As a language learner and cultural explorer, I find myself, now, more eager to delve into the target language’s culture. I also find myself thinking about a target language’s “big C” and “little c”. As a language learner, I definitely enjoyed learning about the language itself, but also the history of the language and the language culture. I still do find it difficult to completely understand the true nature of a language, but it is still enjoyable when I don’t dwell too deep. Compared to being a language learner, I think being a cultural explorer was more fun and rewarding. Though language is a huge part of culture, I find learning more about the culture of a target language was more interesting and covered unique topics.
For SDLC 111, I focused a lot more on the culture aspect of the language. I think that was very beneficial, in that I was able to understand the history behind certain things like the flag or dialects. It was a different approach then I did last semester, working more on the learning of vocabulary and utilizing them in context.
For next semester, I hope to be able to combine these two techniques (learning through the standard method-textbooks, and learning a through understanding culture) and become a better language learner.
My learning plan: Korean%20Language%20Learning%20Plan.docx
Reading in my target language has definitely improved as well. I find myself reading every Korean word/phrase/sentence I encounter on a daily basis. Before this journey started, I was able to read very limited words and read them very slowly. Now, I am able to read familiar words/phrases/sentences with ease, though some words may take a little longer, I am still able to read them.
I am now able to write simple sentences, conjugate some verbs, and even some complex sentences. So, not only has my writing improved, but also my grammar.
My understand of culture has most definitely improved, especially as I had to do more research as I delved into the different cultural topics.
Though my speaking skills are still lacking, they have improved from last semester. For next semester, as well, I plan to focus more on the speaking aspect of the language learning process.