Where to start

From a young age, I have struggled to learn many languages. I took Spanish for years and barely learned anything at all. Even with studies in English, I had a speech teacher. I didn’t learn to read until I was in the 2nd/3rd grade. Learning any language is difficult for me, but I figured this type of class would be the best environment for me to prosper. Because I struggle with this area, I figure I can move at my own pace in this class. When something is hard, I won’t have someone there to tell me I am incompetent because I am moving so slowly.I have many different learning disabilities and because of that I have been tested from a young age to figure out the best type of learning environment would be conducive to my success. Some of the results were similar to the test I took this weekend. I am very much a physical learner who functions best with logical reasoning. Patterns are something that I easily recognize. My brain works in a systematic way. When I have a goal I tend to work very hard to reach it. Additionally, I have a physical (bodily-kinesthetic) learning style. When learning is more interactive I tend to have an easier time. Lastly, I also work well as an interpersonal learner. I hope to build a better ability to imitate those I work with because that is something I struggle with but I think it is very helpful. Working in groups can be helpful for me at times.What are my learning goals for this semester? I have learned a lot about Jewish history, but I have no experience with Hebrew. Sadly, as a Jew I know very little. Because I have struggled with languages all my life, I simply hope to be able to learn the alphabet, be able to read short texts, and basic information. Learning the alphabet will be the first step and then I would like to learn simple conversation starters and slowly move from there. I know I will not be fluent at the end of this but I know this a great starting point.
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