My learning plan is flexible and subject to change depending on how quickly I can achieve each goal/task. At the moment, I am still trying to master the Korean alphabet by identifying, speaking, and writing the characters. Some alphabet characters are easier to master than others, but I have achieved more now compared to when I started this language journey. My main learning resource will be through iTalki because my Korean teacher can identify my strengths and weaknesses through our weekly meetings. Duolingo and Youtube videos are also helpful for learning culture and for practice purposes. Even though this is not a traditional course where there is a designated Korean teacher that teaches the language for a two to three times a week, the flexibility and independence helps me identify my own weaknesses and spend a little more time on that area if needed. My three main goals for SDLAP 110 is to master the Hangeul alphabet, learn conversational vocabulary, and form simple sentences.
Fantastic learning plan, Anna! In addition to YouTube and Unnie, you might also enjoy the learning mode tool through the Viki-Rakuten video library.
I look forward to seeing your progress!