- What do you need to know about the structure of your target language? How will you acquire the knowledge you need? Do you think a reference grammar can be useful? Why or why not?
It is extremely different from english. The basic structure of Modern Hebrew is generally SVO. (Subject verb object). When reading hebrew, it is oddly constructed compared to English languages. It is more on the same family as other semeitic languages since hebrew is a s emetic language. Some difference are as followed: Adjectives follow noun. The Hebrew text reads left to right. To make it more complicated, it is a romance language so that means like french wording is different for men and women. Another example is a verb can come before its subject unlike as in English.
When asking a question, it can be seen as easier than english. When you make a question, you don’t change the order of the words like in English. You can ask a question in many ways.The first is by simply taking a statement and putting a question mark in your voice then you raise your voice at the end of the sentence to make it sound questioning.