Learning Journal #10 Culture Shock

The "Culture Shock" video was interesting to watch. I took it to heart because I will be going abroad in the fall. I found that the people who aren't shocked by another culture are not getting the full effect of being abroad. I liked how the video focused on different aspects of culture shock and the students that were interviewed often presented solutions to the problems that were being discussed. 

The main example of culture shock that I observe on a regular bases from international students studying at Richmond for a semester is the tendency to clump together with other international students. There are a few exceptions however for the most part this is true. I noticed that the international students who have meshed with the rest of the student body are often connected through club activities. I remember in the video one of the students said that getting involved in extracuricular activities helped him meet locals and have more friends outside of the international group. I found this particularly helpful. I will most likely be rooming in an international dorm while abroad in Beijing and I now know not to just hang out with the people in my dorm but also natives.

I was also able to relate to the stereotype discussion. I have been abroad to visit relatives and when talking to them some are curious if the stereotypes of America are true. This isn't the case for just America but all countries have some stereotypes. In the video some of the stereotypes the students came to the University with interested me. I feel as though taking stereotypes with you abroad shows a closed mind. I would like to go abroad and be able to completely accept the foreign culture.

Overall I thought "Culture Shock" was an interesting video that cleared up a lot of perceptions and thoughts that any student going abroad will feel at some point during their career abroad. I found it helpful to the point where I will remember the tips for my trip abroad.

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