All Posts (36)

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Cultural Post #3

One thing I've noticed about our major cities is the presence of cafes, or the lack thereof. Chance is, there will probably be a cafe around the corner or down the block, whether it be a franchise, chain store, or a small-independent cafe. But the presence of these cafes are arguably lacking, relative to Europe and Korea. Many of European cities' infrastructure is designed to be more human-friendly (bike-friendly, better walkability, etc), perhaps allowing better interconnection between cafes and their surroundings. There exists a significant social aspect of the cafe culture as well, highlighting it as a place of leisure and relaxation. In America, I think the mentality is to grab and go - get your caffeine and dip. In fact, a lot of our cafes are kind of designed more around the retail aspect, having an extensive menu and numerous other products like mugs, and less on the cafe-space aspect, offering limited space in relation to the cafes of Korea.

In Korea, you'll find a cafe quite literally around the corner. In fact, you'll find a bunch of them, whether it be 24/7 study cafes, pc cafes, board-game cafe, music-space cafes, pet cafes, or just your normal cafe - some side by side, some on top of others, even some underground. Even amongst these normal cafes, there are clear distinctions, with some being chain stores, and some being extensively (or minimally) decorated for social media. But most importantly, unlike the states, the presence of these cafes are highlighted as they act as focal meeting areas, study spots, date locations, or just a place to socialize. I'm not saying we as Americans don't have this - we do, but I think the idea of cafes as a social/leisure place is more actualized in Korea.

As for why, there are multiple reasons. Korea is a relatively small country with a decent population - major cities lack common areas for people to use for socialization/leisure, and these cafes offer the people a third space. Social media has a very large presence in the younger generations, and these cafes offer decorative spaces for pictures, taking advantage of such incentives. Finally, these cafes are the perfect study spot - food and beverage in the proximity, within the city, and often spacious. As mentioned earlier, there are cafes solely focused towards studying, being open 24/7. I actually was at one of these a few times, and not only is it packed at night, but it is dead-quiet. I think the strong presence of study cafes must have to do with the study/educational culture of Korea.

There has been a term has been popularized in Korea in recent times - "카공족" (cagongjok). It essentially means "cafe study tribe", and as you can guess, it refers to the people who often study at cafes. But the reason why such an innocent act as received a name is because these people will quite literally study or work at the cafe extensively for 6+ hours, almost "living" in these cafes. While long usage of cafes is not inherently wrong, it can often hurt the cafe's profitability as the customer will probably only buy a couple of things, and then take up space. What makes these situations worse is that some people will bring their entire work/study setup, taking up an entire table that could be used by more people. A image below, something I found funny, is a setup a cafe-owner took a picture of, where a customer brought their printer. But all in all, this shows the extreme presence of cafe culture in Korea.


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Language Learning Journal 2

Since my last language journal, I have continued to use Korean media as the medium for my learning. With my language partner, I have selected certain pieces of media best fit for education, whether it be podcasts, talk shows, or dramas. For example, I've noticed over the past few weeks that talk shows are the best for improving practical comprehension, as a lot of these shows revolve around current psychosocial culture, and the vocabulary/flow/grammar used is best representative of the Korean used by the average Korean person. However, within these talk shows, there are many genres and topics, one being a talk show that uses a mixture of English and Korean for the sake of comedy and international outreach. Another talk show is one that revolves around the guest's fridge, and a substantial portion is dedicated to discussing about the contents of that fridge. These examples are some of the talk shows I've omitted, as I didn't think they would contribute much to my learning. Rather, I have chosen talk shows that really are centered on inquisitive and/or casual discussions between the host and guest.

One example of this is Yoo Quiz, a show where 2 renown hosts ask their guests, which range from celebrities to normal people, and just chat with them. Whilst this sounds incredibly dry on paper, the carefully selected host personalities (lighthearted and upbeat) as well as the casual environment of the show (there is no set location) allows for a relaxed, entertaining, and informative discussion. Watching this show has been really helpful as the scope of guests is quite wide - I've heard all sorts of jargon, dialects, and sayings.

Another show I've been watching is 나영석의 나불나불 (Nattering with Nah) on youtube, where a famous producer whom I am a fan just films his extremely casual conversations with his guests, whom are all actual friends/connections of his, and not on the show for the sake of the show. Whether it be set during a meal at a restaurant or at home, this show feels extremely casual, allowing me to better comprehend true dialogue excluding formal and specialized language.

I have done this "selection" of sort amongst different media to cater to my learning needs, and so far it has been great. Watching these with my partner allows me to ask her clarifying questions, and it is both informative and fun.

