Thank you for an awesome semester!
I hope you had a great experience at UR...
Wishing you all the best :)
We should meet up if/when I go to Barcelona
Gràcies per un increïble semestre!
Espero que tinguis una gran experiència a UR ...
Desitjant-vos tot el millor :)
Hem de trobar-nos si / quan vaig a Barcelona
It's fantastic that you were able to use a thank you note to Marc as a cultural artifact! Always good to kill two birds with one stone. Just out of curiosity, why did you opt to include the translation? I suspect that you included it for the benefit of other students on the Ning, but did you find that switching between Catalan and English advanced or detracted from your overall acquisition efforts? Moving forward, you may benefit from the immersive techniques of Benny Lewis, or a learning style that affirms the Platonic relationship of sense and reference to help you start thinking in Catalan without translating everything through the imperfect intermediary filter of English. Great job, and I hope you get to reconnect with Marc in Barcelona!
It is so interesting reading this note! It looks like a mix of French and Spanish into one language. This reminds me of how hard it is learning Portuguese because how similar and it is to Spanish. I imagine its even harder for a native speaker to discern Catalan when its similar to both Portuguese and Spanish, yet it is neither. Did you find it harder or easier to understand words/speak in Catalan due to your knowledge of Portuguese? Do you think that you could pass living in Barcelona with the knowledge you already had from knowing Portuguese? Or do you think there are more differences then meets the eye?