Over this past semester, I definitely enjoyed actively trying to reconnect with my language of heritage/culture. My objective was to increase my communication proficiency, something I feel like was able to accomplish via multiple topic based conversations and external resources, like podcasts. I also tried to improve my Korean knowledge in general, such as strengthening knowledge of grammatical structures, application of certain affixes, and expanding my vocabulary. While I definitely enjoyed my time improving Korean, I was also very much interested by the concurrent class I took, SDLC 105. I never had much interaction with the actual structures of language, I had only tried to learn different ones. The closest I got to analyzing language at all was probably in highschool English class, and we never really delved into the structure of a sentence. I was pleasantly surprised with the class, and I learned that I enjoy learning about linguistics. The things I found difficult pertained more to self learning than classes/sessions, such as not remembering to correct errors in enunciation or grammar. I would attempt to solve this by writing notes and reviewing such notes occasionally. Thankfully my language partner was accommodating, and I never felt like I lacked practice. I plan to continue my learning via study abroad in Korea next semester, but with constant practice when I come back. I can also probably keep continuing to listen to communicatory audios, like podcasts and radios.
I think the reading which introduced us to the opposition of aspects between languages, like collectivism vs individualism, etc. was really interesting. I also enjoyed reading about extinct languages, and all the processes taken place to revive a dead language. Although I don’t know exactly what I would like to learn more about, I think less technical articles and those of more interest suit me the best. When articles had too much terminology or were complex, I definitely had a harder time comprehending them. Overall, though, all the articles were interesting and it was great learning about the various aspects of language.