Byambaa Khurelbaatar
Spring '13
SDLC 111
My Learning Plan
Ultimate/semester goal: I would like to understand the structuring of sentences better so that way I can actually construct sentences together. This would consist of learning grammar so this semester will be focused on grammar lessons and new vocabulary.
Task 1: Review last semester's work
What do I need to learn to complete task? Use notes and lessons from previous semester.
How will I learn? Practice and converse with partner to revive learned tasks. Ask any relevant questions.
How will I document what I have learned?
How well can I accomplish this task? This task was done fairly easily. There were a few things that needed reiteration but overall, remembering old skills seemed to be helpful and successful.
Task 2: Beginning Grammar
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn the Verb'이다' : to be and topic marker '-은/는'
How will I learn? Use "" this website as a resource and follow the lessons provided. Go over objectives, key expressions, vocabulary, and also complete reading and listening lessons.
How will I document what I have learned? I can record myself reading dialogues.
How well can I accomplish this task? I learned the two forms of the verb to be which coordinates with a noun ending with a vowel/consonant. I learned the same thing for the topic marker. This lesson went smoothly.
Task 3: Grammar = Subjective Marker
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn what the subjective marker '-이/가' is used for and when.
How will I learn? Use the website and read the lesson on it and practice it by speaking with my partner.
How will I document what I have learned? Write out sentences using the subjective marker.
How well can I accomplish this task? I learned that this is used to indicate that the preceding noun phase is the subject of the sentence. Ka is after a word ending with a vowel, and "e" is used after a consonant. I had trouble choosing when to use the subj marker versus the topic marker. I still need some practice with these two tasks.
Task 4: Grammar = 이,그,저 (demonstrative)+NOUN
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn how to say this/that/that over there
How will I learn? Use online lesson and point at objects to indicate if it is "this/that/ or that over there".
How will I document what I have learned? Make a drawing of objects and write if it's this, that or that over there.
How well can I accomplish this task? It was a little tricky at first but I just need to practice it more with more vocabularies.
Task 5: Grammar = Negation
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn the lesson for Verb '아니다' : not to be and Verb '있다/없다' : to be/not to be.
How will I learn? Use the lesson and read aloud the example sentences to understand how possession/nonpossession is indicated.
How will I document what I have learned? Write out sentences that change the positive to negatives.
How well can I accomplish this task? As the grammar lessons progress, it is getting a bit more difficult but this lesson seemed straightforward but I still need to practice everything all together more. Haven't quite yet mastered this skill yet.
Task 6: Grammar = destination and the marker for also/too
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn the marker '-에' indicating destination and marker 도: also/too.
How will I learn? Go over the lesson the Sogang university website. Read the dialogues and complete the practice session provided by this lesson on the website.
How will I document what I have learned? Make sentences using the markers.
How well can I accomplish this task? Indicating destination wasn't too hard to grasp, I just need to remember to indicate it before the verb. The marker for "also" can replace the objective/subjective marker, so I need to remember that this can change in sentences when saying I also did something.
Task 7: Grammar = Location
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn the pattern '옆/ 앞 / 뒤 / 위 / 아래 + 에' : beside/in front of/behind/on/under
How will I learn? Practice filling the blanks with the appropriate words for beside, in front of, behind, on, and and under.
How will I document what I have learned? Draw pictures and label locations by writing out sentences.
How well can I accomplish this task? Learning the structure of the whole sentence was challenging but with more practice this can be accomplished.
Task 8: Grammar = Adverb '안' : do not and the marker '-에서' : at/in,from
What do I need to learn to complete task? Practice using "an" to express the negative by placing it before the verb. I should also use "eso" to indicate where an action takes place. It can also mean "from" so in this way I can say where I am from.
How will I learn? Read the dialogues and do the listening lesson the hear the grammars being used. Also, the practice session provided with the lesson.
How will I document what I have learned? Create sentences.
How well can I accomplish this task? I can do this task well.
Task 9: Grammar = The marker '-보다' : more than and 제일/가장 : the most
What do I need to learn to complete task? Read over the explanation of these grammar lessons and practice.
How will I learn? Read the example sentences and listen to dialogues and practice.
How will I document what I have learned? Complete worksheet Brigid created for me.
How well can I accomplish this task? Comparison seemed to go well as long as I knew to incorporate all the previous lessons along with it.
Task 10: Colors
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn the most common colors used to describe objects.
How will I learn? Write down and listen to pronunciations using the app on my iPad.
How will I document what I have learned? Match colors with the correct words on paper.
How well can I accomplish this task? Very well.
Task 11: Grammar = Verb "to buy"
What do I need to learn to complete task? Learn how to say I want to buy ____. Learn the verb for "to buy".
How will I learn? Use the lesson provided online.
How will I document what I have learned? Speak and express what I would like to buy.
How well can I accomplish this task? Sufficient enough that someone will understand what I am trying to say.
Task 12: Grammar = The sentence ending '-아(어/여)요'
What do I need to learn to complete task? I need to learn when to use each form and after what verb stem each form is used.
How will I learn? Look over the lesson carefully and memorize the rules in order to decide which form and when to use them.
How will I document what I have learned? Make up different sentence endings to show the differences.
How well can I accomplish this task? This was the hardest task of all because the endings of sentences are important and there are many different forms to learn. This is definitely one lesson that needs more reiteration and practice.
I can statements:
- Ask "What is this/that/that over there?"
- Use subject markers/topic markers in sentences
- Say this is a pencil or that is a desk.
- I can make negatives using the negative verb "anida"
- I can indicate that someone or something is stationary in a place using the marker "eh"
- Ask "Where are you going?"
- I can indication "also"
- change "There are chairs --> There are chairs also."
- I can indicate location
- "The library is next to the hospital."
- The chair is under the desk."
- I can indicate where I am from using the word "eso".
- I can express negatives using "an" before verbs
- I can ask "How much is this?"
- I can say "I want to buy____"
- I can indicate colors
- I can indicate sentence endings according to different verb stems that are used.