My decision to take this class was one i came upon out of convenince. Being in my senior year this class fulfilled a graduation requirement so i decided to enroll. I have always found that I enjoy learning about a variety of topics that seem interesting to me. I very often find myself researching on the internet trying to read up on a random topic. Thi is why I decided to choose Hebrew as the language I wanted to learn. This is a language that is very unike those that I have previously tried to learn. I took classes in French as well as spanish and found them to be very comparable to the english language in many ways. This is something that is not true about Hebrew. I believe Hebrew is very different from most modern western languages. Also I think studying Hebrew provides an opportunity to learn more about Jewish culture, which is something I have never really known much about.
In reviewing the FIRE model of learning I was able to determine that I am a Rational learner. I believe I often stuggled in my other language classes because they are very structured and intsructor run, which is not the best way for me to learn. I am more of a hands on learner and I believe the best way to learn is not by someone else telling you what to do, but rather by learning the way that you find best for yourself. I think having strict organization can hinder creative learning. I believe this class will be an eye opening experience for me in terms of my writing style, as well as a benefit for my general knowledge.