Over the past two weeks, I have thought about what my goals are regarding American Sign Language (ASL). Through the SDLC 105 course, I have learned that to simply learn all of ASL is a gargantuan and unrealistic task. When learning a language, one has to set a goal for the usage and implementation of that language’s use. This means that when an individual learns a language, they need to have a goal for that language in mind. The goal can not be to simply learn the entire language, but rather a smaller, more accomplishable goal such as being able to order food at a restaurant or ask for directions when lost. As an individual who would like to have a vocation within the medical community, I find that my goal with ASL is to learn how to communicate with the deaf community in a medical emergency.
I took an emergency medical technician (EMT) course this past summer and as an EMT when you encounter a medical emergency, there are a series of steps and questions I would have to ask the patient (given they are responsive). Some examples of the questions I would have to ask are “How are you feeling? Do you take any medications? Do you have any allergies? When did the pain start? ” My goal of this course is to be able to go through all the required steps of an emergency medical assessment using ASL and to be able to understand my patient’s responses. To accomplish such a task, each week I have created a list of words that revolve around a common theme in a medical assignment. So, for the first week with my language partner, we will learn different signs for the body to build vocabulary, but we will also learn the most commonly used verbs, nouns, and sayings to help me understand the grammar and structure of the language.
Because ASL is a sign/movement based language, taking notes about the vocabulary and grammar of the language proves to be challenging. With the lack of physical notes, I am worried about my ability to practice ASL without my learning partner because in the event I forgot a sign, I am unable to go back and read my notes. To counter this issue, I plan on, with the permission of the learning partner, to record the video of signs and phrases we learn, thus I can refer back to the information. I have also found several ASL dictionary-based iPhone apps that may prove to be useful in my language journey.
Unfortunately, I have yet to meet with my set language partner, Reba, because of miscommunication. But this upcoming Monday, January 27th, I have my first meeting with her! In the meantime, I have used the online website, https://www.italki.com, to become exposed to the language. Today, I have a 90 minute learning season with one of the instructors who I very much enjoyed. Although it was only the first lesson, the amount I learned was tremendous! I never realized the extent facial expressions played in the role of ASL, but after this session, I understand the necessity of it. When my instructor taught me the word for “enemy” and “opposite”, the sign was the same, but the facial expression is what differed. I am beyond excited about my meeting tomorrow and am excited to start this ASL journey.