delve in the concrete words related to the formality and informality on volume of speaking, intonation and pronunciation in a sentence.  


Due to my longtime interest in Korean language, I tried to get immersed in Korean by watching Korean dramas and listening to Korean songs in a daily base.  It is a good way to recognize the appropriate attitudes and conversations under different scenarios. Then based on the questions I generated from Korean dramas, I would inquire my language partner to get answers pertaining to sending and receiving intended meanings  in order to enrich my knowledge of sociocultural rules of Korean language.


From the reading, lyle Bachmans divided language competence into two node(s): Organizational competence and pragmatic competence. As a starter in Korean language, I might focus on Organizational competence including grammatical competence and textual competence. Although vocabulary and sentences are only  parts of language, they are still the base of language as we build up our knowledge from words and sentences.  In this semester, I will stick to my learning plan and continues my self-directed language learning progress.  Combining the practice with language partner outside of classroom and the Korean drama, I try to move forward to understand the functional aspects of communication on my Korean language learning journey step by step. Hope I can successfully master the linguistic code of Korean such as the Korean alphabet, Korean characters on sentence-level grammar this semester.Then I will try to learn to conduct few interpersonal conversations. I wish to achieve my goals in my learning plan and overcome the difficulties in my language learning journey.

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MLC 105 Final Reflection Paper

      Over this past semester, I have learned a great deal about autonomous language learning by studying Hindi and meeting with a language partner.  Initially, in January, I thought I would be prepared for the challenges of autonomous learning, since I have, in the past, been successful at planning and managing my time for learning on my own.  However, one challenge that I did not account for was balancing my own expectations.  My most recent language learning experience was an immersion program in Punjabi this past summer, and because it was a full-time scholarship program, I picked up the language quickly and was eager to learn more and practice whenever I had time – and I also lived in the country in which the language (as well as Hindi) were both spoken, so I was surrounded by Punjabi and Hindi.  In learning Hindi this semester, I thus expected to progress much more quickly, not taking into account that I had other classes and commitments, like studying for the MCAT exam or planning my med school applications.  Thus, I became a little discouraged initially when I kept confusing Punjabi letters with Hindi letters, or when I was progressing much slower than I expected.  Although this was frustrating, it made me realize how incredibly helpful it is to be surrounded by a context in which the language is spoken continuously – through the media, with interactions with locals, and more.  I tried to pursue resources this semester that would promote a similar type of immersion through the media, and this helped a great deal –- I utilized textual and audiovisual sources that were all quite culturally authentic (Foreign Language Defense Institute's resources and “A Door into Hindi”).


          It is also interesting to consider the time and true commitment involved in learning a language autonomously.  Since I think of myself as someone who is pretty good at time management and learning independently, I assumed that I would not have any problems with the time commitment involved with learning Hindi autonomously.  However, it was actually challenging initially because I was learning the script, and it became repetitive to continually memorize and practice the script in the first week.  It was helpful to have a weekly schedule that I made over the weekend to go over what I hoped to accomplish during the following week, and when EXACTLY I would learn those items and how.  Sometimes, my learning was not as structured – like when I would just listen to Hindi music while walking to class or when I would watch a Hindi movie on a Friday afternoon. It was great to have a balance between different resources and different elements of practice (structured vs. relaxed).  It was also a little difficult sometimes for me to carve out the necessary time to do structured learning because I am in the process of beginning my med school apps and studying for the MCAT, so it was a little hard to balance independently studying for the MCAT and independently studying Hindi.


          I have also noticed a difference in when I learn a language in a classroom (under the guidance of a teacher) versus independently.  I studied German throughout middle and high school, and I LOVED studying German in the classroom.  It forced me to keep up with the vocabulary words that I had to memorize, and my teacher always had the most interesting ideas for implementing and practicing certain concepts, like through skits or games.  It was really hard for me to be the only student studying Hindi on my own.  I really wish other students had participated in the SDLAP for Hindi because we could have done skits or play vocab games – the other students may serve also as motivators.  I really like learning with other students, so it was a little challenging at times.  However, the presence of a language partner made up for this a lot.  I also enjoyed how our cultural/linguistic explorations in MLC 105 also helped me approach my study of Hindi with an open mind -- remembering the articles we read about the role of culture in language learning, the sociocultural factors of language, and more. 


           I really enjoyed meeting with a language partner this semester, and she truly represented quite a helpful resource.  A crucial part of language is composed of the elements that are spoken, and it is quite hard to learn those elements – pronunciation, knowing the usage of certain words, etc  -- without having a language partner.  Additionally, she also kept me motivated because I wanted to show her that I was continuing to try, even if I made mistakes.  Since I was the only student learning Hindi this semester, it was also helpful to have someone with whom to practice.


