In addition to discussing the resources, outline how you have begun to work on your first language tasks.
I have downloaded BYKI but I am not 100% how to use it yet. I could not find an accessible page to start learning the language. Aside from this, I have mainly been using Mango languages as well as a couple vocabulary lists (which I annotated in my Diigo) that I found on Google in order to learn the necessary introductory vocabulary. I am looking forward to using these resources because they will create a good foundation for me in the language. Thankfully, all of the resources with the exception of the vocabulary list that I found on Quizlet have an auditory component to them, so I will be able to mimic the sounds to the best of my ability as a starting point for developing my listening and speaking skills. My plan is to first use Mango languages and the vocabulary lists to familiarize myself with some of the words. Then, I will start using Duolingo to complement the study to develop some writing skills as well as my comprehension of words in sentences. I have begun to write down the words that I learn in my Turkish notebook. More specifically, I have written down classroom/life survival language vocabulary and introductions. I will continue to write down newly learned words in order to find patterns in the language.
I love the idea!! Thanks for the advice! I will do it!!
Interesting post, Zach. Have you checked with Gokhan to see that the audio content on Quizlet is reliable? Be very wary of computer-generated pronunciation tools.
Regarding your acquisition of new vocabulary, you should also consider labeling items around your dorm room in the target language. Learning the vocabulary of a new language is a bit like a paint by numbers kind of activity, where you are the artist. The more words that you know, the more detail and vividness you can use to describe the world around you. These labels also contribute to a faster cognitive processing time. Instead of looking at a 'bookshelf', and translating mentally from "bookshelf" to "kitaplık," your brain will begin to associate the meaning of the Turkish word to its physical manifestation.