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A lot of the resources for Korean in Global Studio were geared towards beginner Korean. A Because I do have basic background in Korean, I personally don’t think the resources on shelves will be too helpful in learning new vocabulary words. I also looked through Mango Languages and I was familiar with most of the things for it covered a lot of basic/practical Korean lessons. I think Diigo is useful for I can organize a separate folder/file for Korean. I’m hoping the things I find helpful can benefit other students in the class as well. I liked BYKI for learning vocabulary words, but as I mentioned earlier, and I think I’ll use it time to time.
I found an online Intermediate College Korean Lesson plan on University of Berkeley Language site ( The texts and dialogues also come with an audio component which I think will be very helpful. The lesson plans go over a variety of topics such as dialogues in an airplane (which I think will be extremely useful and important for travelling to Korea) and facts about Korean holidays. Each lesson is also comprised of grammar lessons, vocabulary, exercises, additional exercises, and homework. I hope to go through 1 or 2 lessons per week.
My plan for this week is to go over Lesson 1 and 2 on the Intermediate College Korean website as well as watch Youtube videos. I found a great video series for learning Korean from MASTERTOPIK on youtube. Each video is about 40-45 min and it goes over from beginner Korean and intermediate Korean. I plan to watch the Beginner Korean I first and follow through up to Intermediate (I bookmarked both of these resources on diigo as well).
Tentative Plan for Korean Language Learning Plan
Based on the “Can-Do” statements, I’m between Novice High and Intermediate Mid Level in Korean. Because I lived in Korea until the age of 8, I do remember the basics, and can somewhat converse in Korean. However, when I moved to the U.S., the lack of exposure to the language as well as culture caused me to forget large portions of vocabulary, grammar, and spelling/writing. Therefore, my goals for this semester are the following:
Interpersonal communication: As of now, I would say I probably know enough basic vocabulary to have normal, everyday conversations in Korean. However, it often takes me a while to formulate my thought into Korea, therefore, I use a lot of Konglish (mixture of Korean and English) in my sentences or speak slowly. Thus, my goal for this semester is to continue to practice using Korean, and familiarize myself with everyday words again so that I can feel more comfortable speaking the language. I feel that even just practicing with my language partner will highly benefit me in interpersonal communication. I want to become more comfortable with speaking about day-to-day events with my language partner.
Listening: Listening and understanding Korean is the least difficult for me personally. Regarding normal, everyday conversations, I can generally understand most of what is going on. However, where I start to have issues is when someone starts using Korean slang, idioms, or starts using vocabulary outside the pre-k level. Therefore this semester, I want to familiarize myself with more vocabulary to increase my listening skills. My goal for by the end of the semester is to listen to a short news segment and understand the majority of what it is talking about, and discuss it with my language partner, which also ties into my goals for interpersonal communication.
Presentation: I’ve only attended kindergarten and 1st grade in Korea so I never presented in Korean before. At my current level, I am not comfortable giving a speech in Korean; however, as I learn more vocabulary and become more comfortable in the language, I hope to plan a presentation in Korean.
Writing: For me, writing in Korean is the most difficult. Although I watch Korean dramas and speak Korean-English to my parents, I rarely have the opportunity or chance to write in Korean, especially during school. Therefore, aside from what I can make up from being able to read it, my writing skills are probably closer to the beginner level. Therefore, my goal is to learn more grammar and vocabulary and practice it in order to improve my writing. In addition, I hope to be able to write something simple like a journal entry or a letter to a friend in Korean by the end of the semester.
Reading: Reading the Korean characters is very easy, but comprehending the material is very difficult. For the most part, I can read out loud anything in Korean. The Korean alphabet is very simple, therefore the act of reading is not difficult. However, if it is language outside of the basic everyday language, I generally do not understand it. Therefore, I would like to work on being able to read more news articles, and novels (elementary school level) this semester.