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Multiple Intelligence Inventory Response

I have done the multiple intelligence inventory survey, and my highest learning style turned out to be interpersonal. I scored 45 on that one. Apparently, an interpersonal learner likes to have a lot of friends, talk to people and join groups. Also, this type of learners are good at understanding people, leading others, organizing, communicating, manipulating and mediating conflicts. The best way to learn for an interpersonal learner is by interviewing, sharing, cooperating, comparing and relating.These results have not really surprised me, because I know that I am a person, who needs other people to be able to learn. I generally get better grades in the tests, which I studied together with a friend. I like to share what I know, and to hear what my friends know about a subject. That way, I tend to get a complete understanding of a subject. In fact, I have never been a self-learner, which contradicts with my preference to study a language, Hebrew, on my own. Yet, I think I could solve this problem by working closely with my language partner, asking him/her to cooperate with me.My second highest score was music. I scored 39 on that one. Music learners tend to learn by listening to music, rhythms and melodies. I think this also is a good way for me to learn especially a language, because I used to listen to English songs, when I was learning English in High School, and I remember learning a lot of new vocabulary from the songs that I listen and repeat. I think perhaps I could download some Hebrew music online and listen to them when I have free time, and that way I could hear and learn some new vocabulary.
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Bu hafta için 17 yeni kelimleri öğrendim.DTP kapattığı için barışsız seçimi olacak.Anayasal mahkeme’nin kararı verdikten sonra devrim olamaz.Devleti uluslararası kuruluşlarla ilişkilere daha çok kuvvet var.Süriye’nin hariciyecisi GAP için Türkiye’ye su yaptırımı yapmak istedi.1980’dan sonra askeri anayasası kullanılır.Türkiye'nin dişişleri bakanlığısı “Kuzey Irak’ta Kürt isyanı istemiyoruz“ dedi.Amerika’da muhafazakar siyaseti için sağlık devletleştiremez.Türkiye’nin diş politikası Amerikalı hariciyeciler anlayamaz.
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Where to start

From a young age, I have struggled to learn many languages. I took Spanish for years and barely learned anything at all. Even with studies in English, I had a speech teacher. I didn’t learn to read until I was in the 2nd/3rd grade. Learning any language is difficult for me, but I figured this type of class would be the best environment for me to prosper. Because I struggle with this area, I figure I can move at my own pace in this class. When something is hard, I won’t have someone there to tell me I am incompetent because I am moving so slowly.I have many different learning disabilities and because of that I have been tested from a young age to figure out the best type of learning environment would be conducive to my success. Some of the results were similar to the test I took this weekend. I am very much a physical learner who functions best with logical reasoning. Patterns are something that I easily recognize. My brain works in a systematic way. When I have a goal I tend to work very hard to reach it. Additionally, I have a physical (bodily-kinesthetic) learning style. When learning is more interactive I tend to have an easier time. Lastly, I also work well as an interpersonal learner. I hope to build a better ability to imitate those I work with because that is something I struggle with but I think it is very helpful. Working in groups can be helpful for me at times.What are my learning goals for this semester? I have learned a lot about Jewish history, but I have no experience with Hebrew. Sadly, as a Jew I know very little. Because I have struggled with languages all my life, I simply hope to be able to learn the alphabet, be able to read short texts, and basic information. Learning the alphabet will be the first step and then I would like to learn simple conversation starters and slowly move from there. I know I will not be fluent at the end of this but I know this a great starting point.
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Learning Journal 1

I have studied French since I was five years old, so my initial acquisition of the language I do not remember. I don't have any experience comparable to this one, where I will start from scratch. However, in an effort to improve my French, I have taken higher level classes in high school and university. I love to speak French, especially with native speakers who can help me improve my accent and vocabulary through exposure. I really didn't enjoy taking French in a classroom setting, though. It was a great opportunity and helped me a lot (except the accent), but was a bit like pulling teeth. I don't like learning a language out of a textbook. The cultures of French-speaking peoples I would rather experience myself. The descriptions in the text seemed inauthentic and forced. Also, I find I cannot retain even the grammar I learn in class. I speak mostly instinctively, but I made a real effort to learn proper grammar rules (especially for writing) in the last class I took. Now, only a year later, I already can barely recall them.

The multiple intelligences test wasn't helpful at all. I am a nature learner, and the suggestions are mostly not possible. I cannot go hiking in the Iranian countryside. Working in the garden was one of the suggestions. I can't think of a way to use that to learn Farsi.