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Spring 2024 SDLC112

Cultural Post #4

태극기 "Taegeukgi"

David Kim


태극기 Taegeukgi is the national flag of South Korea. It has a unique design that reflects several key aspects of Korean culture and philosophy. The Taegeukgi was first officially adopted as the national flag of Korea on March 6, 1883, during the reign of King Gojong of the Joseon dynasty. During the Japanese occupation of Korea(1910-1945), the Taeguekgi was banned, and the Japanese flag was imposed as the official flag. However, the Taeguekgi continued to be used by Korean independence activists as a symbol of resistance. After Japan’s defeat in World War II, Korea regained its independence, and the Taeguekgi was reinstated as the national flag. In 1948, the Taekguekgi was designated as its national flag when South Korea was officially established as a separate country. During the Korean War, the Taegukgi became a symbol of South Korean resistance against North Korean invasion, as well as a symbol of hope and unity. Today, the Taegeukgi is a symbol of Korean identity and is displayed proudly on various occasions, such as national holidays, sporting events, and official ceremonies.

The Taeguekgi has a red and blue Taeguek circle in the center and four black trigrams surrounding the circle on a white background. The white background of the flag represents purity, peace, and homogeneity, which is highly valued by the Korean people and culture. At the center of the flag is the 태극 Taegeuk, which is a red and blue symbol representing the concept of yin and yang, the duality of the universe in Korean philosophy. The red section represents positive cosmic forces, and the blue section represents the negative forces. Together, they symbolize balance and harmony. It also represents the truth of nature that all things are created and evolve through the interaction of yin and yang. 

Surrounding the Taegeuk are four sets of black trigrams collectively called 건곤감리 geongongamri or 4괘 kwe, each in the corners of the flag. These trigrams are derived from the Chinese I Ching (Book of Changes) and represent the four classical elements, directions, virtues, and natural phenomena. They are also associated with the four guardian spirits that protect the country and its people. The left top one is called 건 geon, which symbolizes the sky. The right bottom one is called 곤 gon, which symbolizes earth. The right top one is called gam, which symbolizes the moon or water. The left bottom one is called 리 ri, which symbolizes the sun or fire. You would read or write in the order just like when you write the alphabet n, from left top to right bottom. Then you will have 3,4,5, and 6 strokes in a consecutive order. 

The Taegeukgi has a specific set of proportions. The width of the flag is twice its height, and the diameter of the Taegeuk circle is half the width of the flag. These proportions are meant to create a harmonious and balanced appearance. The Taegeukgi flag represents the values of the Korean people who respect nature and harmonization. 

태극기 - 나무위키

대한민국 국기 건곤감리 쉽게 기억하기

Korean Source ;

English Source 

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Spring 2024 SDLC112

Cultural Post  #3

한옥 “Hanok”

David Kim


한옥 “Hanok” refers to traditional Korean houses, known for their unique architectural style and cultural significance. These houses have been a staple of Korean architecture for centuries, embodying the principles of harmony with nature, functional efficiency, and social hierarchy. 

Hanok houses are typically single-story structures with a floor plan that follows the natural contours of the land. They are often L-shaped or square, with rooms arranged around a central courtyard called a madang. The layout is designed to maximize natural light and ventilation while providing privacy and security. 마루 “Maru” is an architectural element of Hanok that was developed to adapt to the heat. Maru is a space on the floor made of wood that allows a pleasant summer by allowing the air to pass through without the moisture from the floor. In addition, the floor is used as a place to connect multiple rooms or store things.

The roof of a Hanok determines the impression of a Hanok, whose beauty comes from its sleek curves. The 

naturally raised curves of Hanoks preserve their classical beauty compared to the straight roof shapes found in traditional Chinese and Japanese architecture. Gently curved Hanok roofs are made of traditional materials such as 한지 hanji (Korean paper) or clay tiles. The eaves of the roof extend outward to provide shade and protection from the elements, creating a distinctive silhouette. 

One important feature of Hanok houses is the 온돌 ondol, a traditional Korean underfloor heating system. Heated by a wood-burning stove, the ondol system circulates hot air through channels under the floor, providing warmth during the cold Korean winters. The ondol system is still used even today in apartments. It was a very efficient and effective system because it could solve heating and cooking at the same time. Traditional ondol was changed to boiling water with the boilers.

Hanok houses reflect traditional Korean beliefs and values. For example, the layout of the house often reflects Confucian ideals of social hierarchy, with the most important rooms located closer to the main entrance. Also, people believed that harmony with nature was important. Hanok houses are typically constructed using wood and earth materials such as clay, straw, and stone from the surrounding environment. These natural materials help regulate indoor temperature and humidity, contributing to a comfortable living environment. 

While traditional Hanok houses have been preserved in some parts of Korea, many have been adapted to modern living standards. The main problems with Hanok houses were uncomfortable facilities, challenging maintenance, and high costs for building. Modern Hanok houses may incorporate contemporary amenities such as electricity, plumbing, and insulation while preserving the traditional architectural elements and aesthetics. Recently, Hanok houses are used for different purposes rather than to live. Main purposes are using them as places for restaurants, cafes, museums, and more. There are also hotels and accommodations that offer the concept of Hanok. If you have a chance to visit Korea, I recommend you to visit Hanok Village in Bukchon, Seoul or Gyeongju. 

Hanok houses are not just architectural structures but living representations of Korean culture and history. They continue to be cherished and preserved as valuable cultural heritage sites, providing a glimpse into Korea's traditional way of life.

