Week 1
- Greetings
- Days of the week
- Colors
- Pronunciations
- Culture talk with language partner
Week 2
- Food
- Drinks
- Family members
- Pronunciations
- Culture talk with language partner
Week 3
- Household items
- Pronunciations
- **anything left over from previous weeks
- Culture talk with language partner
Week 4
- Places
- Locations
- Professions
- Pronunciations
- Culture talk with language partner
Week 5
- How to tell time
- Numbers
- Pronunciation
- Culture talk with language partner
Week 6
- Animals
- **anything left over from previous weeks
- Pronunciations
- Culture talk with language partner
Week 7
- Women issues in India
- Related vocabulary
- Pronunciations
Week 8
- India's politics (Basic)
- Related vocabulary
- Pronunciations
Week 9
- India's geography
- Related vocabulary
- Pronunciations
Week 10
- Review all lessons and make sure remember everything
- Watch Hindi movie (no subtitles)
- Talk about movi - Related vocabulary
- Pronunciations
For 105, I was to write a final reflection on my entire self-taught experience this semester. I believe this is exactly what was required for 110 as well. I have attached below the reflection I turned in for 105 as well because my experience was the same for both 105 and 110. If there is some information missing please let me know, and I will provide it. The only information missing from the attached reflection is commentary about the learning plan. So here it is: Looking back after the semester, I would say that I managed to do most of the items on my list. However, I will definitely need to go back and continue to practice all of the vocab words and sentences and phrases that I learned. With practice, it should become easier to say when trying to speak conversationally, whereas right now, I still have to really think about it.
Thank you!
It makes sense that you would acquire some basic vocabulary and structures for the items in your learning plan during the first semester and then try to reinforce that learning and become more fluent in the second semester. I'd like you to think of things you'd like to say about each of these items as part of your learning plan for next semester.