I found the reading "Figuring Foreigners Out" very interesting. Each of the points about society and culture are very necessary to take into consideration: Individualist vs. Collectivist, Nonverbal Communication, Monochronic vs. Polychronic, and Direct vs. Indirect Communication.
Coming from a very Italian family, the Israeli cultural tenancies do not overtly shock me. This past Thursday, my language partner and I went out to lunch together to go over the menu and speak about food. When she saw a table outside that she really wanted to sit at, she put her jacket on the chair, claiming the table, and we walked up to the waiter and told him that we were sitting outside at that table. I laughed at the directness of her actions, because it is exactly what my grandparents do whenever they arrive at a restaurant. However, as an American, this action was startling and was something that I am still learning and becoming comfortable with, the directness of the Israeli culture. When I was in Israel, I had to insert myself into situations if I wanted something to happen, otherwise someone else was going to get what I wanted. Thus, I would say that the Israeli culture is quite direct in their confrontations. However, I do not see the culture as being more individualistic and having "less developed ingroups." On the contrary, I find Israeli to be quite a collectivist society and that their directness is part of their culture and how they show affection. You cannot go to Israel and easily be offended, otherwise you will be offended.
Additionally, Non-verbal cues are essential. Last week, my language partner taught me how to say "wait a minute" with her hands. This hand signal to me, from my Italian background, meant "CRAZY PERSON!!". She had to take five minutes to explain how the gesture is used and what context. To me it was very different and just showed me how much cultures can very with the same gestures. Thus, I would have been part of the second category where a non-verbal communication gets mistranslated.