In my presentation, I wanted to focus on the wedding traditions in Turkish culture. First, I began my presentation by talking about the different types of marriages that existed in the past and then introduced the two main marriage arrangements that currently exist today in Turkey: arranged marriages and love marriages. While arranged marriages are those set up by the parents of the prospective bride and groom, love marriages are those in which the prospective bride and groom choose each other without the input of their parents or family members. From there, I explained the traditional phases of marriage: the agreement, the engagement, and the wedding. Although each of these phases are considered separate from one another, the purpose of each is to bring the bride and grooms families together to celebrate the newly formed relationship between the bride and the groom. Additionally, these phases emphasize the importance of the transforming bride as she prepares to leave her own home and family to join the groom and his.
Resources and vocabulary are provided in the PowerPoint presentation attached to this post.