          In terms of the goals that I accomplished, the most important goal (to me) that I accomplished was learning the script and being able to write in Hindi.  I am really happy with the progress I achieved in that sense, especially considering that I did not know the Hindi/Devanagari script at all in January, when this course began, and when I go back to India, I am happy that I will be able to read signs, menus, and more!  Another goal that I accomplished was learning vocabulary of personal relevance – hobbies, food, family, health, caste, body parts, weather, and likes/dislikes.  These expressions will come in handy if I try to interact with locals in India.  I also accomplished my goal of watching and understanding a public health video or radio message.  It was more helpful to watch a public health PSA because I could also utilize situational clues and body language to understand what was going on.  Additionally, I also watched MANY “Fair and Lovely” ads in Hindi for one of my projects in MLC 105, and they were really helpful to watch to learn more about language use, as well as cultural clues and attitudes about skin color and women.  With regard to grammar, I also learned the different elements of the present tense (simple present, present progressive, and present habitual). I am really happy that I decided not to learn the past tense, because it was already difficult to learn the different parts of the present tense. It was somewhat difficult to find reading material that was aimed at beginners, so I want to practice more reading this summer, when I have more time to obtain reading material for beginners.

      A few days ago, I completed my language assessment for MLC 110.  Part of my assessment was a monologue that I had to remember and speak in front of a videocamera.  I was really nervous before this assessment, and although I personally felt that I had learned a great deal of Hindi this semester, I was nervous that my assessment would not show it.  However, my monologue went fine, and I was surprised that I didn't get too nervous when I was actually saying it -- it also made me aware of how practice and preparation throughout the semester truly does influence one's speaking skills in a new language. I was concerned that I would forget a Hindi word or two during my monologue and would resort to Punjabi, so I practiced the different vocabulary words and expressions that I had studied throughout the semester, and it really did make a difference in my monologue, I believe.  For me, the second part of my assessment was an online test matching Hindi words (in Devanagari script) with pictures.  The problem that I kept having was my slow reading speed.  It still takes me a while to figure out the letters (Punjabi vs. Hindi), then pronounce the words aloud or silently, and to then match it up with the meaning.  This activity demonstrated to me that I still need to practice my Hindi reading skills over the summer.


         In reflecting on this semester in MLC 105 and MLC 110, I have really found my experience as a self-directed language learner of Hindi to be quite meaningful. I’ve progressed a great deal in terms of my independent skills as a language learner -- particularly in being able to speak, write, and read Hindi.  I have also learned a great deal about the complexity of learning about both language and culture -- specifically Indian culture, as it relates to my focus in health and human rights.  If I go back to India in the future, I hope to be able to use what I have learned this semester, in terms of both tangible and intangible language skills, for an even more meaningful experience in India.

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MLC 110: Week #2 Reflection

During this past week, I focused on strengthening my grasp of the Hindi (Devanagari) alphabet, including the consonants, vowels, and matras.  As I mentioned before, it has been somewhat tricky for me since some of the Devanagari letters look similar to Punjabi letters but have completely different sounds.  The way I've been overcoming that obstacle is using the book "Teach Yourself Hindi," which is used in many college courses about Hindi.  In the book, Snell has a list of words that use certain sounds.

What I did during this past week was to rewrite the alphabet several times, focusing on understanding the distinct sounds of each letter, carefully write out some of the words while pronouncing the sounds, learn the conjugations of the verb "to be," and study the beginnings of some Hindi greetings.  I am using  the Five Colleges Mentored Hindi website, which has great culture videos in Hindi (LangTalk) that are about the different greetings. I will upload the artifact I created. Meeting with my language partner was great -- I was actually able to hear a native speaker sound out the sounds I had been confused about, and he helped check my understanding of the alphabet/sounds by doing dictation exercises, where he would say a word slowly once or twice, and I would then write it according to the sounds I heard.  For Hindi, dictation and learning by sound is really important, even if (like me) one is not an aural learner.  This is because in Hindi, the difference in two letters might just be aspirated vs. unaspirated, like a hard "K" sound vs. "khh."  Or, in Hindi, there are the sounds: d, dh, dt, dhh, t, th.  Thus, meeting with my Language Partner was great because he could check the progress I have been making, and it gave me a chance to hear spoken Hindi from a native speaker.    During this past week, I also watched segments of the Hindi film "Once Upon a Time in Mumbai."  It was partially as a way to learn more about Bollywood culture and as a way to check how much Hindi I could recognize.  Although I can recognize the conjugations of "I am, she is, etc..." and recognize some words from my Punjabi knowledge, the actors spoke so fast.  However, I could often use context clues to figure out what was going on.

-सिमरन :) (Simrun)

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