SDLC 105 Learning Plan

Primary Materials:

  1. Books: “Shnoo the Hell is Going On?” and the Moroccan Arabic textbook published by the Peace Corps
  2. Media: YouTube teaching videos, YouTube videos in Moroccan, and clips from Moroccan TV shows/movies
  3. Websites: TalkingTagine (Dictionary, auditory alphabet for pronunciation, and grammar)

I will begin by examining the Moroccan Arabic alphabet, learning any new letters and/or changes in pronunciation from MSA. Next, I will familiarize myself with the modified Latin alphabet of Moroccan Arabic which is used more often than the traditional Arabic alphabet.

Then, I will begin learning and practicing Moroccan Arabic pronunciation. Unlike MSA, Moroccan Arabic is infamous for its consonant clusters and employs few vowels, making pronunciation very difficult for new learners. Therefore, I will practice saying words to myself and listening to Moroccans on YouTube speaking the language. After this stage, I will begin studying Moroccan vocab weekly.

Next, I will study basic Moroccan grammar such as pronouns, gender distinctions, and uniquely Moroccan grammatical structures such as “dyal.”

Having established a good basis for myself, I will begin learning Moroccan verbs and how they are conjugated to be able to express actions and create sentences using the nouns I have already learned through studying the vocab.

I will continue studying Moroccan grammar and vocabulary, progressing through the textbook, and practicing my pronunciation and writing of Moroccan Arabic in the process. At this point, I will begin watching Moroccan YouTube videos / short clips of Moroccan TV programs or movies to evaluate what I understand and what I need to spend more time on (i.e. the pronunciation, the vocabulary, the grammar, the conjugations, etc.).

Through watching Moroccan YouTube videos and TV shows, I will gain a better understanding of Moroccan culture and how Moroccans view different topics. I will further explore this information and continue practicing my Moroccan Arabic through talking with my Italki partner and also a Moroccan friend on campus.

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  • Excellent plan, Cutty! You've identified solid sources, and you've singled out concrete grammatical structures to target in your efforts. As you progress in your plan, it'd be helpful to hear more commentary on specific elements of your task-based activities. For instance, what kinds of Moroccan YouTube videos and TV shows will you be watching, and why? Also, are there particular elements of Moroccan culture that are of particular interest to you? Lastly, how will you leverage your previous Arabic experiences at UR and in the CLS to continue advancing? I will be observing the realization of your plan with great interest and anticipation!

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