전세계가 한옥 검색 쉽게 할 수 있도록 한옥 카테고리 신설

네이버 이미지 한옥구조 명칭 : 네이버 블로그

Korean Sources,%ED%98%95%EC%9C%BC%EB%A1%9C%20%EB%B6%84%ED%99%94%ED%95%98%EA%B2%8C%20%EB%90%98%EC%97%88%EB%8B%A4.

English Sources 

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Spring 2024 SDLC112

Monthly Learning Journal #3

David Kim


My language partners and I continued watching the Korean drama A Killer Paradox on Netflix. The third episode starts with Yeo-ok, the blind woman’s story. When she was young, she was hanging out with the wrong friends. They were not properly functioning at a place with coal gas. Someone lit up a lighter to smoke, and there was a big fire. Yeo-ok got herself burned around her left eye. She also signed up for eight different insurances for her aunt and uncle who raised her. Then she killed them by herself. She did it not because of money, but because of her nature and vanity. 

Detective Jang Nan-gam meets Yeo-ok’s cousin, who wrote the story of Yeo-ok on the internet. She told him that Yeo-ok poured boiling water on her face with a smiley face. Detective Jang Nan-gam heads to Jaejun’s funeral, but gets facked in the face by Jaejun’s mother because he was asking questions. Detective Jang Nan-gam already knew that Jaejun was a perpetrator before becoming a victim. Years ago Jaejun and his other friend raped Kang Yeon-seo, a middle school girl. A month later, she suicide by jumping off on sixth floor. Detective Jang Nan-gam says that there is no perpetrator or victim because every human being is the same. He goes back to the convenience store and figures out that Lee Tang was not showing up after he got payment in advance and interacted with Yeo-ok. While Lee Tang was at home, he got a petition through a registered mail by his former boss. 

Another detective visits Kang Yeon-seo’s father Kang Sang-muk’s house. Kang Sang-muk says that he killed the high school students to get revenge for his daughter. He said that they deserve to die. He gets arrested and investigated at the police station. However, detective Jang Nan-gam figures out that his statement and the evidence do not match. Kang Sang-muk gets hit by a car while leaving the police station. 

Lee Tang eventually decides to turn himself in. He packs the money and all of the evidence in his bag. However, thieves steal his bag, take the money, and throw away the bag and evidence into a river. At the hospital, Kang Sang-muk recognizes Lee Tang because Kang Sang-muk was planning to kill the high school students with the help from unknown figure, OnlyForHEROES on telegram. It is the same one who left a note for Lee Tang in the last episode. Detective Jang Nan-gam feels something suspicious, but Kang Sang-muk suicides by overusing sleeping pills. Lee Tang ran away to find the unknown figure. His mother and sister visits his place, but there was only a lifeless house and a note by Lee Tang that he was quietly leaving. 

During the three episodes, Lee Tang killed several people, but they all eventually deserved getting killed from different people’s perspectives. I’m looking forward to how Lee Tang will react to his actions after knowing all of them deserved getting killed from different people’s perspectives.

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Spring 2024 SDLC112 - Cultural Post #2 "Seoye"

Spring 2024 SDLC112

Cultural Post #2

서예 "Seoye"

David Kim


서예 “Seoye" is the Korean term for traditional Korean calligraphy. It is an art form that involves writing characters, often using 한자 “hanja” (Chinese characters) or 한글 “hangul” the Korean alphabet, in a visually expressive and aesthetically pleasing manner. It is valued not only for its aesthetic beauty but also for its ability to convey meaning and emotion through the written word. Seoye is deeply rooted in Korean culture and has been practiced for centuries. Since hanja was introduced to Korea during the Go-joseon dynasty, it is estimated that Seoye has a history of over 2,000 years.  

Seoye is not just about writing words or characters; it is also about conveying the emotions, thoughts, and personality of the calligrapher through the strokes and style of the writing. Calligraphers often use different brushes, ink, and paper to create various effects and styles. The beauty of Seoye lies in its simplicity, elegance, and ability to capture the essence of the written words.

Calligraphers use special tools, including different types of brushes, ink, inkstone, and paper. They use brushes or pens made of animal hair or synthetic fibers. 먹 “mok,” the ink is usually made from charcoal or pine soot. Inkstone is used to grind the ink stick and mix it with water. Seoye paper is often made from mulberry tree fibers.

There are several styles of Seoye, each with its own characteristics and rules. For Korean, there are 판본체 panbonche, 판본 필서체 panbon pealseoche, and 궁서체 gungsuhche. 판본체 has thick lines with relatively more space between each characters. 판본 필서체 has thick lines but with sharp edges. 궁서체 has relatively thin lines with sharp edges, looking more relaxed. These styles are determined by the emphasis on the brushwork. Calligraphers use various pressure and speed to create different effects. The brushstrokes are often bold and expressive, conveying the emotions of the calligrapher.

Seoye follows aesthetic principles such as balance, harmony, and rhythm. Calligraphers strive to achieve a harmonious composition of characters, with each stroke contributing to the overall beauty of the piece. Seoye often incorporates meaningful phrases, poems, or proverbs, reflecting Korean cultural values and beliefs. The choice of words and the way they are written can convey deeper meanings and emotions.

