SDLC 105 Reflection Paper 2

After the first few weeks of trying to teach myself the Turkish language,  I have realized that there are a number of different challenges associated with independently learning a new language.  Although the University of Richmond offers an abundance of resources available to students interested in self-directed language courses, the student is ultimately responsible for allocating time to engage in learning the language.  I have found that you can not truly learn a language simply by studying vocabulary and copying sentences from a textbook, but it is a much more active process.  Learning a language involves gaining a cultural understanding that may be achieved by watching videos that are native to the language you wish to learn or engaging in conversations with native speakers.  In this way, an individual is able to learn the colloquialisms that are associated with the target language.  For example, in Turkey, it is not appropriate to address an elder in the same way that you might address a friend your age.  Similarly, it is not proper to speak casually to someone you have just met.  Therefore, it is important to note the distinctions in formality and informality in speaking the Turkish language.  However, these rules are not necessarily something one might learn from studying words off of an application but rather it is something that requires a deeper understanding of the Turkish culture.  A lack of such knowledge can cause confusion and may be offensive to some native speakers.

In my past experiences of trying to learn to speak Spanish, I was able to travel to Spain where I was immersed in the Spanish culture.  From living with a native Spanish speaker to leaving the house and having to ask for directions in Spanish, my brain was constantly active in trying to better my understanding and production of the language.  Therefore, my current experience of trying to learn a language varies greatly from my previous experiences.  However, I found that the more I surrounded myself with the unknown, the more I was able to learn.  In order to improve my communicative competence, I think that it would be helpful to try incorporating the Turkish language into my everyday life as much as possible.  One way I can do this is by allotting a specific amount of time per day to watching Turkish television shows or news broadcasts with subtitles.  Additionally, I can try having conversations in Turkish with native speakers like my learning partner Sezgi.  Finally, I can conduct some of my own research on the traditions and customs of the Turkish culture by focusing on the way in which these cultural aspects influence the language and the way that it is spoken.  Such strategies would enhance not only my ability to identify and pronounce Turkish words, but they would also allow me to pick up on aspects of the Turkish culture.  By becoming more knowledgeable on the cultural habits and norms of Turkey, I can develop a more diverse understanding of the Turkish language.

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