SDLAP 110 Language Partner Meeting #4

Language Partner Meeting #4

Goal for the semester: My goal for this semester is achieve the “elementary” level of Hindi, i.e. read, write, and speak.

Week: 10/1/12 – 10/7/12

Goal for the day: Learn the Hindi names for fruits and vegetables.

Food is a large part of the Indian culture. In many ways, Indian culture is known for its flavorful food. Breakfast is called naashta. Lunch is called dubher ka khaana (afternoon’s food). An evening snack is called naashta. Dinner is called raat ka khaana (night’s food).

During our weekly “culture talk”, my language explained to me the importance of going to bazaars to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables. If I were to go to a major city in India, shopping at the bazaar would be a common occurrence. Therefore, I decided to dwell into the food aspect of Hidni further and learn about the words for fruits and vegetables. Some of the fruits and vegetables listed below can only be found in India!

Vegetables (sabzi)

Fruits (phal)

1. Potato - आलू

2. Tomato - टमाटर

3. Cucumber - ककड़ी

4. Onion - प्याज़

5. Carrot - गाजर

6. Cauliflower - फूलगोभी

7. Cabbage - पत्तागोभी

8. Chillies - मिर्च

9. Eggplant - बैंगन

10. Okra - भिंडी

11. Turnip - शलगम

12. Raddish - मूली

13. Capsicum - शिमला मिर्च

14. Pumpkin - कद्दू

15. Ginger – अदरक

16. Garlic – लहसुन

17. Peas - मटर

18. Corn - भुट्टा

19. Spinach - पालक

20. Beans - सेम

21. Bottle Gourd - लौकी

22. Bitter gourd - करेला


1. Banana - केला

2. Apple - सेब

3. Orange - संतरा

4. Grapes - अंगूर

5. Pomegranate - अनार

6. Mango - आम

7. Watermelon - तरबूज

8. Melon - खरबूजा

9. Pineapple – अनानास

10.Lemon - नींबू


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