Seoye has been an important part of Korean culture for centuries, used in various contexts such as official documents, religious texts, and artistic expression. It is considered a form of meditation and self-cultivation, with calligraphers often practicing for years to master the art. This is why parents often make their children learn Seoye if they need to develop their patience and concentration. 

Overall, seoye is a beautiful and intricate art form that reflects the rich cultural heritage of Korea. Seoye has been used in various ways, including as a form of communication, as a means of preserving and transmitting cultural heritage, and as a way to cultivate one's mind and spirit. Today, seoye is still practiced and appreciated in Korea, both as a traditional art form and as a means of artistic expression.

한글서예 다양한 서체로 쓰는 법 설명 + 판본체 정자체 흘림체 서예고체 궁체정자 궁체흘림 캘리그라피 Korean calligraphy 서예 붓글씨 악필교정 [초로쌤의 서예교실] - YouTube

전주부채문화관, 한글서예동아리 상반기 수강생 모집 < 문화 < 분야별 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 투데이안

Korean Sources 

English Sources 

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Spring 2024 SDLC112

Monthly Learning Journal #2

David Kim


My language partners and I continued watching the Korean drama A Killer Paradox on Netflix. The second episode starts with the surrounding situations and people around the main characters murder college student Lee Tang and detective Jang Nan-gam. Detective Jang Nan-gam visits his father who is ill and laying down at a hospital. By looking at him having arguments with his mother, it seems like he does not have the best relationship with his parents. Meanwhile, Lee Tang goes to church with his mother. She kept nagging him about school and Working Holiday. As soon as other church members approached her, she started to brag about her daughter getting married and her son going on a Working Holiday. 

When Lee Tang was working at the convenience store, the blind woman entered the store and told Lee Tang to give him a pack of cigarettes and 2 million won (around $1,518.66). Lee Tang was confused and acted like he did not know her. However, it turned out that only one of her eyes was blind and she could still see. Lee Tang did not even have one-tenth of the amount she asked. He gathers money from every bank and he even receives his part-time job payment in advance. He is so busy and pressured, so he does not take his midterms.  Lee Tang gets invited to the women’s house. She suggests a deal of keeping Lee Tang’s crime as a secret and giving back the hammer if Lee Tang gives her 2 million won every month. Lee Tang says it is unfair and tries to get away with the hammer, but she threatens him with his personal information about his family and own dreams. Lee Tang acts like he was listening to her, but eventually kills her with the same hammer.

After a while, a milkman reports to the police that she was murdered. The police investigate her house and look for clues, but everything was erased because of the guide dog’s saliva. Instead, they found two full bodies of skeletons buried in her backyard. 

Lee Tang felt very guilty after killing the man in the first episode and the woman a few days ago. He almost tried to kill himself, but his friend Kyung-hwan visited Lee Tang. However, Lee Tang ended up fighting with his friend who even forgave his mistake. 

The highschool students who got nagged by the police in the first episode were drunk and realized one officer was taking the guide dog for a walk. One of the highschool students, Jae-jun, stabs the police officer with a broken alcohol bottle. While they were running away, they met Lee Tang and tried to steal cigarettes from him. However, they ended up getting killed by Lee Tang. The episode ends with Lee Tang receiving a note written ‘text me if you need help.’

I was not expecting the story to progress this fast, but it keeps the audience interested. One Korean term I learned is 가불 (ga-bul), which means receiving payment in advance. Lee Tang uses this to gather money. I wonder if Lee Tang will eventually get caught after several murders.

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Spring 2024 SDLC112 - Cultural Post #1

Spring 2024 SDLC112

Cultural Post #1

태권도 "Taekwondo"

David Kim


Korean martial art 태권도 "Taekwondo" literally means the "art of hand and foot fighting." The name “Taekwondo” is derived from three Korean words. 태 “Tae” means foot or to hit with the foot. 권 “Kwon” means fist or to attack with hand. 도 “Do” means the way or the art. Taekwondo is characterized by its emphasis on kicking techniques, which are often fast, dynamic, and powerful. It also incorporates hand techniques such as punches and blocks, as well as open-handed strikes and throws.

According to a Korean Martial Arts website Sunbae, the origin of Taekwondo is obscured by many thousands of years of Korean history.  The first organized development of Taekwondo martial arts training is thought to be around over 2000 years ago when the Three Kingdoms (Silla, Goguryeo and Baekje) ruled. However, it is estimated that Taekwondo was practiced in a martial art style as far back as 5000 years ago. There were no other options for self defense than bare hands and the body for a weapon, so we assume that bare-hand fighting martial arts originated.

Taekwondo is practiced as a sport, self defense, and as a form of self-improvement. In a typical Taekwondo class, you will learn 품새 “poomsae” (forms or patterns of movements), 겨루기 “kyorugi” (sparring), self-defense techniques, and more.

