Since English as my second language, I have been learning a foreign language for a long while. Yes, language learning is demanding. What attract me most in language learning is to compare words, sentences and grammar presentation in different languages. It is amazing to analyze how culture influences the formation of a language and how culture changes the words or sentences expression. This is the most important motif that I plan to study Korean. I really enjoy applying my learned vocabulary into oral communication. When I was in primary school, teacher just wrote some English vocabulary with their Chinese translations on a big blackboard. Then, she let us to copy them and memorize them. This was my terrible experience in my language learning life. I am happier to learn language or vocabulary in a specific context or to give me a detailed example to describe the words. It would be so much easier to memorize and learn a language.
According to the Learning Style Test, it suggests me to write out the words again and again, which is normally how I learn English vocabulary. Second, it recommends me to use dictionary and definitions. Third, it says I should organize diagrams into statements and use more list and heading in my lecture notes. Multiple Intelligence Test shows that I am a 80% logical and mathematical person, and both 65% intrapersonal and interpersonal.
In the reading 7 ways to develop good habits in language learning, it points out forming goals is crucial. I think when I start learning Korean, I should set my semester goal, monthly objective and weekly target. Knowing what you want to achieve helps you to check progress and stick on the right track. I believe self-directed language learning is not simply learning a foreign language, but also study to form an excellent learning habit. This is also a course of building up personal self-reflection, critical analysis, self-control and enthusiasm.