Because our class is not an intensive language class, we really chose to focus on the Turkish grammar for the most part. When reading Turkish, I can easily identify the subjects, objects, and verbs. This has come at the expense of learning vocabulary, therefore it is difficult for me to understand what the sentence is actually talking about. My classmate actually provided a great tip for learning the Turkish vocabulary. He has been using Duolingo along with the Turkish grammar we are learning in our classes. For him, Duolingo was used solely for vocabulary. He recommended that I do the same in order to learn some vocabulary. I definitely took his advice, which very much helped me a lot. Also this last month, we learned the proper way of saying what time it is in Turkish. Apparently it is more common for Turks to use phrases like “a quarter til”, “a quarter past”, “half past”, and “10 til”, than it is in English. In English, there is more of a generational gap for these phrases. Older people use these phrases while younger people prefer to tell the exact time. The last major thing we reviewed this semester was the future tense. The future tense was also pretty easy to learn. Over the course of the semester, after I learned that Turkish was based on certain suffixes depending on the tense, I learned the material fairly quickly. The future tense is shown below:
Future verb tense: take root, add “-acak (if preceding vowel is a, ı, o, u,) or -ecek (if preceding vowel is e, i, Ü, Ö)”, add suffix
Olmak = to be
Ben: ol-acağ-ın = olacağın Biz: ol-acağ-ız = olacağız
Sen: ol-acak-sın = olacaksın Siz: ol-acak-sınız = olacaksınız
O: ol-acak = olacak Onlar: ol-acak = olacak
It is important to note that in the first person conjugations we do not use “k”. because the consonant “k” is a hard consonant, the Turkish language makes it softer by using “ğ”. The hard consonants that must be substituted in Turkish are “k, p, t, and Ç” and will be substituted with “ğ, b, d, c” respectively. This past month we also learned about the months of the year, the different seasons, and the days of the week. One thing that was very interesting to me was how most Turkish words come from old Ottoman Turkish, while some also come from Arabic and Persian. I feel that Islam has a huge influence in Arabic rooted words in Turkish. One more thing that we have learned this semester was the modes of transportation. I honestly have learned an incredible amount of Turkish this semester. Unfortunately, I am not able to write about all of it because it is so much. I plan to continue learning Turkish following graduation because it is so interesting to me. Hopefully, I will be able to travel to Turkey and really use the language skills I have acquired so far. I am so grateful for my teacher taking the time to really wok with me. This experience has been like no other.