I found the following news article in the Hindi Bhaskar newspaper. The original article can be found at <http://www.bhaskar.com/article/RAJ-JAI-the-lives-of-the-students-took-the-exam-stress-2635739.html?C3-JAI>
I wrote on my learning plan that I hoped to translate an article about immigration to America. However, I could not find such an article written in Hindi. Therefore, I chose to find an article that had something to do with education, since learning about education was my primary goal this semester. I found reading newspaper articles to be a much more approachable and reasonable task this semester than I did last semester, so I was pleased with my reading progress.
I was very happy with my comprehension of the article. I was largely able to understand the events described in the article (many of which seem completely irrelevant to the point of it). My vocabulary was sufficient enough to allow decent understanding and I also learned several new words that the article used repeatedly, such as exam, stress, police, and investigating. I got together with my old Hindi partner, Prayas, for assistance with parts of the article that I found more difficult. Prayas especially assisted me with unfamiliar verbs and with recognizing which words were actually proper nouns for places or people's names. Sometimes it is difficult for me to distinguish between unknown vocabulary and names; Hindi does not use capital letters like English does, which I think adds to the confusion.
The sad events in the article are, unfortunately, extremely relevant to Indian education today. Extreme stress is a growing issue for Indian students, as more and more young people compete for a limited number of degrees and jobs. The stress has led to a large number of suicides in recent years, especially among university age students. It inspired one of India's most popular movies, and my favorite Hindi film, Three Idiots, which raises awareness about the alarmingly high expectations that lead to extreme stress and suicides.
जयपुर.सात दिन पहले परीक्षा देते वक्त तबीयत बिगड़ने पर एसएमएस अस्पताल में भर्ती युवक की रविवार देर रात मौत हो गई। जब वह वार्ड में लाया गया था, तो डॉक्टरों ने परीक्षा के तनाव की वजह से ब्रेन हेमरेज होने की आशंका जाहिर की थी। हालांकि, सोमवार को पोस्टमार्टम करने वाले डॉक्टरों के मुताबिक युवक की मौत के कारणों का पता एफएसएल भेजी विसरा रिपोर्ट से चल सकेगा। शिप्रापथ पुलिस मामले की जांच कर रही है।
पुलिस ने बताया कि भैरूंराम (26) उर्फ भैंरू पुत्र कोजाराम गांव चिड़िया, बायतू बाड़मेर का रहने वाला था। वह करीब दो वर्ष से सोढाला स्थित रामनगर में दो साथियों के साथ किराए पर रहकर बैंकिंग व एसएससी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर रहा था। 4 दिसंबर को उसका एसएससी का पेपर था। वह दोपहर 2 बजे राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत संस्थान में पेपर देने गया था।
वहां करीब एक घंटे बाद उसकी तबीयत बिगड़ गई और उल्टियां होने लगीं। इस पर उसने सेंटर से बाहर आकर दोस्त अशोक को फोन किया, वह भी किसी अन्य परीक्षा केंद्र पर था तो उसका भाई वहां पहुंचा और भैरूंराम को एसएमएस पहुंचाया। दोस्तों ने बताया कि भैरूंराम के दो बड़े भाई हुकमाराम व एक अन्य गांव में मजदूरी कर परिवार घर खर्च चलाते हैं। पिछली बार भी बैंक की भर्ती परीक्षा में भैरूंराम का चयन नहीं हो सका था। उसके बाद से वह असफल होने के डर से तनाव में आ जाता था।
तनाव से ब्रेन हेमरेज और बिगड़ी तबीयत
भैरूंराम की हालत गंभीर होने से उसे मेडिकल आईसीयू में वेंटिलेटर पर रखा गया। मामला संदिग्ध मानकर अस्पताल प्रशासन ने शिप्रापथ पुलिस को इसकी सूचना दी। तब उपनिरीक्षक महेंद्र सिंह वहां पहुंचे। डॉक्टरों ने पुलिस को भैरूंराम के परीक्षा का तनाव होने से ब्रेन हेमरेज होने का अंदेशा जताया। इसके बाद भैरूंराम के परिजन भी बाड़मेर से यहां पहुंच गए। उनको भी डॉक्टरों ने वही कारण बताया। भैरूंराम ने रविवार देर रात करीब 2 बजे दम तोड़ दिया। सोमवार को पोस्टमार्टम के बाद परिजन शव बाड़मेर ले गए।
Take away words:
परीक्षा = exam
तबीयत = health (a different word for it than I already know)
बिगड़ने = deteriorate
मौत हो गई = died
तनाव = stress
पुलिस = police
वजह = reason
करीब = around
ब्रेन = brain
परिजन = family (a different word for it than I already know)
The article is entitled, "Exam Stress Takes Student's Life!"
Jaipur. A man who was admitted to the SMS hospital seven days ago died on Sunday evening after he fell ill during an exam. When he was brought to the ward, the doctors suspected brain hemorrhage induced by stress to be the cause of death. The report of the postmortem that was sent to SMS hospital will confirm the exact cause of death. Sriphraphat police are investigating the case.
Police claim that Bhairuram aka Bhairu is a resident of Kojaram bird village. He has been living in Ramnagar with his two friends for the past two years and has been preparing for banking and S.S.C examination. His S.S.C examination was on the 4th of December.
After an hour his health began to deteriorate and he started to vomit. He then called his friend Ashok, who himself was taking an exam. As a result Ashok's brother brought Bhairuram to SMS hospital. His friends confirmed that his two brothers are day laborers in another village and make their living from it. Last year he wasn’t selected for the banking job after the entrance exam. Ever since he was really worried and stressed about being unsuccessful.
Tension causes brain hemorrhage and deterioration of health
Bhairuram was admitted to I.C.U and was kept in a ventilator because of his critical condition. Suspecting of wrong doing the doctors notified the Sriphraphat police. Then sub-inspector Mahendra Singh arrived. The doctors told the police that they believe the stress to be the cause behind his death. The family of bhairuram arrived from their village. The doctors confirmed the same with the family. Bhairram died around 2am on Sunday. The dead body was handed over the parents after the postmortem was conducted on Monday.