Plural Cases:
This week we touched on the plural cases of nouns. My goal is to know how to generate the many variations of different words. In the beginning of the class Gokhan taught us some new words: “Kalem(pen)”, “Masa(desk)”, “Saat(clock)” and “canta(bag)”. They he taught us how each words is transformed into plural cases. The variations of each word depends on the ending vowels. There are five back vowels and five front vowels. The five back vowels are “A, I, O, U’ and the front vowels are “E İ Ö Ü”. When it comes to the plural cases. If word has an ending vowel that is a back vowel, then we add the post-fix “lar” to make the word plural. For example, the word “masa” ’s plural case is “masalar”, which means desks. As for a word with an ending vowel that is a front vowel, such as the word “kalem”, we add the post-fix “ler” to make it plural. In this case, “kalemler” is the plural case of “kalem”, which means pens. Once we know the pattern, it became easy. Then Gohkan gave us some more words that we haven’t learned so far and asked us to transform them into plural cases. After several practices, we are very familiar with plural cases.