My first artifact is a letter to my mom wishing her happy birthday and letting her know how much she means to me and my siblings. I did something like this last year, but this letter's more complex in writing structure than the last since it uses more conjuncts.
Things I want to work on:
-Fluidity of my handwriting
-Writing longer sentences and more complex structures than this, maybe I should start working on essays or short stories on my own?
Things I got better at:
-The placement of the vowels and knowing where to put them, for example the ekar (া) I used to put it in the wrong spots when they wouldn't be needed for the word
-Basic conjuncts such as the (ক্ত্) the k + t
Artifact 1:

Artifact 2:
In this artifact, I typed Bangla over skype with Sabrina. Since her keyboard wasn't working, she answered me over the webcam while I typed in Bangla.
হেল Hello
11:35 PM
ঐটা কি টিখ Is this right?
11:37 PM
11:37 PM
বাঙলাদেশ Bangladesh (I was testing the keyboard by writing random things at this point)
11:38 PM
11:39 PM
সালাম সাবরিনা Salam, Sabrina
11:43 PM
তুমি কেমন আছ? How are you?
11:45 PM
কিনতু তুমি ঐমনি ঔনেক পাগল Why are you very crazy? (She had said she was)
11:47 PM
েমনি (I was trying to correct a misspelled word in the sentence from here to down there)
11:48 PM
11:48 PM
11:48 PM
11:49 PM
অমনি (The word was very)
11:49 PM
অনেক (Finally fixed!)
11:49 PM
ছয়রে বশে অমার পাসা বেতা কোরে The chair I'm sitting on is hurting my butt
11:51 PM
কাতের চআইর It's a wooden chair
11:51 PM
অঅঅঅআ (Aaaaa)
11:52 PM
আমার (It entered this before I was ready for it to be sent)
11:52 PM
আমার অনেক কাজ আচে আর আমি কোরতে চায় না. আরবির পরোজেকত, একতা কলাসের জন্(রোপালা) I have a lot of homework and I don't want to do it. I have an Arabic project and I have to present it
11:59 PM
Friday on Skype
আছে I have it (I was responding to something she asked)
0:00 AM
করতে চাই. I want to do it.
This is the skype conversation from another day, there was more to it, but it got lost in the skype chat box. I'm just going to use it as part of this one artifact. I was on skype with my niece and we were talking about her.
[3/20/14, 7:42:48 PM] Noraya: আমার ভাগনি My niece
[3/20/14, 7:43:48 PM] Noraya: ভাগনির নাম আথসিন ঈরা মামুন Her name is Afseen Ira Mamun
[3/20/14, 7:45:09 PM] Noraya: মামুন ওর বাপপের নাম Mamun is her father's last name
[3/20/14, 7:45:41 PM] Noraya: বাবু ওনেক কুঠ Baby is very cute
[3/20/14, 7:46:52 PM] Noraya: কিঅউট (Corrections for spelling cute- I was just transliterating English in Bengali)
[3/20/14, 7:47:09 PM] Noraya: কিউট
[3/20/14, 7:51:19 PM] Noraya: নতুন কাপুর পোরালে কত খুশি হঘ If she wears new clothes, she gets really happy
[3/20/14, 7:52:25 PM] Noraya: কাপড় (Correction for spelling clothes)
[3/20/14, 7:53:05 PM] Noraya: হয়
[3/20/14, 7:58:09 PM] Noraya: অজ ও অনেক ভেকসিন পাযসে Today she got a lot of vaccines
[3/20/14, 7:58:41 PM] Noraya: পায
[3/20/14, 7:58:47 PM] Noraya: পায়সে (Correction for got)
From this chat session, I've learned that I have a lot of spelling errors for simple words. Since I speak Bangla colloquially, it's easier for me to mess up the correct form of a verb because I think I know it, but my slurs and fast speech leaves out certain letters, but I'm not always aware of it. In English, it'd be the equivalent of situations in which one says things like "don't worry 'bout it" when it's actually "don't worry about it". They're minor differences, but it's not something that I can get away with in writing. I need to work on articulating the sounds more when writing, and even in normal speech.