Spring 2024 SDLC112
Monthly Learning Journal #3
David Kim
My language partners and I continued watching the Korean drama A Killer Paradox on Netflix. The third episode starts with Yeo-ok, the blind woman’s story. When she was young, she was hanging out with the wrong friends. They were not properly functioning at a place with coal gas. Someone lit up a lighter to smoke, and there was a big fire. Yeo-ok got herself burned around her left eye. She also signed up for eight different insurances for her aunt and uncle who raised her. Then she killed them by herself. She did it not because of money, but because of her nature and vanity.
Detective Jang Nan-gam meets Yeo-ok’s cousin, who wrote the story of Yeo-ok on the internet. She told him that Yeo-ok poured boiling water on her face with a smiley face. Detective Jang Nan-gam heads to Jaejun’s funeral, but gets facked in the face by Jaejun’s mother because he was asking questions. Detective Jang Nan-gam already knew that Jaejun was a perpetrator before becoming a victim. Years ago Jaejun and his other friend raped Kang Yeon-seo, a middle school girl. A month later, she suicide by jumping off on sixth floor. Detective Jang Nan-gam says that there is no perpetrator or victim because every human being is the same. He goes back to the convenience store and figures out that Lee Tang was not showing up after he got payment in advance and interacted with Yeo-ok. While Lee Tang was at home, he got a petition through a registered mail by his former boss.
Another detective visits Kang Yeon-seo’s father Kang Sang-muk’s house. Kang Sang-muk says that he killed the high school students to get revenge for his daughter. He said that they deserve to die. He gets arrested and investigated at the police station. However, detective Jang Nan-gam figures out that his statement and the evidence do not match. Kang Sang-muk gets hit by a car while leaving the police station.
Lee Tang eventually decides to turn himself in. He packs the money and all of the evidence in his bag. However, thieves steal his bag, take the money, and throw away the bag and evidence into a river. At the hospital, Kang Sang-muk recognizes Lee Tang because Kang Sang-muk was planning to kill the high school students with the help from unknown figure, OnlyForHEROES on telegram. It is the same one who left a note for Lee Tang in the last episode. Detective Jang Nan-gam feels something suspicious, but Kang Sang-muk suicides by overusing sleeping pills. Lee Tang ran away to find the unknown figure. His mother and sister visits his place, but there was only a lifeless house and a note by Lee Tang that he was quietly leaving.
During the three episodes, Lee Tang killed several people, but they all eventually deserved getting killed from different people’s perspectives. I’m looking forward to how Lee Tang will react to his actions after knowing all of them deserved getting killed from different people’s perspectives.