In the beggining I had a learning plan that was largely based on the picture dictionary in the language lab. I
found that I had to memorize words without knowing the letters, so I had to learn the alphabet first. When the
instructor introduced a book I finally learned the alphabet. I still have trouble with the jeem, chay. I had my
learning plan but didn't use it since I stopped going to the language lab but continued to use The
family was something we later did in class and on my own. My focus was primarily on listening but our
instructor sought to incorporate the book for reading and gave us periodic writing assignments. My focus then
shifted onto food since the book had so much emphasis on food and the kitchen as well as our homework
assignment on food. This had distracted me from shopping. So I dropped shopping. We learned days in class.
We talked about the weather on numerous occasions. Then we learned colors and prepositions which weren't
in the book we are assigned. I focused on professions and nationalities even though the book had very little.
The culture class had forced me to do a project at the end on something that I thought would be medicine.
After research, I thought the easiest way to find pretty pictures with persian words was tourism, so I learned
religious and architectural words.
1: alphabet, greetings and ask questions
2: family
3: numbers
4: nationalities and languages
5: food: fruits, vegetables
6: time and weather
7: colors and prepositions/ prepositional phrases
8: majors and school situations
9: in the house: kitchen/ dinner table
10: professions and hobbies