Taekwondo is known for its various forms or patterns of movements called “poomsae,” which practitioners learn and perform as part of their training. There are 8 series of the first type of “poomsae,” which is Taegeuk 1 to 8. There are 9 series of the second type of “poomsae,” which are Goryeo, Geumgang, Taebaek, Pyongwon, Tenjin, Jitae, Cheonkwon, Hansu, and Ilyeo. There are 17 types of Taekwondo poomsae that are actually practiced.

Taekwondo practitioners also engage in 겨루기 “kyorugi,” which is a type of sparring. It is a controlled competitive practice where practitioners test their skills against an opponent. With appropriate protection and headgear, practitioners aim to score points by landing kicks and punches on their opponent. This is an example of rules for “kyorugi.” Practitioners earn a point if they aim for the opponent’s body and more points if they aim for the opponent's head. If the opponent gets down, they also earn an extra point. If the scores are tied, whoever gets an extra point in the extra time wins. 

Taekwondo is not just a simple physical discipline. The philosophy of Taekwondo emphasizes the importance of respect, humility, perseverance, and self-control. It's not just about physical abilities but also about developing a strong and disciplined mind. Taekwondo is a good way to practice techniques, develop coordination, and improve concentration. This is why a lot of parents in South Korea encourage their children to learn Taekwondo at a young age. 

Korea’s martial arts Taekwondo has finally made its debut as an official sport in the Olympics. Taekwondo, which was an exhibition sport at the 1988 Seoul Olympics and 1992 Barcelona Olympics, was adopted as an official sport on September 4, 1994

Overall, Taekwondo is a well-rounded martial art that offers both physical and mental benefits, making it popular worldwide for people of all ages. Taekwondo helps people to develop them not only as martial artists but also as individuals. 

태권도 Taekwondo

나태주 재능기부! 태권도 활성화 공익캠페인 광고 촬영 - 태권박스 미디어

품새 Poomsae

칼군무'처럼 화려한 품새 종목…'지루한 태권도'의 편견 벗긴다 - 경향신문

겨루기 Kyorugi


Korean Sources 

English Sources 

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Spring 2024 SDLC112

Monthly Learning Journal #1

David Kim


For Spring 2024, I decided to watch the Korean drama A Killer Paradox on Netflix with my language partners. The show is based on a Korean comic on Naver Webtoon with the same title. I was disappointed because the English translation does not possess the full meaning of the Korean title. The original Korean title is 살인자ㅇ난감. You can read it in two different ways, which is 살인자 난감(The killer is panic) or 살인 장난감 (Killing Toy). 장난감(Jang Nan-gam), which means toy, is also the detective’s name in the show. I guess it is a difficult title to translate, but the show gives something else from the title itself.

A Killer Paradox’s main character is Lee Tang. He is an average college student who finished his military service in South Korea. He works part-time at a convenience store and dreams of a Working Holiday in Canada. After his working shift, he meets the drunk people who went to the convenience store again. One man with bad manners was sleeping on the street. Lee Tang tried to wake him up but he was not getting up. Lee Tang meets the other man with good manners and tells him about the other man but he suddenly commits physical violence toward Lee Tang. It reminded Lee Tang of his high school years when he was bullied. Lee Tang accidentally pulled out a hammer that he borrowed from the convenience store to hang a painting at his place and hit the man on his head. Lee Tang used to be shy, calm, and quiet. He realized what he just did and started to panic. There were no surveillance cameras, but a woman who seemed blind with a guide dog passed right by. Lee Tang immediately ran away after she walked away. 

When Lee Tang went back to his place, he felt guilty but still made an alibi using his friend. Detective Jang Nan-gam visits the convenience store and asks several questions to Lee Tang. However, there were no surveillance cameras near the crime scene and a fly covered the convenience store’s surveillance camera when Lee Tang borrowed a hammer. The police arrived to a conclusion that the drunk men killed each other. It seemed like Lee Tang was getting off the suspect line. However, detective Jang Nan-gam was the only one who was still suspecting Lee Tang. 

After a while, it turned out that the man Lee Tang killed was the culprit of the serial murder case in Gangwon-do. Lee Tang and detective Jang Nan-gam were both surprised by this fact. It bothered Lee Tang that he had left a hammer at the scene. The hammer was at the woman’s house, the blind person who passed by the crime scene. 

Even though there were only a few scenes, I could see what a South Korean college student’s life was like. The final outcome might be exaggerated compared to reality, but you can still rarely see drunk people on the subway or on deserted streets. I am looking forward to what will happen during the rest of the show.

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During the first half of the semester, I have made good progress with and without my language partner.

I have been consistently meeting my partner once or twice a week to practice Korean conversation. I believe that our learning format was worked very well and is paying dividends. We start every session by simply conversing casually in Korean. I found that this works best when my partner begins by asking simple questions such as 'how is your day going,' 'what did you do this week', and 'what are your plans for the weekend.' I have been getting better at being comfortable with back-and-forth conversations only in Korean. Of course, because my level is still intermediate, I often take long pauses between words to formulate sentences accurately or I end up asking my partner to translate a word or phrase. 

