As I mentioned in my earlier posts and presentation, Turkish culture is a unique mixture of European and Asian features, therefore, there may be certain differences in linguistic aspects and body language in East and West. This difference is not too extreme, but there is still some more liberal attitudes in the West compared to the East. Turkish people use body language very commonly. Some instances include "thumbs up" gesture used for hitchhiking, shaking head sideways meaning "I don't understand." On another note, it is very rude to point point something with a finger. Interestingly, the gesture created when a circle is formed by touching the forefinger to the thumb means that a person is homosexual. This gesture is considered very offensive. Blowing your nose loudly in public is also considered a very bad manner. Using fingers to stroke your chin while starring at a woman reflects sexual intentions, so be careful. Hand kissing in Turkey, especially if you kiss a hand of older person and put it on your forehead is a sign of respect. Turkish people are also very touchy and tactile. They greet people by kissing both of their cheeks, they also often hold hands in public(even men) or touch hands or shoulders, and this is considered essential for warm interactions. That is completely okay. Turkish people also like to stare at people much longer than Western people, so do not be surprised! Additionally, waving hand up and down to somebody, with inside of your palm looking down means "come here.Shaking your head to the sides means "no" or "I don't understand", and shaking your head to the front means "yes." Turkey is not an exception when it comes to showing a middle finger. It is very offensive to do so.
Turkish people do not pay specific attention on how they ask questions or say things, because they are more open, more collective and understanding and do not consider being asked questions and things about themselves impolite. They do not mind being asked about their age or salary.
Last but not least, Turkish people are very polite in interactions and communications, especially when it comes to older people but they do not hold the same sense of time and queues as Western people do. You shouldn't pressure any deadlines on Turks, and you shouldn't expect them to be on time on anything, even social gatherings. They also don't like queues and would jump on a bus without considering that there is another person in front of them. This is not considered as disrespectful in Turkey as it might be in the US.
You may be surprised by many things that I mentioned, but Turkish culture is very old, and I do not think their attitudes, behaviors, and traditions will change. The only solution is getting used to this and be empathetic!
Great post, Manya! Gestures and body language are tricky, indeed. You raise an interesting point about the tactile aspects of these mannerisms. Different cultures express varying levels of tactile engagement with the world around them. Also, people from monochronic cultures often have trouble making plans with others from polychronic cultural backgrounds. The expectations are completely different, and exchanges between these different cultures can often prove frustrating. The question of cultural change is extraordinarily complicated, and the prospect of reform entails political, sociological, and economic dimensions. As a language learner, it's usually best to accept these different perspectives, and to acknowledge, accept, and accommodate modes of behavior that differ from your own.