Reflecting on the presentations, I really enjoyed learning about different aspects of different cultures particularly from the non-Korean presentations. But I think there are some overlaps among the the different cultures and the Korean culture. As it was pointed out in the Pakistani myths presentations, they value eternal love through the mythical stories, Koreans value eternal love as well as portrayed in Korean dramas. Both Korean dramas and the Pakistani myths have sort of a fantasy component. The stories are not very realistic, but some aspects are, such as the girl having to obey her father's orders and marry who she is supposed to. Korean tradition values parents, and children should respect and obey them, perhaps not for marriage, but in general.
I thought the German presentation was also interesting, particularly in regards to how they are giving the Syrian refugees some cultural education to help them adjust to life in Germany and deal with people during a festive time. I do not think that Koreans have much very many refugees from other countries coming in. But it makes me think of how South Koreans would handle the North Koreans who escape and try to live in South Korea. I do not know much about North and South Korean cultural differences, but I would assume there are some. I would think the North Koreans, coming from a very isolated society, they would not be as open as the South Koreans and may not be used to the whole Kpop, K-drama culture. Perhaps they would not even be able to understand aegyo. The North Koreans who see South Korean girls do aegyo might find it offensive and that girls should not show off and be so dramatic and that they should still be feminine but more conservative particularly when interacting with men.
Applying Korean culture to the Kosher McDonalds presentation, I think that there are probably Korean McDonalds and I would think their menu offers different options than the American ones. I think the Korean McDonald's might offer burgers and fries with varying flavors and levels of spiciness. They would probably advertise McDonald's using Korean celebrities from different K-pop groups and dramas to encourage people to eat there.