Throughout this conversation, my partner will take notes of new phrases and words for future reference. My partner will also suggest new words and phrases that would enhance my conversational ability. At the end of the lesson, my partner will have me go over the notes and try to make new examples of sentences with the new vocabulary.

In order to improve throughout the week between meetings, I review the notes to try and memorize new words and sentences. My partner will also assign simple homework such as reviewing vocabulary and making new sentences from the notes.

I enjoy our system and believe that it has been a great help for my Korean learning journey. In the future, I would like to also ask my partner to send my 1-2 pieces of Korean media a week for my to enjoy and learn from. For instance, content like Youtube videos or news articles would help me learn Korean on my own time, while also improving my knowledge of Korean culture.

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As a Mathematics and Economics double major and a fan of Kpop, I have recently delved into the analysis of how the Kpop industry impacts the global and national economy. This interest was sparked by my reading of a paper titled "Exports driven by Hallyu increasing South Korea's economic growth," which sheds light on the significant contributions of Hallyu products to South Korea's GDP. According to the paper, Hallyu products alone increased South Korea's GDP by $1.87 billion in 2004, and an astounding $12.3 billion in 2019.

The global impact of Kpop on the economy cannot be understated. The rise of Kpop has led to a surge in international interest and consumption of Korean goods and services. Kpop acts have amassed a massive following not only in Asia but also in Europe, the Americas, and beyond. This popularity has created a global market for Korean music, merchandise, concerts, and other related products. As a result, the Kpop industry has become a valuable export for South Korea, contributing significantly to the nation's overall economy.

The economic impact of Kpop is not limited to South Korea alone. Internationally, the popularity of Kpop has led to an increase in tourism to South Korea. Fans from all over the world travel to attend Kpop concerts, fan meetings, and other events, boosting the tourism industry and supporting local businesses. These fans often spend money on accommodations, transportation, food, and merchandise, further stimulating the economy and creating job opportunities.

Moreover, the influence of Kpop extends beyond the music industry. Kpop idols are often chosen as brand ambassadors for various products, ranging from cosmetics and fashion to food and electronics. Their endorsements and collaborations generate substantial revenue for both the idols and the companies they represent. This symbiotic relationship between Kpop and various industries contributes to economic growth on a national and global scale.

Additionally, the Kpop phenomenon has given rise to the "Hallyu wave," a term used to describe the increasing popularity of Korean entertainment and culture worldwide. This wave has led to a greater demand for Korean dramas, movies, fashion, beauty products, and even language education. The export of these Hallyu products has become a significant source of revenue for South Korea, generating jobs and stimulating economic growth.

On a national level, the impact of Kpop on the South Korean economy is undeniable. The success of Kpop acts has resulted in the growth of entertainment companies, creating employment opportunities for artists, producers, choreographers, stylists, and other professionals within the industry. This growth has also led to the development of training academies, concert venues, and production facilities, further fueling economic expansion.

Furthermore, the success of Kpop acts has attracted investment and sponsorship from both domestic and international companies. These partnerships contribute to the overall financial stability of the Kpop industry and provide resources for the production and promotion of music, concerts, and other related ventures. The economic ripple effect of these investments spreads to various sectors, fostering growth and innovation.

In conclusion, the impact of Kpop on the global and national economy is significant and far-reaching. The rise of Kpop has not only created a global market for Korean music and related products but has also stimulated tourism, driven endorsements and collaborations, and fueled the growth of various industries. The economic contributions of Kpop, as highlighted in the paper I read, demonstrate its value as an export and a driver of South Korea's economic growth. As a mathematics major and a Kpop fan, I am intrigued by the intricate connections between this cultural phenomenon and its economic implications, and I look forward to further analysis in this field.

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As a Chinese individual, I have always been fascinated by Buddhist temples and their rich history. However, I must admit that it is challenging for me to assert that Korean Buddhist temples are completely authentic artifacts, as they bear a striking resemblance to the temples found in China. To delve deeper into this topic, I began on a journey to discover the differences between Chinese and Korean Buddhist temples, particularly in terms of their site, date, history, size, and utility.

One aspect that stands out when comparing Chinese and Korean Buddhist temples is their site. In China, temples are often situated in serene and picturesque locations, such as mountains or near bodies of water. These sites are chosen for their peaceful and conducive environments, allowing individuals to engage in meditation and contemplation. Similarly, Korean Buddhist temples also emphasize the importance of natural surroundings, but they tend to be located in more remote areas, often nestled amidst mountains and forests. This distinction in site selection reflects the cultural and geographical differences between the two countries.

Regarding the date and history of Chinese and Korean Buddhist temples, it is evident that Buddhism arrived in China earlier than it did in Korea. China has a long and profound history of Buddhist influence, dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE). As a result, Chinese Buddhist temples often boast ancient and well-preserved architecture, with some temples having stood for centuries. On the other hand, Buddhism was introduced to Korea during the Three Kingdoms period (57 BCE-668 CE). Consequently, Korean Buddhist temples, while still holding historical significance, may not possess the same age and historical depth as their Chinese counterparts.