The FIRE model, on the other hand, was very helpful. I am mostly an "Insightful" learner, though I have many qualities of "Factual" and "Rational." Even without being restricted to a primary category, however, the model points out some great ways to learn. I was able to look at what I do and don't enjoy in a learning environment in a cogent manner. From the Factual category, I see that I should maybe start with learning written language before jumping into culture. From the Insightful category, I know to look for exercises that is based on problem-solving and includes opportunity for multiple opinions/debate. From the Rational category, I recognize the advantage for me of self-directed learning, which will allow me to pursue those aspects of Farsi I find intriguing and inspiring.
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Reflection on experiences as a language learner

Besides the fact that I feel like a secret agent speaking a hidden code that only I and others within my surroundings can understand, I enjoy learning languages because it opens my mind to another culture from whichever part of the world that I choose. Sure it's difficult at times (and by at times, I mean almost always) learning another language but the process through which I learn it allows me to experience more than just the language itself but also its culture and history from the countries in which it's spoken. I would say that one of the most challenging difficulties I have encountered would be that no matter how hard you study a language, it can have many dialects and roughly be an entirely separate language (depending on which language, of course). I have learned Spanish through many years of high school and college courses but what I found when I went abroad to the Dominican Republic was entirely different from the Spanish that I was taught. Nevertheless I learned a great amount and can use the "new" Spanish to better my use of the language in other countries or merely just in class. I have realized that I learn best learning a few basic words of the language I am trying to conquer and then a few "meet and greet" phrases to help me understand the generic syntax. I then like to learn common verbs and how they are conjugated and how they fit properly into sentences. Overall, I learn best by understanding the simple bits and pieces of the language and then work my way up into harder concepts like grammar and verb conjugations. I find it easiest to divide my learning process into sections or lessons pertaining to my level of understanding from novice to advanced. In doing so, I test myself after each lesson so that I have a thorough knowledge of what I had learned up until that point. One thing that I find absolutely crucial for myself in learning another language is understanding the theory behind how the language works. In other words, I must know why a sentence is formed an irregular way or why a verb has been conjugated in a particular manner. I cannot simply just follow a language and accept it as it is unless it involves a rule such as an irregular verb, for example. I enjoy figuring things out on my own and working the language like it's a puzzle and figure out how it works. I do feel however that I can better my language learning by enhancing my vocabulary and using the new words in common or often used sentences. This way I will be able to recognize everyday words easily. All in all there is still so much to learn and understand from language learning as I am starting a whole new one from scratch.
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Here we go...

So I'm trying to learn Hebrew...finally...The first thing that I need to think about when looking at my past language learning experience would have to be 6th grade. I was in a French class in school that was probably the worst taught class ever. The teacher would walk in, turn off the lights, put Muzzy in the VCR, and it play. I know about 3 and a half words in French.The next year I began taking Spanish and was fairly quick in picking up the language, as we had an excellent teacher who taught his class in an immersion environment which enable me to excel. I also enjoyed Spanish and would take classes and travel to Spanish speak countries as often as I could. The time when I had the most growth in my Spanish ability was the two weeks I spent in Cadiz, Spain after my sophomore year of high school, where the complete immersion in the language (living with a family that spoke no English, living in a city that spoke little English, etc.) was crucial to my further development. I still speak Spanish periodically, though rust has definitely set in.After taking the two learner evaluation tests suggested, the learning styles that stood out the most for me were bodily/kinesthetic and logical. For learning a language I think that the bodily/kinesthetic will be the most effective considering both the tests and my previous language experiences, particularly spending time in Spain. One result of the tests that particularly drew my interest was the idea that I do not do well with aural learning. This definitely makes sense as I have some Hebrew songs on my iPod by HaDag Nachash and have barely been able to pick up a few words from them.
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What Type of Learner Am I?

