Learning Journal #9 "cultural competence"

Culture competence is an interesting topic. I find that many people in the United States don't have a very high cultural competence. I define cultural competence as a persons ability to interact and accept someone of a different culture. 

I was brought up in Indianapolis, IN. I found that most people who were close to the city could interact with me and see me as an equal and recognize my heritage. However as you moved farther into the more rural part of Indiana I was not greeted with the nice smiles that I have been accustomed to. I feel that culture competence is something that you gain by experience and empathy. Most people who have been abroad will be completely open to new cultures(unless they had a horrible encounter which they might still carry on their shoulder). 

I have found that cultural competence is also key when going abroad. I am going abroad in the Fall to Beijing, China. I am very excited but at the same time I am nervous. I have understand Chinese culture in order not to embarrass myself and look culturally incompetent. I have been in situations where a friend has made a culturally insensitive comment and it made the entire group seem brutish. 

A person could take an entire course on cultural competence and still not cover everything. I feel like culture competence and worldliness go hand and hand.

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