When it comes to size, Chinese Buddhist temples tend to be larger and more grandiose compared to their Korean counterparts. This disparity can be attributed to the vastness of Chinese territory and the strong influence of Buddhism throughout the country's history. Chinese temples often feature multiple halls, pagodas, and expansive courtyards, creating a sense of grandeur and magnificence. In contrast, Korean temples, while still impressive, are generally more compact and smaller in scale. This disparity in size reflects the differences in population density and available land between China and Korea.

In terms of utility, both Chinese and Korean Buddhist temples serve as places of worship and spiritual practice. Chinese temples often serve as cultural and religious centers, attracting visitors and pilgrims from all over the world. They may house valuable artifacts, host important Buddhist ceremonies, and act as educational institutions for Buddhist teachings. Similarly, Korean Buddhist temples fulfill similar functions, providing a space for individuals to engage in meditation, prayer, and study. However, due to the smaller scale of Korean temples, they may have a more intimate and secluded atmosphere, fostering a deeper sense of tranquility and solitude.

As I delve further into the comparison of Chinese and Korean Buddhist temples, I have come to realize that while the architecture in East Asia as a whole is generally assumed to have originated from China and spread from there, Korea has developed its own indigenous style as well. While similarities exist between the two, it is essential to appreciate the unique characteristics and influences that have shaped each country's Buddhist temple tradition.

In conclusion, the exploration of Chinese and Korean Buddhist temples has provided me with a deeper understanding of their similarities and differences. While Chinese temples may possess a longer history, larger scale, and more grandiose architecture, Korean temples have their own distinctive charm and cultural significance. Both countries have contributed to the rich tapestry of Buddhist temple traditions in East Asia, offering individuals a place for spiritual practice, introspection, and connection with the divine.

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2024 Feb Korean Learning Reflection

As I embark on my self-directed language course in Korean, I find online resources to be invaluable in my journey to memorize vocabulary and learn grammar. The convenience and accessibility of these resources allow me to tailor my learning experience to my own pace and preferences.

To memorize Korean vocabulary, I rely on various online tools and platforms. Flashcard applications, such as Anki or Quizlet, have become my go-to resources. These applications allow me to create personalized decks of flashcards with Korean words and their translations in both English and Mandarin. Through spaced repetition algorithms, these apps intelligently schedule the review of flashcards based on my mastery of each word. This technique helps me reinforce and retain vocabulary effectively. 

In addition to flashcards, online vocabulary lists and word banks provide me with an extensive pool of words to explore. Websites and apps dedicated to Korean language learning offer categorized word lists, ranging from basic to advanced levels. I leverage these resources to expand my vocabulary repertoire systematically. The one I used is called

Regarding grammar, online resources play a crucial role in my understanding and practice. Websites and online courses dedicated to teaching Korean grammar provide comprehensive explanations, examples, and exercises. I utilize these resources to grasp the fundamental rules and structures of the language in a comprehensible order. The ability to access grammar explanations at any time allows me to review and reinforce my understanding whenever needed. The website mentioned above also provide grammar explanations.

Also, having a language partner who quizzes me on the vocabulary I recite and clears up any confusion I may have about the grammar I learned online would be incredibly beneficial to my language learning journey. This interactive and collaborative approach to learning enhances my understanding and provides an opportunity for practical application of the knowledge I have acquired. During our language exchange sessions, my language partner would test me on the vocabulary I have been memorizing. He would ask me to recall and use the words in various contexts, allowing me to practice and solidify my understanding. Their feedback and corrections would help me refine my pronunciation and usage. My language partner's ability to explain complex grammar concepts in a way that suits my learning style would be crucial. He would break down the rules, provide examples, and patiently guide me through any challenging aspects. His expertise and native-level fluency would ensure that I receive accurate and reliable explanations.

In addition to specific vocabulary and grammar resources, I incorporate authentic online content into my language learning routine. Korean news, blogs, and YouTube channels expose me to real-life language usage. I actively engage with these resources to encounter vocabulary and grammar structures in natural contexts. Immersing myself in authentic content not only enhances my language skills but also deepens my understanding of Korean culture.

Additionally, my language partner's cultural background and firsthand experiences with the language would enrich my learning experience. They can share cultural insights, idiomatic expressions, and colloquial language usage, giving me a more authentic and well-rounded understanding of the Korean language.


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2024 Jan Korean Learning Reflection

Reflecting on the process of discovering learning goals with my language partner and exploring various resources for learning Korean, I am filled with excitement and enthusiasm for the semester ahead. Together, we have delved into examinations on the Korean language, explored different textbooks, websites, and apps, and ultimately identified the goal of this semester's Korean learning: to be able to formulate correct sentences using different tenses and express different purposes using different levels of respect.

This journey of goal-setting and resource exploration has been enlightening and empowering. With the guidance and expertise of my language partner, we have examined sample examinations on Korean language proficiency. These examinations have provided valuable insights into the structure, expectations, and requirements of formal Korean language assessments. By familiarizing myself with the exam format, question types, and grading criteria, I have gained a clearer understanding of the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve my language learning goals.

