As I already stated, I am learning about what youth do for fun in Iran and Afghanistan for my cultural product. I chose to surf the Internet for more information on this topic and came across a New York Times article. The link follows: In Iran, They Want Fun, Fun, Fun. Nicholas D. Kristof, a columnist, is well educated and has traveled to four continents. Well, I expected something different from his article and was highly disappointed.
Kristof opens the article by stressing that Iranians are not the "religious fanatics" that we take them to be in the United States. That opening prepared me for the overgeneralized article that was sure to follow. He goes on to tell readers that half of the Iranian population is under 25 and they seek fun just like anyone else in that age range. Then, he throws a big curve ball when he tells tales of a 23-year-old Iranian man he spoke with.This guy, as described by Kristof, drank alcohol and was on drugs until recently.Both of which are illegal and if I am not mistaken, alcohol is just completely against the religion. This bothered me because "fine" readers know that every human is not perfect, so if this one guy did participate in illegal activities, we can understand his case. The problem came when Kristof followed up that story by saying "Iranian officials suggested that perhaps 10 percent of the population has used drugs." Maybe this just my journalistic background, but who are these "officials." If Kristof was going to provide such stunning facts, he better have a reputable source listed and not a vague term like "officials."
Kristof gets even worse as he talks about prostitution in Tehran and how he saw men in flashy cars pick up the women. Yet again, something so disrespectful to the culture should come equipped with cold hard facts. Kristof should have at least given the number of times he has seen this occur, if truly at all.
"My road trip across Iran leaves me convinced that change will come here, too, if we just have the patience not to disrupt the subterranean forces at work: rising education, an expanding middle class, growing economic frustration, erosion of the government monopoly on information. My hunch is that if there is no war between Iran and the West — which would probably strengthen the regime — hard-liners will go the way of Mao, and Iran will end up looking something like Turkey."
That is the problem. Why is he striving to change a country that he has no roots in and no true reasoning for this change? Then, he throws out suggestions for what would make it better and hopes it will soon resemble Turkey. Iran is its own country for a reason and that is the problem with the world. Worry about yourself and do no assume your way of doing things is what is right for everyone else: it's not.
Kristof had an article full of B.S. and I hope other readers did not take his rant seriously.