(1) which resources you used
The resources I used for this semester was mainly the textbooks and workbooks found in the Global Studio. In the beginning of the semester, I spent a whole night in the Global Studio going through the textbooks and scanning things pertinent to my novice learning skills. There were a lot of great workbook activities I took (such as letters, vocabulary with pictures, and simple grammar introductions). For me, I really enjoy something tangible when learning a language, so the printed pages were of greater help than online resources. I did use a Korean learning app on my phone that was really useful. I would listen to vocabulary and phrases and speak them when I had time to kill in between my schedule. Also, Suyeon Unnie found a YouTuber who did mini-lessons in Korean which were really authentic Korean and not so much textbook ancient Korean. So I used this YouTuber's videos to help guide me with learning Korean as well, so it was really fun and useful.
(2) how you worked with your language partner
To start off, I had the greatest language partner ever!!! I love Suyeon Unnie so much!!! She's the best!!! Unnie and I spent two days a week together, ranging from one hour to two and a half hours. Sometimes, we'd be so deep into learning that two and a half hours went by. She was so patient with me, I appreciated that a lot. I'm a very auditory learner, so I would repeat after her a lot. As well, Unnie would record the week's worth of learning and I would listen to it and follow it by ear when I studied Korean. She also printed out vocabulary and phrases for me (that followed that week's learning goal) so her resources for the weekly meetings were also great resources for me. Suyeon Unnie and I did more speaking than reading and writing. We got the alphabet down but didn't explore more because my main goal was to be able to have survival language for my time abroad in Korea. I would say that it was a great semester of Korean!!!
Suyeon Unnie, gomawo!!! Saranghae!!! <3
(3) activities you found most/least effective
The activities I found the most effective were the audio activities I did with Korean. I also appreciated the visual aspects of learning Korean too. There's learning blocks in the Global Studio I found really effective to play with when I was in the INTC trying to kill time before class or just in that part of campus. It was especially fun to try and figure out the map. The least effective were the written Korean activities. This makes sense since I stressed speaking more than writing in most of my learning tasks for this semester.
You used the blocks! I'm so glad!