In addition to examinations, we have explored a range of textbooks, websites, and apps dedicated to learning Korean. This exploration has allowed me to identify resources that align with my learning style and preferences. From comprehensive textbooks that provide structured lessons and exercises to interactive websites and apps that offer engaging and immersive learning experiences, I have discovered an app called HowToStudyKorean to support my language learning journey.

The guidance and support of my language partner have been instrumental in helping me recognize the importance of being able to formulate correct sentences using different tenses. Understanding and applying different tenses is crucial for effective communication, as it allows for precise expression of time, continuity, and relevance. By mastering the various tenses, I will be able to convey my thoughts and experiences accurately and confidently.

Moreover, my language partner has emphasized the significance of expressing different purposes using different levels of respect in Korean. The Korean language places great importance on social hierarchy and respect, and being able to navigate and utilize the appropriate levels of formality is essential for effective communication in various social contexts. By developing proficiency in expressing respect and formality, I will be able to navigate conversations with cultural sensitivity and effectively convey my intentions and purposes.

As I embark on this semester's Korean learning journey, my hopes and aims are high. I hope to develop a solid foundation in sentence formulation using different tenses, allowing me to express myself accurately and naturally. I aim to practice and refine my language skills through meaningful conversations, both with my language partner and with other native speakers. By immersing myself in authentic Korean content, such as books, movies, and music, I hope to further enhance my vocabulary, cultural understanding, and fluency.

Furthermore, I aspire to engage with the Korean community, whether online or in person, to practice and apply my language skills in real-life situations. Connecting with native speakers and fellow learners will not only provide opportunities for language practice but also foster meaningful cultural exchanges and friendships.

Above all, my ultimate aim is to develop a deep appreciation and understanding of the Korean language and culture. Language learning is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about embracing the rich tapestry of a society and connecting with its people. I hope to immerse myself fully in the Korean language, exploring its nuances, expressions, and intricacies, and cultivating a lifelong love for this beautiful language.

In conclusion, the process of discovering learning goals with my language partner and exploring various resources for learning Korean has ignited a sense of purpose and excitement within me. With the aim of formulating correct sentences using different tenses and expressing different purposes using different levels of respect, I am determined to immerse myself in the Korean language and culture. Through dedicated practice, meaningful conversations, and engagement with authentic content, I hope to achieve fluency, cultural understanding, and a lifelong passion for the Korean language.

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Monthly Learning Journal #2

South Korea is a very prosperous country. In the past couple decades, the country has experienced rapid growth and development economically, socially, and politically. We see its influence in technology in the form of Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, semiconductors, etc. We see influences in the social world with Kpop, food, Kdramas, and movies. This is because in the modern world, the government backs these developments greatly. But Korea has also faced a great deal of struggles throughout its history other than the war. 

To learn more about this, me and my language partner chose to continue on the path of movies and watch the newly released movie 서울의 봄 (dir trans: Seoul’s Spring, known as: 12.12 The Day). This movie is based on the true events of the coup d’etat by 전두환 (Chun doo hwan) to become the 5th “President” of Korea. The movie essentially goes through the events that happened that led to Chun doo-hwan’s eventual rise in power. 

The previous “president” (Park Chung-hee, also a dictator), was assassinated and Chun was placed in charge of the investigations to find the ones responsible for his death thus giving him access to much of the country’s secrets and military. On top of that, he also formed 하나회 (Hanahoe: The Group of One) which was essentially a secret organization/club within the military comprising of military leaders that followed in Chun doo-hwan’s beliefs. Together, they stormed Seoul, the capital of South Korea, with little to no opposition because of Hanahoe’s influence and staged a coup on December 12, 1979. The movie portrays one military leader, the capital garrison’s commander Jang Tae-wan (Lee tae-shin in the movie) who opposed Chun doo-hwan’s mutiny but to no avail. Famously, he ends his resistance describing himself as a “criminal who failed to uphold his duties as the commander of the Capital Garrison Command.”

The movie was a fantastic portrayal of how weak Korea’s political structure was. Everyone thought that after Park Jung-hee’s assassination a new beginning for the country would begin. A spring for the country that endured so much hardship, hence: 서울의 봄. But unfortunately, only a new period of darkness began as the 4th president barely lasted a year. Furthermore, the country to this day still faces support for Dictator Chun by extremist groups, which is partly why the movie had to use pseudonyms for all the characters to avoid any lawsuit from these figures, many of which are still alive and living fantastic, prosperous lives without any punishment. 

In Korea alone, the film performed exceptionally well becoming the biggest movie in the country in 2023. In fact there was a popular challenge in Korea where people would watch the movie and record their heartbeat and blood pressure throughout to show others the amount of stress and anger the film generated. The film also released internationally and also did relatively well. The film deals with themes of patriotism and democracy, something that I think many Americans would enjoy. 

Overall, the movie was fun but it also showed me the side of Korea that many people do not know or choose to reject and deny. The history behind a country is extremely important as it shows how it developed to become the successful nation it is today, and it at the cost of many lives and struggles of the innocent, and this movie showed exactly that.

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