110 Cultural Artifact Post #1

I visited new grand mart with my friends and ordered Korean food for dinner. I ordered the Tang Jang Myeon, which is a combination of Tangsuyuk (탕수육), a sweet and sour pork dish, and Jajangmyeon (짜장면), a noodle dish topped with a thick sauce made of diced pork and vegetables. The dish overall was very tasty!12746857853?profile=original

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  • This looks delicious, Devin! Grand Mart is such a cool restaurant. It's interesting to hear from Kate that your dish is a kind of Chinese-Korean fusion.

  • Wow! That looks so good. I love the half and half option. What you ate are generally considered as Chinese food in Korea. I’ve heard that actual Chinese cuisine isn’t like that though, so I guess it’s Korean and Chinese fusion food. I have actually tried the actual Chinese version of jjangjangmyeon at a friend’s house before, and it was really different! 

  • This looks delicious! It is so different from anything I recognize from American/Western cuisine or even from Indian cuisine (my target country). I love the use of fresh vegetables in the dishes.

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