First and foremost, I believe that there is no one specific way of learning a foreign language but multiple strategies that each individual, after time and experience, develops and that it suits their behavioral pattern and educational experience. I have been exposed to a variety of different languages, cultures, and countries in my short life. I lived in Italy for 3 years as a child though never spoke the language. I was forced to take French class for two years in junior high school though I wholeheartedly did not enjoy it. I began taking basic Spanish classes as a freshman in high until my senior year of high school. Within those four years, I took a full year of basic Latin and a one semester, a 5 month course of German. At Richmond, I spent my entire junior year abroad in two different cities in Spain. Thus, over time, I developed an affinity for languages. After having completed two multiple intelligence tests over the weekend, both tests reinforced the basic foundation of my learning style that now I had finally taken the time to realize and analyze. What stood out did not surprise me.I prefer to learn in groups, to see how other students think, develop repetitive strategies to comprehend and see the transition of the pronunciation of words from the first time spoken until students have nearly perfected it. Furthermore, I try to notice the change in pitch or inflection, principal stress(es) within a word from how a professor speaks or how a native would speak. Learning in groups gives me the ability to unconsciously analyze the strategies and sounds of other students. After spending time abroad, I think I have a developed very good set of interpersonal skills, thus being in a social environment is where I enjoy learning. Saying that, I think I carry a good sense of self-awareness, decent self-analytical skills, strong grammatical understanding, and solid linguistic background. I learn by doing and prefer to work alone. When I work independently, I am most efficient and learn best. I believe self-study is the one way that I am fully able to be successful in comprehending a language. I tend to be introverted and quite intuitive at times with my learning skills. After spending a year abroad and achieving a higher level of proficiency, I developed the art of imitation, the ability to imitate what one hears and then regurgitate the sound. I might not understand the reason for that particular sound at that moment but I do later on.What are my learning goals for this semester? Since I have no experience nor know very little about Persian/Farsi, other than it is a script alphabet and has Arabic origin and influence, I don't plan on being fluent or achieving the level of proficiency as a native speaker, clearly. I would like to be able write short, simple notes and messages, such as a small letter of correspondence. I want to be able to accurately pronounce the majority of sounds in the Persian alphabet, thus gradually leading to a simple conversation of basic information between myself and a native speaker, maybe even achieve the description of basic objects and general information. I would like to be able competent in reading very short, simple texts such as from advertisements, menus, signs in airports etc. I think listening will be the most difficult part of my learning. As I do not know what to expect, I would like to have the ability of understanding very basic phrases and simple dialogue when people speak clearly and not too fast. At the moment, I'm really hungry. Goodbye Mr. Ning.
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Language learning styles

In my experiences, the most effective language learning is a combination of grammatical exercises in class and conversing with native speakers in everyday situations. Grammatical constructions are easy to memorize, but it is often hard to integrate new concepts into speech without conversational practice. With Spanish, most of my experiences are in the classroom. While my reading comprehension and writing skills are very good, my speaking confidence outside of class is low. I believe this is a result of becoming comfortable using designed phrases that refer to certain concepts, but I have had little incentive to adapt in-class exercises to day-to-day requirements.My first experiences with Turkish were limited. I was taught by a poorly qualified professor, and so even syntax and intermediate conjugations remained difficult. I lived with two Turkish roommates who would often speak in Turkish, but I was unable to follow their conversation. This past summer, however, I was instructed in the basic puzzle of Turkish. After learning basic vocabulary and structure, I was able to utilize new skills in my home stay, in which I would be constantly challenged and corrected. Having the opportunity to learn various concepts, hear them in context, and be corrected when my usage was out of place was the most effective way to learn the language.For self-directed study, I plan to utilize a similar strategy. I will attempt to return to my former language ability by speaking with my language partner, and I will use that time to identify further areas of focus (especially the -DIk constructions). My learning styles are linguistic, interpersonal and musical, so I plan to utilize media and conversation partners to improve. My Fire model is insightful, and to act upon this I will create specific outlines and study guides. I will begin by reading news articles and identifying the constructions with which I am unfamiliar, and I hope to move on to short stories and poems (Orhan Veli comes to mind). I will begin by reviewing what I already know, and I will continue by using academic resources as references for reading and listening comprehension. Finally, I must improve my writing skills, for which I will write short compositions on topics of interest. My strengths are speaking and listening, and I will attempt to improve my listening through movies, music, and attempting to understand increasingly difficult news segments and other videos ( is the new YouTube equivalent and an insight into some aspects of Turkish culture). I will improve my skills in reading and writing, through which I will also search out new grammatical constructions and vocabulary, and I will attempt to build upon previous success in speaking and listening. I possess good command of basic vocabulary, and I will use or create vocabulary lists in more complex topics, such as politics and economics, in order to become prepared for more professional pursuits. My goal is to be able to use twenty new vocab words each week.
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